# Database access package for detech.ai
This is detech.ai's package to access Dynamodb & Timestream programatically.
# Imports
import detech_query_pkg
############### DynamoDB Package ##############################
from detech_query_pkg.dynamodb_pkg import dynamodb_queries as db_queries
from detech_query_pkg.dynamodb_pkg.utils import dynamodb_utils as db_utils
#Start DynamoDB Client
aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, region_name=REGION_NAME)
############### Timestream Package ##############################
from detech_query_pkg.timestream_pkg import ts_queries
from detech_query_pkg.timestream_pkg.utils import ts_utils
from detech_query_pkg.timestream_pkg.models import metrics_model
from detech_query_pkg.timestream_pkg.models import metrics_creator_utils
# Initialize Client
def create_dynamodb_client(aws_access_key_id,aws_secret_access_key, region_name)
def create_timestream_write_client(aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key)
def create_timestream_query_client(aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key)
# Functions
## timestream_pkg (ts_queries.py)
def insert_metrics_from_metric_list(client, metric_list)
# Inserts metrics in batch to timestream
#metric_list must have the following fields
metric_list = [
{'org_id', 'region_name', 'namespace', 'component_id', 'period', 'agent', 'metric_alignment', 'unit', 'description' , 'metric_id', 'metric_name', 'value', 'timestamp'},
{'org_id', 'region_name', 'namespace', 'component_id', 'period', 'agent', 'metric_alignment', 'unit', 'description' , 'metric_id', 'metric_name', 'value', 'timestamp'},
def query_metrics(client, sql_query)
# Performs an SQL query to timestream and transforms the output to a more desirable format
query_response = {
'metric_id': 'qgrdy1bXGeKSmAtW58CD',
'agent': 'AWS.CloudWatch',
'component_id': 'AWS/ApplicationELB.app/component',
'period': '60',
'unit': 'None',
'org_id': 'Organization',
'metric_alignment': 'Sum',
'namespace': 'AWS/ApplicationELB',
'description': 'The total number of concurrent TCP connections active from clients to the load balancer and from the load balancer to targets.',
'region_name': 'eu-west-1',
'value': '64.0',
'metric_name': 'ActiveConnectionCount',
'timestamp': '2020-10-12 14:28:00.000000000'
## timestream_pkg.utils (ts_utils.py)
def prepare_metric_records(measure_name, measure_value, timestamp, dimensions)
#The dimensions that need to be passed must be in the following format
dimensions = [
{'Name':'org_id', 'Value': str(metric['org_id'])},
{'Name':'region_name', 'Value':str(metric['region_name'])},
{'Name':'namespace', 'Value':str(metric['namespace'])},
{'Name':'component_id', 'Value':str(metric['component_id'])},
{'Name':'period', 'Value': str(metric['period'])},
{'Name':'agent', 'Value':str(metric['agent'])},
{'Name':'metric_alignment', 'Value':str(metric['metric_alignment'])},
{'Name':'unit', 'Value':str(metric['unit'])},
{'Name': 'description', 'Value': str(metric['description'])},
{'Name': 'metric_id', 'Value':str(metric['metric_id'])}
def write_to_timestream(client, records, database_name, table_name)
# Inserts metrics to timestream after they are in the correct format
def query_from_timestream(client, sql_query)
# Queries metrics from timestream with a given sql_query
## timestream_pkg.models (metric_creator_utils.py & metrics_model.py)
#from metric_creator_utils.py
def build_metric_model(metric_id, metric_name, org_id, component_id,
namespace, metric_alignment, agent, dimensions, region_name=None,
is_default=False, description=None, period=60,unit=None, samples=[])
#Queries metrics from timestream with a given sql_query
#from metrics_model.py
class MetricModel(object):
def __init__(self,
def to_dict(self)
#Queries metrics from timestream with a given sql_query
