**demodocus** is Python CLI program to quickly check synchronization
- Version: 1.0.0
- Date: 2015-12-12
- Developer: `Alberto Pettarin <>`__
- License: the MIT License (MIT)
- Contact: `click here <>`__
Using pip
1. Open a console and type:
.. code:: bash
$ [sudo] pip install demodocus
2. That's it! Just run without arguments (or with ``-h`` or ``--help``)
to get the manual:
.. code:: bash
$ demodocus
Make sure to have ``ffmpeg`` installed and available on your ``PATH``
environment variable, see below.
From source code
1. Get the source code:
- clone this repo with ``git``:
.. code:: bash
$ git clone
- or download the `latest
release <>`__ and
uncompress it somewhere,
- or download the `current master
ZIP <>`__
and uncompress it somewhere.
2. Open a console and enter the ``demodocus`` (cloned) directory:
.. code:: bash
$ cd /path/to/demodocus
3. Install the requirements:
.. code:: bash
$ [sudo] pip -r requirements.txt
4. That's it! Just run without arguments (or with ``-h`` or ``--help``)
to get the manual:
.. code:: bash
$ python -m demodocus
Make sure to have ``ffmpeg`` installed and available on your ``PATH``
environment variable, see below.
- Python, version 2.7.x or 3.4.x (or above)
- ``ffmpeg``: download it from or install it
with your packet manager
- ``pyaudio`` : install it via ``pip``:
.. code:: bash
$ [sudo] pip install pyaudio
(if a compilation error appears, check that you have the PortAudio
1.9 headers available: in Debian, they are provided by the
``portaudio19-dev`` package)
$ demodocus -h
$ demodocus -a AUDIO -s SYNCMAP [OPTIONS]
Run an interactive CLI tool to verify that SYNCMAP has a good alignment against AUDIO.
The sync map file can be in JSON or SSV/SSVH format (auto-detected).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a AUDIO, --audio AUDIO
path to the audio file
-c, --continuous keep going (default: False)
-d DURATION, --duration DURATION
play audio for max DURATION seconds (default: 2)
play audio every INCREMENT fragments (default: 1)
-s SYNCMAP, --syncmap SYNCMAP
path to the sync map file
-v, --version print version and exit
-w WAIT, --wait WAIT wait WAIT seconds before playing the next fragment
(default: 0)
$ demodocus -a audio.mp3 -s syncmap.json
Check audio.mp3 against syncmap.json with default parameters (2 seconds, all fragments)
$ demodocus -a audio.mp3 -s syncmap.ssv
As above, but the sync map file has SSV format
$ demodocus -a audio.mp3 -s syncmap.json -d 1
Play each fragment for max 1 second
$ demodocus -a audio.mp3 -s syncmap.json -d 3 -i 5
Play every 5 fragments, for max 3 seconds each
$ demodocus -a audio.mp3 -s syncmap.json -d 3 -i 5 -w 0.5
Pause for 0.5 seconds before playing next fragment
$ demodocus -a audio.mp3 -s syncmap.json -c -i 5 -d 1.5 -w 0.5
Play every 5 fragments, 1.5 seconds each, continuously, pausing for 0.5 seconds
**demodocus** is released under the MIT License.
Limitations and Missing Features
- The input file must be converted to WAVE before running: slow for
very large input files
- Dependency from ``ffmpeg``, called via ``subprocess`` to convert the
input file to WAVE
- Dependency from ``pyaudio``, which in turns depends on ``PortAudio``
- No tests
- No documentation