# Dialog Flow Engine
The Dialog Flow Engine (DFE) allows you to write conversational services. The service is written by defining a special dialog graph that describes the behavior of the dialog service. The dialog graph contains the dialog script. DFE offers a specialized language (DSL) for quickly writing dialog graphs. You can use it in such services for writing skills for Amazon Alexa and etc, chat-bots for social networks, websites call-centers and etc.
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# Quick Start
## Installation
pip install df_engine
## Basic example
from df_engine.core.keywords import GLOBAL, TRANSITIONS, RESPONSE
from df_engine.core import Context, Actor
import df_engine.conditions as cnd
from typing import Union
# create script of dialog
script = {
GLOBAL: {TRANSITIONS: {("flow", "node_hi"): cnd.exact_match("Hi"), ("flow", "node_ok"): cnd.true()}},
"flow": {
"node_hi": {RESPONSE: "Hi!!!"},
"node_ok": {RESPONSE: "Okey"},
# init actor
actor = Actor(script, start_label=("flow", "node_hi"))
# handler requests
def turn_handler(in_request: str, ctx: Union[Context, dict], actor: Actor):
# Context.cast - gets an object type of [Context, str, dict] returns an object type of Context
ctx = Context.cast(ctx)
# Add in current context a next request of user
# pass the context into actor and it returns updated context with actor response
ctx = actor(ctx)
# get last actor response from the context
out_response = ctx.last_response
# the next condition branching needs for testing
return out_response, ctx
ctx = {}
while True:
in_request = input("type your answer: ")
out_response, ctx = turn_handler(in_request, ctx, actor)
When you run this code, you get similar output:
type your answer: hi
type your answer: Hi
type your answer: ok
type your answer: ok
To get more advanced examples, take a look at [examples](https://github.com/deepmipt/dialog_flow_engine/tree/dev/examples) on GitHub.
# Contributing to the Dialog Flow Engine
Please refer to [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/deepmipt/dialog_flow_engine/blob/dev/CONTRIBUTING.md).