## dynamodb_pkg
def insert_alert(alert_id, metric_id, org_id, app_id, team_id, assigned_to, start_time, end_time, alert_description, is_acknowledged, anomalies_dict, related_prev_anomalies, service_graph, significance_score, dynamodb)
insert_alert(alert_id = "256828", metric_id = 123, org_id = 'org_id', app_id = 'app_id', team_id = 'team_id', assigned_to = 'Jorge', \
start_time = '2020-09-03 12:00:00', end_time = '2020-09-03 12:20:00', alert_description = 'Spike in costs',\
is_acknowledged = 'True', anomalies_dict = {}, related_prev_anomalies = {},
service_graph = {}, significance_score = '34.3')
def get_alert_item_by_key(anom_id, dynamodb)
def update_alert_with_related_anomalies(alert_id,start_time, corr_anoms_dict, related_prev_anomalies, dynamodb)
def terminate_alert(alert_id,start_time, end_timestamp, dynamodb)
def create_metric(metric_id, date_bucket, metric_name, provider, namespace,
agent, org_id, app_id, alignment, groupby, dimensions, data_points_list, dynamodb)
metric_id = "test1", date_bucket = "2020-10-02", metric_name = "error_rate",
provider = "aws", namespace = "dynamodb", agent = "CloudWatch", org_id = "test",
app_id = "app1", alignment = "Sum",
dimensions = [{"Name": "TableName", "Value": "alerts.config"}],
last = 1535530432, data_points_list = [
{ 'val': 55, 'time' : 1535530430},
{ 'val': 56, 'time': 1535530432}], dynamodb=dynamodb
def batch_insert_metric_details_objects(list_of_metric_objects, dynamodb)
#Inserts list of metrics objects in batch into Dynamodb
def batch_insert_metric_details_objects(list_of_metric_objects, dynamodb)
#Inserts list of metrics objects in batch into Dynamodb
def batch_insert_component_info_objects(list_of_component_objects, dynamodb)
#Inserts list of component objects in batch into Dynamodb
def get_metric_details(metric_id, dynamodb)
#Fetches all the details for a specific metric_id
def get_metric_item_by_key(metric_id, curr_date, dynamodb)
def scan_metrics_by_encrypted_id(anom_alarm_id, dynamodb)
def query_alerts_configs_by_key(metric_id, dynamodb)
def insert_alert_config(metric_id, alert_title, severity, alert_type, alert_direction, description, duration, duration_unit, rule_dict, recipients_list, owner_dict, dynamodb)
metric_id = "metric1245", alert_title = "Anomaly by Cluster", severity = "critical",
alert_type = "anomaly", alert_direction = "spikes/drops", description = "Relevant to Play Store billing user journey",
duration= 12, duration_unit = "hours", rule_dict = {}, recipients_list = [{
"channel" : "webhook",
"contact" : "j.velez2210@gmail.com"
"channel" : "slack",
"contact" : "j.velez2210@gmail.com"
owner_dict = {
"user_id" : "user12341",
"user_name" : "João Tótó",
def query_most_recent_metric_fetching_log(component_id, dynamodb)
#Fetches the log with the highest timestamp, from all the logs between start & end ts
def insert_api_request_log(api_name, request_timestamp, response_status_code, request, response, dynamodb)
# Example
insert_api_request_log(api_name='anomalarm_metrics', request_timestamp=1603466177, response_status_code='202',
request={'key': 'value'}, response={'key': 'value'}, dynamodb=dynamodb)
def insert_new_anomaly(id, timestamp, metric_id, value, dynamodb, is_dev_env=False):
# Example
insert_new_anomaly(id="125123", timestamp=1599563224, metric_id="m412", value=123.44, dynamodb=dynamodb)
def update_anomaly_relations(id, timestamp, cross_correlations, possible_related_anomalies, possible_related_matches,
dynamodb, is_dev_env=False):
# Example
"web-server-1.cpu0.iowait": {
"coefficient": 0.95752,
"shifted": 0,
"shifted_coefficient": 0.95752
"256826": {
"metric_id": "web-server-1.mysql.counters.handlerRead_key",
"timestamp": 1599563164
"169560": {
"timestamp": 1599563230,
"fp id": 8821,
"layer id": "None",
