# Airflow's DataDriver plugin
## from Pandas' dataframes to Airflow pipelines
#### WHY :
In a machine learning project, there is a recurring problem
with the difference between local interactive modeling source code
and production pipelines source code.
It is very error prone and, as a consequence, time consuming because we
switch constantly between experimentation and production.
The Datadriver project aims to solve this issue by making the glue code **based on Pandas and sklearn**
for modelization, **and on Airflow** for automation, scheduling, and monitoring of training
and predicting pipelines.
#### Plugin description
**Datadriver UI (ddui)** is the Airflow's plugin we developed to track our models.
Combined with the Datadriver's API (pyddapi), it offers a DAG view to track machine learning workflow (or dataflow).
More specifically, it shows the **Output** of any Airflow's Task with a lot of metrics and
charts :
- choose a DAG to track
- select a task to see charts and describe metrics on the output_table
- look at histograms to verify if columns are correct (distributions, number of NAs,
unique values, etc...)
## Getting started
git clone git_url_of_this_project && cd this_project
local install :
pip install -e .
ddui install
docker install :
## Package modules
dash_app -> the application defined like a Dash application, with callbacks and event handeling. It is imported in plugin.py later
dash_components -> html custom components like a Panel or an Alert Div
orm -> function to access the Airflow metastore and retrieve DAGs list and infos
plot -> functions using plotly, they return a Graph object
plugin -> defines the DataDriverUI plugin that implements Airflow's Plugin interface https://airflow.apache.org/plugins.html#interface
views -> a FlaskAdminView that implements Dash too, to have the ability to include plotly charts in Airflow
###### dependencies graph
![pydeps ddui](img/dependencies_analysis.png)
## Developer setup
There is an existing DAG in tests/dags that mocks the behavior of Datadriver's API, but
without any dependency to pyddapi.
You can use it to develop the User Interface, using the script located in tests/dev_tools.
cd tests/dev_tools
python run_webserver.py
It runs the Airflow's webserver, and it overrides the AIRFLOW__CORE__DAGS_FOLDER to look into tests/dags.
### Setup your virtual env
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
pip install -r ci/tests_requirements.txt
ddui install