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`deployfish` has commands for managing the whole lifecycle of your application:
* Safely and easily create, update, destroy and restart ECS services
* Safely and easily create, update, run, schedule and unschedule ECS tasks
* Extensive support for ECS related services like load balancing, application
autoscaling and service discovery
* Easily scale the number of containers in your service, optionally scaling its
associated autoscaling group at the same time
* Manage multiple environments for your service (test, qa, prod, etc.) in
multiple AWS accounts.
* Uses AWS Parameter Store for secrets for your containers
* View the configuration and status of running ECS services
* Run a one-off command related to your service
* Easily exec through your VPC bastion host into your running containers, or
ssh into a ECS container machine in your cluster.
* Setup SSH tunnels to the private AWS resources in VPC that your service
uses so that you can connect to them from your work machine.
* Extensible! Add additional functionality through custom deployfish modules.
* Works great in CodeBuild steps in a CodePipeline based CI/CD system!
Additionally, `deployfish` integrates with
[terraform](https://www.terraform.io) state files so that you can use the
values of terraform outputs directly in your `deployfish` configurations.
To use `deployfish`, you
* Install `deployfish`
* Define your service in `deployfish.yml`
* Use `deploy` to start managing your service
A simple `deployfish.yml` looks like this:
- name: my-service
environment: prod
cluster: my-cluster
count: 2
service_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/ecsServiceRole
load_balancer_name: my-service-elb
container_name: my-service
container_port: 80
family: my-service
network_mode: bridge
task_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/myTaskRole
- name: my-service
image: 123142123547.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/my-service:0.0.1
cpu: 128
memory: 256
memoryReservation: 128
- "80"
See the `examples/` folder in this repository for example `deployfish.yml`
## Documentation
[deployfish.readthedocs.io](http://deployfish.readthedocs.io/) is the full
reference for deployfish, including a full `deployfish.yml` reference and
## Installing deployfish
deployfish is a pure python package. As such, it can be installed in the
usual python ways. For the following instructions, either install it into your
global python install, or use a python [virtual environment](https://python-guide-pt-br.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs/) to install it
without polluting your global python environment.
### Install deployfish
pip install deployfish
### Install AWS CLI v2
deployfish requries AWS CLI v2 for some of its functionality, notably EXEC'ing into FARGATE containers. While AWS CLI
v1 was installable via `pip`, AWS CLI v2 is not, so we have to do the install manually. Here's how to set that up on a
# Uninstall any old versions of the cli
pip uninstall awscli
# Deactivate any pyenv environment so we can be in the system-wide Python interpreter
cd ~
# Install the new AWS CLI from brew -- it's no longer pip installable
brew update
brew install awscli
# Install the Session Manager plugin
curl "https://s3.amazonaws.com/session-manager-downloads/plugin/latest/mac/sessionmanager-bundle.zip" -o "sessionmanager-bundle.zip"
unzip sessionmanager-bundle.zip
sudo ./sessionmanager-bundle/install -i /usr/local/sessionmanagerplugin -b /usr/local/bin/session-manager-plugin
If later on you have issues with EXEC'ing or with the `aws` command in general, check to ensure you're getting your
global version of `aws` instead of an old one in your current virtual environment:
aws --version
If the version string shows version < 2:
pip uninstall awscli