Quick Debug functions to print informations on the context.
Each function has 3 optional keyword-only arguments :
- ``i`` : indent level (defaults to 0)
- ``indent_str`` : indent string for one level (defaults to 2 spaces)
- ``stream`` : file-like object to output (defaults to stderr)
These two last parameters are actually defaulted to the module variables `dbug._Dindent_str` and `dbug._Dstream`.
Each functions ``F`` exist in 2 flavours :
- ``F`` : normal
- ``nF`` : print a new line before
Functions available
- ``[n]D(*args, **kw)`` : Simply prints ``*args``
- ``[n]Dvar(*expr, **kw)`` : Print for each expression ``expr`` : ``f'{expr} = {eval(expr)}\n'``
- ``[n]DWAI(**kw)`` : Print *W*-here *A*-m *I* with this format : ``module.function(param=val_param, param2=val_param2...) # /path/to/function/definition:line_of_DWAI_call``
- ``[n]DNL(**kw)`` : Print a *N*-ew *L*-ine (``i`` and ``indeit_str`` have no effect on this one
- ``Dnop(res, *args)`` : Returns ``res``, so that one can execute any side effect function in a list comprehension (best used with ``Dvar()``)
- ``DnopL(*args, res)`` : Same as ``Dnop`` but execute the side effects first
Classes Available
There is also the ``Dbug`` class which takes as parameters ``stream`` and ``indent_str`` and have the normal version of the previous functions without the leading D, passing them ``stream`` and defaulting the indent level to ``Dbug.indent_level``
- ``Dbug.__call__(*args, **kw)`` calls ``D``
- ``Dbug.var(*expr, **kw)`` calls ``Dvar``
- ``Dbug.var(*expr, **kw)`` calls ``Dvar``
- ``Dbug.WAI(**kw)`` calls ``DWAI``
- ``Dbug.NL(**kw)`` calls ``NL``
This class is also a *context manager* and you can do things like ::
with Dbug(open('log', 'w')) as D :
As a shortcut to change the indent level for a ``Dbug`` instance object, you can use the shift operator ::
with Dbug(open('log', 'w')) as D :
D>>1 # indent level is now 1
D<<1 # indent level is back to 0
``pip install dbug``
- **FIX** Intempestive print in ``D()``
- **FIX** Readme orthograph
- **ADD** ``__all__`` module variable to export only relevent objects
- **ADD** ``Dbug`` Class
- **FIX** Typo on ``D()`` which prevented using the passed stream