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# Demisto Client for Python
A Python library for the Demisto API.
Version 2.x is compatible with Demisto server version 4.5 and later.
## Demisto for Python Usage
This section covers the steps you need to take to get the client configured.
### 1. Get a Demisto API Key
Follow these instructions to generate your Demisto API Key.
1. In Demisto, navigate to **Settings > API Keys**.
2. Click the **Generate Your Key** button.
To avoid hard coding configurations in your code, it is possible to specify configuration params
as the following environment variables (env variables will be used if parameters are not specified):
* DEMISTO_HTTP_HEADERS (must be in the form of: header1=value1,header2=value2,header3=value3,...headerN=valueN)
* DEMISTO_VERIFY_SSL (true/false. Default: true)
* XSIAM_AUTH_ID (for Cortex XSIAM only. If set, Cortex XSIAM API will be used)
* SSL_CERT_FILE (specify an alternate certificate bundle)
### 2. Create a Demisto client instance with the api-key and server-url
import demisto_client
# Also possible to set env variables: DEMISTO_API_KEY and DEMISTO_BASE_URL
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
host = 'https://YOUR_DEMISTO_HOST'
api_instance = demisto_client.configure(base_url=host, api_key=api_key)
**For Cortex XSIAM, we need to set the auth_id**
import demisto_client
# Also possible to set env variables: DEMISTO_API_KEY, DEMISTO_BASE_URL and XSIAM_AUTH_ID
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
host = 'https://YOUR_XSIAM_HOST'
api_instance = demisto_client.configure(base_url=host, api_key=api_key, auth_id=auth_id)
**Alternatively, you can login with username and password (only in xsoar):**
import demisto_client
# Also possible to set env variables: DEMISTO_USERNAME DEMISTO_PASSWORD and DEMISTO_BASE_URL
host = 'https://YOUR_DEMISTO_HOST'
username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'
api_instance = demisto_client.configure(base_url=host, username=username, password=password)
### 3. Create incidents
import demisto_client.demisto_api
from demisto_client.demisto_api.rest import ApiException
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
host = 'https://YOUR_DEMISTO_HOST'
api_instance = demisto_client.configure(base_url=host, api_key=api_key, debug=False)
create_incident_request = demisto_client.demisto_api.CreateIncidentRequest()
create_incident_request.name = 'Sample Simulation Incident'
create_incident_request.type = 'Simulation'
create_incident_request.owner = 'Admin'
api_response = api_instance.create_incident(create_incident_request=create_incident_request)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->create_incident: %s\n" % e)
Additional examples available in the [docs](docs/README.md) and under the [examples folder](examples/).
## API Documentation
API Documentation based upon the Demisto Server Swagger API is available [here](docs/README.md)
## Troubleshooting
### API Key
If when using an API key you encounter a response similar to the following:
{"id":"forbidden","status":403,"title":"Forbidden","detail":"Issue with CSRF code","error":"http: named cookie not present","encrypted":false,"multires":null}
It means your API key is invalid. Make sure you are using a valid API key. You can check your API key by using curl with the following request:
curl -i -k -H 'Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY' https://your-demisto.server.url/about
For a valid API key you will receive a response similar to the following:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=10886400000000000; includeSubDomains
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:27:53 GMT
Content-Length: 189
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
{"demistoVersion":"5.5.0", ...}
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome and appreciated. To contribute follow the instructions below and submit a PR.
Before merging any PRs, we need all contributors to sign a contributor license agreement. By signing a contributor license agreement, we ensure that the community is free to use your contributions.
When you open a new pull request, a bot will evaluate whether you have signed the CLA. If required, the bot will comment on the pull request, including a link to accept the agreement. The CLA document is also available for review as a [PDF](https://github.com/demisto/content/blob/master/docs/cla.pdf).
If the `license/cla` status check remains on *Pending*, even though all contributors have accepted the CLA, you can recheck the CLA status by visiting the following link (replace **[PRID]** with the ID of your PR): <https://cla-assistant.io/check/demisto/demisto-py?pullRequest=[PRID>] .
## Dev Environment Setup
We recommend installing both development environments. We use [tox](https://github.com/tox-dev/tox) for managing environments and running unit tests.
Install `tox`:
pip install tox
List configured environments:
tox -l
Then setup dev virtual envs for python 3 (will also install all necessary requirements):
tox --devenv py310
Switch to python 3 env by running:
. py310/bin/activate
## Running Unit Tests
We use pytest to run unit tests. Inside a virtual env you can run unit test using:
python -m pytest -v
Additionally, our build uses tox to run on multiple envs. To use tox to run on all supported environments (py38, py39, py310), run:
tox -q
## Code Generation
Library code was generated using the Demisto Server 4.5.0 Swagger definition with modifications to support later Server versions.
**Important:** All code under [demisto_client/demisto_api](demisto_client/demisto_api) is generated using the swagger code generation tool. Do not modify this code directly.
We use a script to run the generate tool and then modify as needed.
If you would like to contribute **DO NOT** modify the generated code directly, modify the script: [gen-code.sh](gen-code.sh) and then re-generate the code.
To generate the code run (requires bash, sed and docker):
## Publishing a Release (demisto devs)
After merging to `master`, a test deployment will be pushed to: <https://test.pypi.org/project/demisto-py/> .
You can test the test package by following the pip install instructions. For example:
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ demisto-py
Steps to publish a production release:
* Make sure [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) is up to date.
* Create and push a tag with the release version using git. For example:
git tag v2.0.19
git push origin v2.0.19
* Check that the circleci build completes successfully. Once done, the release will be pushed to: <https://pypi.org/project/demisto-py/> .
* Update GitHub releases: go to [tags page](https://github.com/demisto/demisto-py/tags) and for the relevant tag choose from the right drop down menu: `Create release`. Name the release the same as the tag. Copy the text from previous releases for the description.
Congratulations! The release is now public.
## License
Apache 2.0 - See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.