# dcps
Control of DC Power Supplies through python
This is intended to be a generic package to control various DC power
supplies using various access methods with a common API. It utilizes
pyVISA and the SCPI command set. For now, this supports only the
following DC power supplies:
* Rigol DP800 series *(tested with DP832A)*
* Aim TTi PL-P series
* BK Precision 9115 series *(tested with 9115)*
* Agilent/Keysight E364xA series *(tested with E3642A)*
These DC power supplies are each part of a series of products. All
products within the series that use a common programming language
should be supported but only the indicated models were used for
development and testing.
As new power supplies are added, they should each have their own sub-package.
In addition to the above traditional power supplies, a few other
instruments have been added that have a similar control paradigm such
as current sources, volt meters and, perhaps in the future, source
meters that can both source and measure voltages and currents. These
all can either source a voltage or current and/or measure a voltage or
current. They stub off unused functions so that common scripts can
still be created with a common interface and they retain the ability
to target any of these instruments. These alternative instruments that
are supported are:
* Keithley/Tektronix 622x series Precision Current Source *(tested with 6220)*
* Keithley/Tektronix 2182/2182A Nanovoltmeter *(tested with 2182A)*
* Keithley/Tektronix 2400 series SourceMeter *(tested with 2400)*
# Installation
You need to install the pyvisa and pyvisa-py packages.
To install the dcps package, run the command:
python setup.py install
Alternatively, can add a path to this package to the environment
variable PYTHONPATH or even add the path to it at the start of your
python script. Use your favorite web search engine to find out more
Even better, dcps is now on PyPi, so you can simply use the following
and the required depedancies should get installed for you:
pip install dcps
## Requirements
* [python](http://www.python.org/) [Works with 2.7+ and 3+]
* Python 2 is now officially "end of life" so upgrade your code to Python 3
* [pyvisa 1.9](https://pyvisa.readthedocs.io/en/1.9.0/)
* *avoid 1.11.0 because it fails to work on Fedora/CentOS/etc.*
* [pyvisa-py 0.4.1](https://github.com/pyvisa/pyvisa-py/tree/48fbf9af00f970452c4af4b32a1a84fb89ee74dc/)
With the use of pyvisa-py, should not have to install the National
Instruments NIVA VISA driver.
If using the USB communications method, must also install:
* [PyUSB 1.0.2](https://github.com/pyusb/pyusb)
* [libusb](http://www.libusb.info/)
## Ethernet to GPIB Interface
Several of these devices, such as the Agilent and Keithley models,
have no Ethernet or USB interface. To make them easier to access in a
lab environment, An Ethernet to GPIB or USB to GPIB interface can be
used. The only such interfaces that have been tested so far are:
* [Prologix Ethernet to GPIB adapter](http://prologix.biz/gpib-ethernet-controller.html)</br>
<img src="https://i0.wp.com/prologix.biz/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Ethernet-back_zoom.jpg" width="300">
* [KISS-488 Ethernet to GPIB adapter](https://www.ebay.com/itm/114514724752)</br>
<img src="https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/tegAAOSwLcNclY1g/s-l500.jpg" width="300">
For the Agilent/Keysight E364xA, both the Prologix and KISS-488 have
been tested and work. For the Keithley 622x, 2182 and 2400, only the
Prologix interface works. If a `TCPIP0` resource string is used for
these models, the code automatically determines which device is
used. See the code comments for these models to learn more.
Be *really* careful since you are controlling a power supply that may
be connected to something that does not like to go to 33V when you
meant 3.3V and it may express its displeasure by exploding all over
the place. So be sure to do ALL testing without a device connected, as
much as possible, and make use of the protections built into the power
supply. For example, you can often set voltage and current limits that
the power supply will obey and ignore requests by these commands to go
outside these allowable ranges. There are even SCPI commands to set
these limits, although it may be safer that they be set manually.
# Usage
The code is a very basic class for controlling and accessing the
supported power supplies. Before running any example, be extra sure
that the power supply is disconnected from any device in case voltsges
unexpectedly go to unexpected values.
If running the examples embedded in the individual package source
files, be sure to edit the resource string or VISA descriptor of your
particular device. For many of the packages, an environment variable
can be set and used as the VISA resource string.
* for RigolDP800.py, it is `DP800_IP`
* for AimTTiPLP.py, it is `TTIPLP_IP`
* for BK 9115, it is `BK9115_USB`
* for Keysight E364xA, it is `E364XA_VISA`
* for Keithley 622x, it is `K622X_VISA`
* for Keithley 2182, it is `K2182_VISA`
* for Keithley 24xx, it is `K2400_VISA`
# Lookup environment variable DP800_IP and use it as the resource
# name or use the TCPIP0 string if the environment variable does
# not exist
from dcps import RigolDP800
from os import environ
resource = environ.get('DP800_IP', 'TCPIP0::')
# create your visa instrument
rigol = RigolDP800(resource)
# set to channel 1
rigol.channel = 1
# Query the voltage/current limits of the power supply
print('Ch. {} Settings: {:6.4f} V {:6.4f} A'.
format(rigol.channel, rigol.queryVoltage(),
# Enable output of channel
# Measure actual voltage and current
print('{:6.4f} V'.format(rigol.measureVoltage()))
print('{:6.4f} A'.format(rigol.measureCurrent()))
# change voltage output to 2.7V
# turn off the channel
# return to LOCAL mode
## Taking it Further
This implements a small subset of available commands.
For information on what is possible for the Rigol DP8xx, see the
[Rigol DP800 Programming Guide](http://beyondmeasure.rigoltech.com/acton/attachment/1579/f-03a1/1/-/-/-/-/DP800%20Programming%20Guide.pdf)
For information on what is possible for the Aim TTi PL-P power
supplies, see the [New PL & PL-P Series Instruction Manual](http://resources.aimtti.com/manuals/New_PL+PL-P_Series_Instruction_Manual-Iss18.pdf)
For information on what is possible for the BK Precision 9115 power
supplies, see the [Model: 9115 Multi-Range DC Power Supply PROGRAMMING MANUAL](https://bkpmedia.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/programming_manuals/en-us/9115_series_programming_manual.pdf)
For information on what is possible for the Agilent/Keysight E364xA power
supplies, see the [Model: Keysight E364xA Single Output DC Power Supplies](https://www.keysight.com/us/en/assets/9018-01165/user-manuals/9018-01165.pdf?success=true)
For information on what is possible for the Keithley/Tektronix 622x series Precision Current Source
supplies, see the [Model 6220 DC Current Source Model 6221 AC and DC Current Source User's Manual](https://www.tek.com/product-series/ultra-sensitive-current-sources-series-6200-manual/model-6220-dc-current-source-model)
For information on what is possible for the Keithley/Tektronix 2182/2182A Nanovoltmeter
supplies, see the [Models 2182 and 2182A Nanovoltmeter User's Manual](https://www.tek.com/keithley-low-level-sensitive-and-specialty-instruments/keithley-nanovoltmeter-model-2182a-manual/models-2182-and-2182a-nanovoltmeter-users-manual)
For information on what is possible for the Keithley/Tektronix 2400 series SourceMeter
supplies, see the [Series 2400 SourceMeter User's Manual](https://download.tek.com/manual/2400S-900-01_K-Sep2011_User.pdf)
For what is possible with general power supplies that adhere to the
IEEE 488 SCPI specification, like the Rigol DP8xx, see the
[SCPI 1999 Specification](http://www.ivifoundation.org/docs/scpi-99.pdf)
and the
[SCPI Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Commands_for_Programmable_Instruments) entry.
# Contact
Please send bug reports or feedback to [Stephen Goadhouse](https://github.com/sgoadhouse)