# NHentai API
A NHentai API made using python webscrapping. \
For update notes follow me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/AlexandreSenpa1) or join on NHentai-API [discord server](https://discord.gg/576uSRDD)
## Installation
pip install --upgrade NHentai-API
pip3 install --upgrade NHentai-API
## Library Features
- Home page pagination;
- Doujin information;
- Random doujin;
- Search;
- Comment Listing;
- Today's Popular Doujins.
### Home
from NHentai import NHentai
nhentai = NHentai()
random_doujin: HomePage = nhentai.get_pages(page=1)
The expected output is a HomePage instance:
doujins: List[
id: int
media_id: str
upload_at: datetime
url: str
title: List[Title]
tags: List[Tag]
artists: List[Tag]
languages: List[Tag]
categories: List[Tag]
characters: List[Tag]
parodies: List[Tag]
groups: List[Tag]
cover: Cover
images: List[DoujinPage]
total_favorites: int = 0
total_pages: int = 0
total_pages: int,
total_results: int,
per_page: int)
### Random
from NHentai import NHentai
nhentai = NHentai()
random_doujin: Doujin = nhentai.get_random()
The expected output is a Doujin instance:
id: int
media_id: str
upload_at: datetime
url: str
title: List[Title]
tags: List[Tag]
artists: List[Tag]
languages: List[Tag]
categories: List[Tag]
characters: List[Tag]
parodies: List[Tag]
groups: List[Tag]
cover: Cover
images: List[DoujinPage]
total_favorites: int = 0
total_pages: int = 0
Note: Not all doujins have certain properties like `tags`, `artists`, etc. They could be an empty list or a NoneType value.
### Search
from NHentai import NHentai, Sort
nhentai = NHentai()
search_obj: SearchPage = nhentai.search(query='naruto', sort=Sort.RECENT, page=1)
search_obj: SearchPage = nhentai.search(query='30955', page=1)
The expected output is a SearchPage instance:
query: str
sort: str
total_results: int
total_pages: int
doujins: List[
id: int
media_id: str
upload_at: datetime
url: str
title: List[Title]
tags: List[Tag]
artists: List[Tag]
languages: List[Tag]
categories: List[Tag]
characters: List[Tag]
parodies: List[Tag]
groups: List[Tag]
cover: Cover
images: List[DoujinPage]
total_favorites: int = 0
total_pages: int = 0
### Doujin
from NHentai import NHentai
nhentai = NHentai()
doujin: Doujin = nhentai.get_doujin(doujin_id=287167)
The expected output is a Doujin instance:
id: int
media_id: str
upload_at: datetime
url: str
title: List[Title]
tags: List[Tag]
artists: List[Tag]
languages: List[Tag]
categories: List[Tag]
characters: List[Tag]
parodies: List[Tag]
groups: List[Tag]
cover: Cover
images: List[DoujinPage]
total_favorites: int = 0
total_pages: int = 0
### Comments
from NHentai import NHentai
nhentai = NHentai()
comments: CommentPage = nhentai.get_comments(doujin_id=1)
The expected output is a CharacterListPage instance:
CommentPage(total_comments: int
comments: List[Comment(id: int,
gallery_id: int,
poster=User(id: int,
username: str, slug: str,
avatar_url: str,
is_superuser: bool,
is_staff: bool),
post_date: str,
body: str)])
### Most Popular
from NHentai import NHentai
nhentai = NHentai()
doujins: PopularPage = nhentai.get_popular_now()
The expected output is a PopularPage instance:
total_doujins: int
doujins: List[
id: int
media_id: str
upload_at: datetime
url: str
title: List[Title]
tags: List[Tag]
artists: List[Tag]
languages: List[Tag]
categories: List[Tag]
characters: List[Tag]
parodies: List[Tag]
groups: List[Tag]
cover: Cover
images: List[DoujinPage]
total_favorites: int = 0
total_pages: int = 0
# NHentai API Async
This is the first version of the asynchronous nhentai scrapper. The methods work in the very same way as the base nhentai scrapper, but to make it work you'll have to work with asyncio module using an event loop that you can import from it or get from NHentaiAsync class property: `event_loop`.
Since we're working with async functions, you can only call the NHentaiAsync methods from inside an async funcion or context.
If you are already working in an async event loop, such as a python Discord API like `discord.py`, you can simply await calls that you would otherwise have to call `run_until_complete` on top of.
Async example 1:
from NHentai import NHentaiAsync
nhentai_async = NHentaiAsync()
event_loop = nhentai_async.event_loop
popular = event_loop.run_until_complete(nhentai_async.get_popular_now())
Async example 2:
from NHentai import NHentaiAsync
nhentai_async = NHentaiAsync()
async def get_popular():
popular = await nhentai_async.get_popular_now()
event_loop = nhentai_async.event_loop
Await example:
from NHentai import NHentaiAsync
nhentai_async = NHentaiAsync()
# Run in an async function or you will get an error: `'await' outside async function`.
popular = await nhentai_async.get_popular_now()