# DCActivity
An unofficial module used to access Discord's Beta features like YouTube, Poker Night, etc. with your Bot
[Features](https://github.com/AkshuAgarwal/DCActivity#features) • [Installation](https://github.com/AkshuAgarwal/DCActivity#installation) • [Usage](https://github.com/AkshuAgarwal/DCActivity#usage) • [Documentation](https://akshuagarwal.github.io/DCActivity/) • [License](https://github.com/AkshuAgarwal/DCActivity/blob/master/LICENSE)
# Features
* Super Easy to use!
* Supports [discord.py](https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py)
* Better error handling with custom and discord.py's inbuilt Exceptions
Type Hinting and proper Documentation
* [discord.py](https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable) like Docs making it easy to read the docs for existing discord.py users</li>
Supports [Logging](https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html)
Currently Supported Applications are:
* YouTube Together (youtube)
* CG 2 DEV (chess)
* Betrayal.io (betrayal)
* Poker Night (poker)
* Fishington.io (fishing)
# Installation
- **Python 3.6 or higher is required**
- **[*discord.py*](https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py) V1.5.0 or higher is required**
To install the library, simply run the following command in your terminal:
# Windows
py -m pip install dcactivity
# Linux/macOS
python3 -m pip install dcactivity
# Usage
To use the library, you must first import it into your script and create a new instance of the *DCActivity* class:
from discord.ext import commands
from dcactivity import DCActivity
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')
bot.dcactivity = DCActivity(bot)
To create the invite link, you need to use *create_link()* function:
link = await bot.dcactivity.create_link(voice_channel, app_id)
* *voice_channel*: The Voice channel you want to create the invite link for. Can be Channel ID or discord.VoiceChannel object
* *app_id*: The Application ID of the Voice Channel game. For this, you need to follow either of the three steps:
* Import *DCApplication* from *dcactivity*:
from dcactivity import DCApplication
invite = await bot.dcactivity.create_invite(voice_channel, DCApplication.youtube) # or DCApplication.poker, etc.
* Directly use Application Name or ID (use ID only if you know the exact ID of an activity):
invite = await bot.dcactivity.create_invite(voice_channel, 'youtube') # or poker, chess, etc.
# Examples
## Bot:
# bot.py
from discord import VoiceChannel
from discord.ext import commands
from dcactivity import DCActivity, DCApplication
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')
dcactivity = DCActivity(bot) # or "bot.dcactivity = DCActivity(bot)" to use it as a BotVar
async def youtube(ctx, channel: VoiceChannel):
invite = await dcactivity.create_invite(channel, DCApplication.youtube)
await ctx.send(invite)
## Bot with Cogs:
- bot:
# bot.py
from discord import VoiceChannel
from discord.ext import commands
from dcactivity import DCActivity
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')
bot.dcactivity = DCActivity(bot)
bot.load_extension('cogs.cog') # Simple Example with Cog
bot.load_extension('cogs.cog_advanced') # Advanced Example with Cog
- cog (simple):
# cog.py
from discord import VoiceChannel
from discord.ext import commands
from dcactivity import DCApplication
class MyCog(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def youtube(self, ctx, channel: VoiceChannel):
invite = await self.bot.dcactivity.create_invite(channel, DCApplication.youtube)
await ctx.send(invite)
def setup(bot):
- cog (advanced):
# cog_advanced.py
from typing import Optional
from discord import VoiceChannel
from discord.ext import commands
from dcactivity import DCApplication
from dcactivity.errors import InvalidChannel
class MyAdvancedCog(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def custom_link(self, ctx, channel=None):
if not channel:
if not ctx.author.voice:
return await ctx.send('You need to connect to a voice channel first')
if not isinstance(ctx.author.voice.channel, VoiceChannel):
return await ctx.send('This feature is not supported in Stage Channels.')
_channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
_channel = channel
invite = await self.bot.dcactivity.create_invite(
_channel, DCApplication.youtube, max_age=0, max_uses=10)
await ctx.send(invite)
async def custom_link_error(self, ctx, exc):
exc = getattr(exc, 'original', exc)
if isinstance(exc, InvalidChannel):
await ctx.send('Invalid Channel given as argument.')
def setup(bot):
# Note
* A minimum of **one** person needs to click on the invite link to start the Voice Channel Activity.
* Activity **resets** when everyone exits. Though it can again be joined from the same link but from the starting and **not getting resumed**.
* Games like **chess/betrayal** may **not work in Stable Client** for now. To use them, you need install [Discord PTB](https://ptb.discord.com/) or [Discord Canary](https://canary.discord.com/) Client or use them in the web browser.
* **Play/Spectate** Button don't work if no one has already joined the Activity. Though after atleast 1 user joins the Activity (by clicking the link), the buttons works fine for other users.
# Info
This package is licensed under [MIT License](LICENSE). Any contributions are welcomed.
Need to contribute? Just Open a [Pull Request](https://github.com/AkshuAgarwal/DCActivity/pulls) with your changes and some information about your changes.
Found a bug or having an issue? Open an Issue at [Github](https://github.com/AkshuAgarwal/DCActivity/issues)!
# Links
* Documentation: https://akshuagarwal.github.io/DCActivity/
* Github: https://github.com/AkshuAgarwal/DCActivity/
* PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/dcactivity/