# Detect Attacks:
A python package which detects network attacks includes:
* Collecting data from attacks
* Classifying data to predict the risks of the network attacks
* Warning users risks which could be a network attack.
# Getting Started
## Prerequisites
* These packages should be installed before using detect_attacks:
tensorflow 1.5.0
sklearn 0.19.1
keras 2.1.3
numpy 1.14.0
matplotlib 2.1.2
deepmg 0.5.9
* Please install if you do not have them
pip install matplotlib
pip install numpy
conda install scikit-learn
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
conda install -c conda-forge keras
pip install Keras-Applications
pip install Keras-Preprocessing
pip install keras_sequential_ascii
pip install deepmg
## Install or Download the package detect_attacks
pip install detect_attacks
# Running Experiments
## How to use detect_attacks
* **Input**:
- mandatory: csv files containing data (\*_x.csv) and labels (\*_y.csv)
- optional: if use external validation set: data (\*_zx.csv) and labels (\*_zy.csv)) put in [data](data/) changable with parameters *--orginal_data_folder*).
For examples, data1_x.csv and data1_y.csv for.
* **Output**:
- *results*: performance/training/testing information of each fold and summary results put in [results/*name_dataset_parameters_to_generate_image*/] (results/) (changable with parameters **--parent_folder_results**), includes more than 5 files:
- \*file_sum.txt: parameters used to run, performance at each fold. The last rows show training/testing performance in ACC, AUC, execution time, and other metrics of the experiment. When the experiment finishes, a suffix "_ok" (changable with parameters **--suff_fini**) appended to the name of file marking that the experiment finishes.
- \*file_eachfold.txt (if **--save_folds=y**): results of each fold with accuracy, auc, mcc, loss of training and testing.
- \*file_mean_acc.txt (if **--save_avg_run=y**): if the experiment includes *n* runs repeated independently, so the file includes average performance on *k*-folds of each run measured by **accuracy** and time execution at training/testing of beginning, training/testing when finished.
- \*file_mean_auc.txt (if **--save_avg_run=y**): if the experiment includes *n* runs repeated independently, so the file includes average performance on *k*-folds of each run measured by **AUC** at training/testing of beginning, training/testing when finished.
- If **--save_para=y**: configuration file to repeat the experiment
- If use **--save_w=y** (save weights of trained networks) and/or **--save_entire_w=y**, **--save_d=y**, then 2 folders will be created:
- results/*name_dataset_parameters_to_generate_image*/models/: includes \*weightmodel\*.json contains structure of the model \*weightmodel\*.h5 stores weights.
- results/*name_dataset_parameters_to_generate_image*/details/\*weight_\*.txt: contains accuracy and loss of training and testing every epochs **--save_d=y**. If **--save_rf=y**, then we will have important scores generated from RFs for each run.
## Some examples
python -m detect_attacks -i $db_name -r $folder_data --parent_folder_results $folder_res --model rf_model
python -m detect_attacks -i $db_name -r $folder_data --parent_folder_results $folder_res --model svm_model
python -m detect_attacks -i $db_name -r $folder_data --parent_folder_results $folder_res --model model_cnn1d
python -m detect_attacks -i $db_name -r $folder_data --parent_folder_results $folder_res --model model_mlp
python -m detect_attacks -i $db_name -r $folder_data --parent_folder_results $folder_res --model fc_model
## Download data
Please use the link below to download data for the experiments
# References: