# Client Library for Deebot Vacuums
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## Installation
If you have a recent version of Python 3, you should be able to
do `pip install deebot-client` to get the most recently released version of
## Usage
To get started, you'll need to have already set up an EcoVacs account
using your smartphone.
You are welcome to try using this as a python library for other efforts.
A simple usage might go something like this:
import aiohttp
import asyncio
import logging
import time
from deebot_client import create_instances
from deebot_client.commands import *
from deebot_client.commands.clean import CleanAction
from deebot_client.models import Configuration
from deebot_client.mqtt_client import MqttClient
from deebot_client.events import BatteryEvent
from deebot_client.util import md5
from deebot_client.vacuum_bot import VacuumBot
device_id = md5(str(time.time()))
account_id = "your email or phonenumber (cn)"
password_hash = md5("yourPassword")
continent = "eu"
country = "de"
async def main():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
config = Configuration(session,
device_id=device_id, country=country, continent=continent,
(authenticator, api_client) = create_instances(config, account_id, password_hash)
devices_ = await api_client.get_devices()
bot = VacuumBot(devices_[0], api_client)
mqtt = MqttClient(config, authenticator)
await mqtt.initialize()
await mqtt.subscribe(bot)
async def on_battery(event: BatteryEvent):
# Do stuff on battery event
if event.value == 100:
# Battery full
# Subscribe for events (more events available)
bot.events.subscribe(BatteryEvent, on_battery)
# Execute commands
await bot.execute_command(Clean(CleanAction.START))
await asyncio.sleep(900) # Wait for...
await bot.execute_command(Charge())
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
A more advanced example can be found [here](https://github.com/And3rsL/Deebot-for-Home-Assistant).
## Thanks
My heartfelt thanks to:
- [deebotozmo](https://github.com/And3rsL/Deebotozmo), After all, this is a debotozmo fork :)
- [sucks](https://github.com/wpietri/sucks), deebotozmo was forked from it :)
- [xmpppeek](https://www.beneaththewaves.net/Software/XMPPPeek.html), a great library for examining XMPP traffic flows (
yes, your vacuum speaks Jabbber!),
- [mitmproxy](https://mitmproxy.org/), a fantastic tool for analyzing HTTPS,
- [click](http://click.pocoo.org/), a wonderfully complete and thoughtful library for making Python command-line
- [requests](http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/), a polished Python library for HTTP requests,
- [Decompilers online](http://www.javadecompilers.com/apk), which was very helpful in figuring out what the Android app
was up to,
- Albert Louw, who was kind enough to post code
from [his own experiments](https://community.smartthings.com/t/ecovacs-deebot-n79/93410/33)
with his device, and
- All the users who have given useful feedback and contributed code!