A Python wrapper of `adevs`_, a C++ library implementing the Discrete Event
System Specification (DEVS).
.. _adevs: http://web.ornl.gov/~1qn/adevs/
.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pydevs/badge/?version=latest
:target: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pydevs/?badge=latest
:alt: Documentation Status
.. image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/l/pydevs.svg
:target: http://pydevs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/license.html
:alt: License
* **Documentation**: `pydevs.readthedocs.org <http://pydevs.readthedocs.org>`_
* **Repository**: `github.com/andsor/pydevs <http://github.com/andsor/pydevs>`_
* **Read the Docs**: `readthedocs.org/projects/pydevs <https://readthedocs.org/projects/pydevs>`_
Requirements and Python 2/3 compatibility
This package runs under **Python 2** and **Python 3**, and has been tested with
**Python 2.7.6** and **Python 3.4.0**.
See the `LICENSE <LICENSE>`_ file.
Development environment
Use `tox`_ to `prepare virtual environments for development`_.
.. _prepare virtual environments for development: http://testrun.org/tox/latest/example/devenv.html
.. _tox: http://tox.testrun.org
To set up a **Python 2.7** environment in ``.devenv27``, run::
$ tox -e devenv27
To set up a **Python 3.4** environment in ``.devenv34``, run::
$ tox -e devenv34
This package uses `setuptools`_.
.. _setuptools: http://pythonhosted.org/setuptools
Run ::
$ python setup.py sdist
or ::
$ python setup.py bdist
or ::
$ python setup.py bdist_wheel
to build a source, binary or wheel distribution.
Complete Git Integration
Setuptool uses the information of tags to infer the version of your project
with the help of `versioneer <https://github.com/warner/python-versioneer>`_.
To use this feature you need to tag with the format ``MAJOR.MINOR[.REVISION]``
, e.g. ``v0.0.1`` or ``v0.1``.
The prefix ``v`` is needed!
Run ::
$ python setup.py version
to retrieve the current `PEP440`_-compliant version.
This version will be used when building a package and is also accessible
through ``devs.__version__``.
The version will be ``unknown`` until you have added a first tag.
.. _PEP440: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440
Pre-commit hooks
Unleash the power of Git by using its `pre-commit hooks
Run ::
$ pre-commit install
to install the pre-commit hooks.
Sphinx Documentation
Build the documentation with ::
$ python setup.py docs
and run doctests with ::
$ python setup.py doctest
Alternatively, let `tox`_
`configure the virtual environment and run sphinx <http://tox.readthedocs.org/en/latest/example/general.html#integrating-sphinx-documentation-checks>`_::
$ tox -e docs
Add further options separated from tox options by a double dash ``--``::
$ tox -e docs -- --help
Read the Docs
`Read the Docs`_ hosts the project at
.. _Read the Docs: http://readthedocs.org/
Add `requirements`_ for building the documentation to the
`requirements-doc.txt <requirements-doc.txt>`_ file.
.. _requirements: http://pip.readthedocs.org/en/latest/user_guide.html#requirements-files
Continuous documentation building
For continuously building the documentation during development, run::
$ python setup.py autodocs
Unittest & Coverage
Run ::
$ python setup.py test
to run all unittests defined in the subfolder ``tests`` with the help of `tox`_
and `py.test`_.
.. _py.test: http://pytest.org
The py.test plugin `pytest-cov`_ is used to automatically generate a coverage
.. _pytest-cov: http://github.com/schlamar/pytest-cov
Continuous testing
For continuous testing in a **Python 2.7** environment, run::
$ python setup.py test --tox-args='-c toxdev.ini -e py27'
For continuous testing in a **Python 3.4** environment, run::
$ python setup.py test --tox-args='-c toxdev.ini -e py34'
Requirements Management
Add `requirements`_ to the `requirements.txt <requirements.txt>`_ file which
will be automatically used by ``setup.py``.
Add development `requirements`_ to the `requirements-dev.txt <requirements-dev.txt>`_ file.