# dbt_table_diff
This repository is intended for comparing `BigQuery` `models` in `dbt` that have changed during an open PR.
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## Usage
The repository has been published as a `Github Action` and `PyPi Package`, which means it can be leveraged in a variety of ways:
- [Directly in Python](#example-code-usage) via `run_dbt_table_diff`.
- [Directly in Terminal](#example-cli-usage) via `python3 -m dbt_table_diff`.
- [In a Github Workflow File](https://github.com/org-not-included/dbt_example/blob/main/.github/workflows/main.yml) via `Github Actions` to [automatically add comments](https://github.com/org-not-included/dbt_example/pull/2) on Open PRs.
## Quick Start:
pip3 install dbt_table_diff
<a name="example_code_usage"></a>
### Example Code Usage:
from dbt_table_diff import run_dbt_table_diff
<a name="example_cli_usage"></a>
### Example CLI Usage:
python3 -m dbt_table_diff -t $GH_TOKEN -o org-not-included -r dbt_example -l 2 \
--manifest_file 'target/manifest.json' --project_id 'ultimate-bit-359101' \
--keyfile_path 'secrets/bq_keyfile.json' --dev_prefix 'dev_' --prod_prefix 'prod_' --fallback_prefix 'fb_'
<a name="example_github_action"></a>
### Example Github Action Usage:
- [Overview](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/quickstart) of Github Actions
- [Open PR](https://github.com/org-not-included/dbt_example/pull/2) showing how to use `dbt_table_diff` as a Github Action.
#### Github Actions Input Arguments:
| Input Parameter | Description |
| GCP_TOKEN | for connecting to BQ (runs `dbt compile` and `dbt_table_diff/sql_checks` to compare tables) |
| GH_TOKEN | for connecting to Github (ie. fetches modified `models/*.sql` in your PR, adds comment on your PR) |
| PR_NUMBER | for fetching open PR from github (Pull Request ID \[int\]) |
| GH_REPO | for fetching open PR from github (Repository Name) |
| GH_ORG | for fetching open PR from github (Repository owner/organization name) |
| DBT_PROFILE_FILE | the local path in your repo to your `profile.yml` for dbt (this is necessary for compiling `manifest.json` during setup process) |
| dev_prefix | the prefix used when running dbt locally (Your source schema/environment for comparison) |
| prod_prefix | the prefix used when running dbt remotely (Your target schema/environment for comparison) |
| fallback_prefix | useful if you have an overriden macro for `generate_schema_name` in your dbt project, which leverages a different prefix for some schemas in prod. |
| irregular_schemas | comma separated string of schemas which use `fallback_prefix` |
| project_id | for connecting to BQ (BigQuery Project ID) |
| ignored_schemas | comma separated string of schemas to ignore (skip checking during github action) |
| custom_checks_path | [A local folder](https://github.com/org-not-included/dbt_example/pull/2/files#diff-f4d51a7463db0554f7d182b594d436ce0594a635756f477df1e9ab5768b3cf13) containing any custom SQL checks to run. |
## Step-By-Step Break Down of Process:
- Fetches list of files modified in Pull Request
- by CURLing `github.api.com/repos/{organization}/{repository}/pulls/{pull_request_id}/files`
- Filters on `relevant_files`
- which are files matching `models/*.sql`
- Builds `manifest.json`
- By running `dbt deps; dbt compile`
- Parses `manifest.json` for `relevant_models`
- using manifest-attribute `original_file_path` matching `relevant_files`
- Runs all SQL files in `dbt_table_diff/sql_checks`
- for each of the `relevant_models`, compare the two dbt targets (`dev_prefix` vs `prod_prefix`)
- Saves output to file
- in a format supported by Github comments
- Posts comment on open PR
- leveraging `dbt_table_diff` PyPi package
## Docs
python3 -m dbt_table_diff --help
usage: dbt_table_diff [-h] [-o ORG_NAME] [-r REPO_NAME] [-t AUTH_TOKEN] [-l PR_ID] [--manifest_file MANIFEST_FILE] [--project_id PROJECT_ID] [--keyfile_path KEYFILE_PATH] [--ignored_schemas IGNORED_SCHEMAS]
[--irregular_schemas IRREGULAR_SCHEMAS] [--dev_prefix DEV_PREFIX] [--prod_prefix PROD_PREFIX] [--fallback_prefix FALLBACK_PREFIX] [--custom_checks_path CUSTOM_CHECKS_PATH]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o ORG_NAME, --org_name ORG_NAME
Owner of GitHub repository.
-r REPO_NAME, --repo_name REPO_NAME
Name of the GitHub repository.
-t AUTH_TOKEN, --auth_token AUTH_TOKEN
User's GitHub Personal Access Token.
-l PR_ID, --pr_id PR_ID
The issue # of the Pull Request.
--manifest_file MANIFEST_FILE
The path to dbt's manifest file.
--project_id PROJECT_ID
The BigQuery Project ID to leverage.
--keyfile_path KEYFILE_PATH
The path to the keyfile to use during BQ calls.
--ignored_schemas IGNORED_SCHEMAS
Folders in models/ to always ignore during row/col checks.
--irregular_schemas IRREGULAR_SCHEMAS
Folders in models/ which use 'fallback_prefix' in prod.
--dev_prefix DEV_PREFIX
Prefix used by development datasets in dbt.
--prod_prefix PROD_PREFIX
Prefix used by production datasets in dbt.
--fallback_prefix FALLBACK_PREFIX
Uncommon prefix used by only some production datasets in dbt.
--custom_checks_path CUSTOM_CHECKS_PATH
A local folder containing any custom SQL to run.