"metric_id": "web-server-2.mariadb.localhost:3306.mysql.bytes_sent"
def insert_anomalarm_anomalies_webhook_log(anomalarm_id, timestamp, request, response, dynamodb, is_dev_env=False):
# Example
def terminate_anomaly(id, timestamp, end_timestamp, dynamodb, is_dev_env=False):
# Example
terminate_anomaly(id="125123", timestamp=1599563224, end_timestamp=1599663224, dynamodb=dynamodb)
def insert_error_log(dynamodb, service_name, timestamp, msg, details, is_dev_env=False):
# Example
insert_error_log(dynamodb=dynamodb, service_name="metric_to_db", timestamp=1599563224, msg="Error inserting value",
'exception': 'RejectedRecordsException',
'response': {...}
## dynamodb_pkg.utils
def put_item(item_dict, table_name, dynamodb)
#Inserts json item into DynamoDB table
item_dict = {
"attr" : "value",
"attr2" : "value2"
table_name = "alerts"
def batch_insert(list_of_item_dicts, table_name, dynamodb)
#Inserts a list of item_dicts in batch to dynamodb
def get_item(key_dict, table_name, dynamodb)
#Retrieves item from DynamoDB table
key_dict = {
"prim_key" = "value",
"sort_key" = "value"
def get_item_and_retrieve_specific_attributes(key_dict, attr_list, table_name, dynamodb)
#Retrieves item from DynamoDB table and retrieve specific attributes
key_dict = {
"prim_key" :"value",
"sort_key" : "value"
attr_list = ['attr1', 'attr2']
def update_item(key_dict, update_expression, expression_attr_values, table_name, dynamodb)
#Retrieves item from DynamoDB table
key_dict = {
"prim_key" = "value",
"sort_key" = "value"
update_expression = "set service_graph=:i, metric_list=:l, significance_score=:s"
expression_attr_values = {
':i': {'s1':['s2', 's3']},
':l': ['124','123'],
':s': Decimal(35.5)
#example to append to list
UpdateExpression="SET some_attr = list_append(if_not_exists(some_attr, :empty_list), :i)",
':i': [some_value],
"empty_list" : []
def update_item_conditionally(key_dict, condition_expression, update_expression, expression_attr_values, table_name, dynamodb)
#Retrieves item from DynamoDB table
key_dict = {
"prim_key" = "value",
"sort_key" = "value"
update_expression = "set service_graph=:i, metric_list=:l, significance_score=:s"
expression_attr_values = {
':i': {'s1':['s2', 's3']},
':l': ['124','123'],
':s': Decimal(35.5)
condition_expression = "significance_score <= :val"
def delete_item_conditionally(key_dict, condition_expression, expression_attr_values, table_name, dynamodb)
condition_expression = "significance_score <= :val"
expression_attr_values = {
":val": Decimal(50)
key_dict = {
'org_id': 'Aptoide',
'start_time': '2020-09-03 12:00:00'
def query_by_key(key_condition, table_name, dynamodb)
#Queries from DynamoDB table by key condition
key_condition = Key('org_id').eq('Aptoide')
def query_and_project_by_key_condition(projection_expr, expr_attr_names, key_condition, table_name, dynamodb)
#Queries from DynamoDB table by key condition and only returns some attrs
key_condition = Key('year').eq(year) & Key('title').between(title_range[0], title_range[1])
projection_expr = "#yr, title, info.genres, info.actors[0]"
expr_attr_names = {"#yr": "year"}
def scan_table(scan_kwargs, table_name, dynamodb)
#Scans entire table looking for items that match the filter expression
scan_kwargs = {
'FilterExpression': Key('year').between(*year_range),
'ProjectionExpression': "#yr, title, info.rating",
'ExpressionAttributeNames': {"#yr": "year"}
def query_by_key_min_max(key_condition, table_name, is_min, dynamodb)
#Queries from DynamoDB table by key condition
key_condition = Key('part_id').eq(partId) & Key('range_key').between(start, end)
key_condition = Key('part_id').eq(partId)
def get_all_items_in_table(table_name, dynamodb)
def increment_atomic_counter(counter_type, number_of_values, dynamodb)
#Increments a counter and makes sure it is done atomically
#Available counter types: