# Deeptech
> A library that helps with writing ai functions fast.
It ships with a full [Documentation](docs/README.md) of its API and [Examples](deeptech/examples).
## Getting Started
Please make sure you have pytorch installed properly as a first step.
pip install deeptech
Then follow one of the [examples](deeptech/examples) or check out the [api documentation](docs/README.md).
## Design Principles
The api builds on three core parts: Data, Model or Training. Some parts which are considered core functionality that is shared among them is in the core package.
* **Data** is concerned about loading and preprocessing the data for training, evaluation and deployment.
* **Model** is concerned with implementing the model. Everything required for the forward pass of the model is here.
* **Training** contains all required for training a model on data. This includes loss, metrics, optimizers and trainers.
* *Core* contains functionality that is shared across model, data and training.
## Tutorials & Examples
Starting with tutorials and examples is usually easiest.
Simple Fashion MNIST Examples:
* [Fasion MNIST: Simple](deeptech/examples/mnist_simple.py)
* [Fasion MNIST: Custom Model](deeptech/examples/mnist_custom_model.py)
* [Fasion MNIST: Custom Loss](deeptech/examples/mnist_custom_loss.py)
* **TODO** [Fasion MNIST: Custom Optimizer](deeptech/examples/mnist_custom_optimizer.py)
* [Fasion MNIST: Custom Dataset](deeptech/examples/mnist_custom_dataset.py)
### Fashion MNIST
Here is the simplest mnist example, it is so short it can be part of the main readme.
from deeptech.data.datasets import FashionMNISTDataset
from deeptech.model.models import ImageClassifierSimple
from deeptech.training.trainers import SupervisedTrainer
from deeptech.training.losses import SparseCrossEntropyFromLogits
from deeptech.training.optimizers import smart_optimizer
from deeptech.core import Config, cli
from torch.optim import SGD
class FashionMNISTConfig(Config):
def __init__(self, training_name, data_path, training_results_path):
super().__init__(training_name, data_path, training_results_path)
# Config of the data
self.data_dataset = FashionMNISTDataset
# Config of the model
self.model_model = ImageClassifierSimple
self.model_conv_layers = [32, 32, 32]
self.model_dense_layers = [100]
self.model_classes = 10
# Config for training
self.training_loss = SparseCrossEntropyLossFromLogits
self.training_optimizer = smart_optimizer(SGD)
self.training_trainer = SupervisedTrainer
self.training_epochs = 10
self.training_batch_size = 32
# Run with parameters parsed from commandline.
# python -m deeptech.examples.mnist_simple --mode=train --input=Datasets --output=Results
if __name__ == "__main__":
## Contributing
Currently there are no guidelines on how to contribute, so the best thing you can do is open up an issue and get in contact that way.
In the issue we can discuss how you can implement your new feature or how to fix that nasty bug.
To contribute, please fork the repositroy on github, then clone your fork. Make your changes and submit a merge request.
## Origin of the Name
The name is a tribute to the [deeptech:ai hackathon](https://pioniergarage.de/deeptechai-der-ai-hackathon-in-karlsruhe/).
When writing the library for fast, accessible ai development, I remembered how helpfull such a library could have been for a hackathon.
Thus, I decided to name it as a tribute to that hackathon.
And besides, the name does not seem to be used for any company or library and sounds cool, at least to me.
## License
This repository is under MIT License. Please see the [full license here](LICENSE).