## Deep Air Encoder
This package is used for encoding data fields for machine compliant dataframes.
## Package structure
├── encoder.py
├── __init__.py
└── utils
├── encoder_tools.py
├── __init__.py
├── logger.py
└── splitters.py
1 directory, 6 files
## Dependencies
**Note**: The following python3 packages are necessary for this package to run:
* numpy
* scipy
* pandas
* sklearn
* tabulate
* tqdm
## Function Declarations
Here are the signatures for the functions in the package that can be used for deepair-dev.
### encoder.py
Below are the functions that can be accessed by importing this module as `from deepair_encoder.encoder import <function_name>`.
def encode_username(df, drop_field=True):
Username one-hot encoder.
df: Dataframe which have username column (pandas df series)
drop_field: a flag if the usename column should be dropped or not after encoding (bool)
df: Dataframe which have only username indicator [0/1] (pandas df series)
def encode_discounts(df, drop_field=True):
Discounts encoder.
df: dataframe which has discounts column (pandas df series)
drop_field: a flag if the discounts column should be dropped or not after encoding (bool)
df: a dataframe with 3 new columns 'PROMOCODE', 'RES', 'LFG' and discounts droped if drop_field = True
def minmax_score(df, fields, keyval=['requestid', 'direction_onward'], drop_field=True, verbose=True):
scorer function to normalize from 0-1 inversely to the value.
df: Dataframe which contains fields (pandas df series)
fields: Dataframe columns on which the score is calculated (list)
keyval: Group the data by this key values (list)
drop_field: Indicator to replace fields by new scored fields (bool)
verbose: Progress bar indicator (bool)
field: Dataframe with a score for totalprice relative to whole requestid-direction, by index, by faregroup (pandas df series)
def minmax_normalize(df, fields, keyval=['requestid', 'direction_onward'], drop_field=True, verbose=True):
normalizer function to normalize from 0-1 proportional to the value.
df: Dataframe which contains fields (pandas df series)
fields: Dataframe columns on which the normalication is calculated (list)
keyval: Group the data by this key values (list)
drop_field: Indicator to replace fields by normalized new fields (bool)
verbose: Progress bar indicator (bool)
field: Dataframe with a score for totalprice relative to whole requestid-direction, by index, by faregroup (pandas df series)
def encode_totalprice(df):
total price encoder.
df: Dataframe which have totalprice and totaltaxes column (pandas df series)
df: Dataframe with a score for totalprice relative to whole requestid-direction, by index, by faregroup (pandas df series)
def encode_bookingid(df):
Bookingid flag one-hot encoder.
df: Dataframe which have Bookingid column (pandas df series)
df: Dataframe which have only Bookingid indicator [0/1] (pandas df series)
def encode_faregroup(raw_file, df, verbose=False):
Faregroup encoder.
raw_file: raw_file location where the faregroup_definition is available
df: Dataframe which have faregroup column (pandas df series)
verbose: Optional, if more detailed log is needed
field: Dataframe with extra fields with faregroup attributes [-1/0/1] (pandas df series)
Note: -1 = not available, 0 = available for a fee, 1 = available for free (at no charge)
def encode_datetime(df, field, verbose=False):
Datetime encoder.
df: Dataframe which have 'field' column (pandas df series)
field: the field that has to be encoded
df: Dataframe with 6 ecoded values capturing TOD, DOW and WOY
def encode_advanced_purchase(df, dptr_field='departuredate', sales_field='utctimestamp'):
advanced purchase encoder.
df: Dataframe which have dptr_field and sales_field column (pandas df series)
df: Dataframe advanced purchase column
def encode_los(df, verbose=False):
los and trip_type encoder.
df: Dataframe which have departuredate, requestid and direction column (pandas df series)
df: Dataframe los and trip_type encodes column
def encode_airports(df, fields, reference_file_path, verbose=True):
encode the airports.
df : Dataframe which have airports (pandas df series)
fields : list of fields that you want to run this
function on (list)
reference_file_path : path to the codes file (string)
verbose : Indicator for progress bar (bool)
df: Dataframe encoded with airports values
def encode_city(df, fields, reference_file_path, verbose=True):
encode the airports.
df : Dataframe which have city (pandas df series)
fields : list of fields that you want to run this
function on (list)
reference_file_path : path to the codes file (string)
verbose : Indicator for progress bar (bool)
df: Dataframe encoded with airports values
### utils
This subpackage contains tools a level lower than `encoder` module i.e. those modules that are used by encoder.
#### encoder_tools
Below are the functions that can be accessed by importing this module as `from deepair_encoder.utils.encoder_tools import <function_name>`.
def one_hot_encoder(df, fields, fields_drop=True, verbose=True, classes=None):
Converts the fields into one hot encoding.
df: Dataframe containing all those fields (pandas df)
fields: Dataframe columns that you want to convert to one hot (string)
verbose: Indicator for progress bar (bool)
classes: Dictionary for the desired columns (dict)
df: updated dataframe (pandas df)
def integer_encoder(df, fields, verbose=True):
Converts the fields into integer encoding.
df: Dataframe containing all those fields (pandas df)
fields: Dataframe columns that you want to convert to one hot (string)
verbose: Indicator for progress bar (bool)
df: updated dataframe (pandas df)
def get_wom(field):
Function for week of the month.
field: Dataframe column which have timestamp (pandas df series)
field: Dataframe column which have wom (pandas df series)
def get_dow(field):
Function for day of the week.
field: Dataframe column which have timestamp (pandas df series)
field: Dataframe column which have dow (pandas df series)
def get_month(field):
Function for month.
field: Dataframe column which have timestamp (pandas df series)
field: Dataframe column which have only month (pandas df series)
def get_year(field):
Function for year.
field: Dataframe column which have timestamp (pandas df series)
field: Dataframe column which have only year (pandas df series)
def obj2num(df, fields, verbose=True):
Converts the fields into numeric from obj data type.
df: Dataframe containing all those fields (pandas df)
fields: Dataframe columns that you want to convert to numeric (string)
verbose: Indicator for progress bar (bool)
df: updated dataframe (pandas df)
#### logger
Below are the functions that can be accessed by importing this module as `from deepair_encoder.utils.logger import <function_name>`.
def unique_stats(df):
def _log_with_timestamp(message):
prints message on console
input :
message : msg to print (string)
#### splitters
Below are the functions that can be accessed by importing this module as `from deepair_encoder.utils.splitters import <function_name>`.
def type_splitter(data, keys=['passengertypes'], newheadings=[['ADT', 'CHD', 'INF']]):
Split the column (need to make it more generic).
data: dataframe which contain this column (pd dataframe)
keys: list of column fields to split(list)
newheadings: list of list for header columns in keys (list)
data: updated dataframe (pandas df)
def split_datewise(df, directory='', postfix='', mode='w'):
Split a Dataframe according to dates in UTC-Timestamp:
input :-
DF : dataframe which contain this column (pd dataframe)
directory : path to the target directory (string)
postfix : any postfix you want to add (string)
mode : writing mode ('w':writing, 'a': append)