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This is a python package for solving Initial Value Problems using various numerical integrators.
Many integration routines are included ranging from fixed step to symplectic to adaptive integrators.
Documentation is now available at `desolver docs <>`_! This will be updated with new examples as they are written, currently the examples show the use of ``pyaudi``.
Latest Release
**4.2.0** - Improved performance of implicit methods, added embedded implicit methods following Kroulíková (2017) for fully implicit adaptive integration.
**4.1.0** - Initial release of implicit integration schemes that use a basic newton-raphson algorithm to solve for the intermediate states.
**3.0.0** - PyAudi support has been finalised. It is now possible to do numerical integrations using ``gdual`` variables such as ``gdual_double``\ , ``gdual_vdouble`` and ``gdual_real128`` (only on select platforms, refer to `pyaudi docs <>`_ for more information). Install desolver with pyaudi support using ``pip install desolver[pyaudi]``. Documentation has also been added and is available at `desolver docs <>`_.
**2.5.0** - Event detection has been added to the module. It is now possible to do numerical integration with terminal and non-terminal events.
**2.2.0** - PyTorch backend is now implemented. It is now possible to numerically integrate a system of equations that use pytorch tensors and then compute gradients from these.
Use of PyTorch backend requires installation of PyTorch from `here <>`_.
To Install:
Just type
``pip install desolver``
Implemented Integration Methods
Explicit Methods
Adaptive Methods
#. Runge-Kutta 14(12) (Feagin, 2009)
#. Runge-Kutta 10(8) (Feagin, 2009)
#. Runge-Kutta 8(7) (Dormand & Prince, 1980)
#. Runge-Kutta 4(5) with Cash-Karp Coefficients
#. Adaptive Heun-Euler Method
Fixed Step Methods
#. Symplectic BABs9o7H Method (Mads & Nielsen, 2015, BAB's9o7H)
#. Symplectic ABAs5o6HA Method (Mads & Nielsen, 2015, ABAs5o6H)
#. Runge-Kutta 5 - The 5th order integrator from RK45 with Cash-Karp Coefficients.
#. Runge-Kutta 4 - The classic RK4 integrator
#. Midpoint Method
#. Heun's Method
#. Euler's Method
#. Euler-Trapezoidal Method
Implicit Methods [\ **NEW**\ ]
Adaptive Methods
#. Lobatto IIIC 4(2) (Kroulíková, 2017)
#. Radau IIA 5(2) (Kroulíková, 2017)
Fixed Step Methods
#. Backward Euler
#. Implicit Midpoint
#. Crank-Nicolson
#. Lobatto IIIA 2
#. Lobatto IIIB 2
#. Lobatto IIIC 2
#. Radau IA 3
#. Radau IIA 3
#. Lobatto IIIA 4
#. Lobatto IIIB 4
#. Gauss-Legendre 4
#. Radau IA 5
#. Radau IIA 6
Minimal Working Example
This example shows the integration of a harmonic oscillator using DESolver.
.. code-block:: python
import desolver as de
import desolver.backend as D
def rhs(t, state, k, m, **kwargs):
return D.array([[0.0, 1.0], [-k/m, 0.0]])@state
y_init = D.array([1., 0.])
a = de.OdeSystem(rhs, y0=y_init, dense_output=True, t=(0, 2*D.pi), dt=0.01, rtol=1e-9, atol=1e-9, constants=dict(k=1.0, m=1.0))
print("If the integration was successful and correct, a[0].y and a[-1].y should be near identical.")
print("a[0].y = {}".format(a[0].y))
print("a[-1].y = {}".format(a[-1].y))
print("Maximum difference from initial state after one oscillation cycle: {}".format(D.max(D.abs(a[0].y-a[-1].y))))
Feagin, T. (2009). High-Order Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods. Retrieved from ` <>`_
Dormand, J. R. and Prince, P. J. (1980) A family of embedded Runge-Kutta formulae. *Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics*, 6(1), 19-26. ` <>`_
Mads, K. and Nielsen, E. (2015). *Efficient fourth order symplectic integrators for near-harmonic separable Hamiltonian systems*. Retrieved from ` <>`_
Kroulíková, T. (2017). RUNGE-KUTTA METHODS (Master's thesis, BRNO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, Brno, Czechia). Retrieved from ` <>`_