# dbt-coverage
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_One-stop-shop for docs and test coverage of [`dbt`](https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt) projects._
Optimized for dbt 1.0, see [full support matrix](#supported-dbt-versions).
## Why do I need something like this?
_**[`dbt-coverage`](https://github.com/slidoapp/dbt-coverage) is to [`dbt`](https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt) what [`coverage.py`](https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy) and [`interrogate`](https://interrogate.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) are to Python.**_
It is a single CLI tool which checks your `dbt` project for missing documentation and tests.
Keeping documentation and tests close to the actual SQL code that generates the final model is one of the best design choices of `dbt`. It ensures documentation is actually useful and tests are actually used. But how do you make adding those a habit in your [`dbt`](https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt) project?
That is exactly where `dbt-coverage` comes in. It will
- Give you a better sense of the level of documentation and test coverage in your project;
- Help your CI/CD pipeline make sure new changes include documentation and tests;
- Let you quickly assess the documentation and tests of a new `dbt` project you get your hands on.
Still not convinced? Here are some more features:
- ✨ **zero-config**: just install it and run it, there is nothing to set up
- 🏁 **minimal dependences**: the only dependencies are [`click`](https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.0.x/) (already installed with [`dbt`](https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt)) and [`typer`](https://typer.tiangolo.com/tutorial/)
- 📦 **very small**: at ~480 [SLOC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_lines_of_code), you can easily validate it works as advertised
## Demo
The package was presented during [Coalesce](https://coalesce.getdbt.com/),
the annual dbt conference, as a part of the talk
[_From 100 spreadsheets to 100 data analysts: the story of dbt at Slido_](https://www.getdbt.com/coalesce-2021/from-spreadsheets-to-data-analysts-the-story-of-dbt-at-slido/).
Watch a demo in the video below.
[![Demo video](assets/demo.png)](https://youtu.be/YA0yqYSs9BQ?t=936)
## Installation
pip install dbt-coverage
## Usage
`dbt-coverage` comes with two basic commands: `compute` and `compare`. The
documentation for the individual commands can be shown by using the `--help`
### Compute
Compute coverage from `target/catalog.json` and `target/manifest.json` files
found in a dbt project, e.g.
To choose between documentation and test coverage, pass `doc` or `test` as the CLI argument.
$ cd jaffle_shop
$ dbt run # Materialize models
$ dbt docs generate # Generate catalog.json and manifest.json
$ dbt-coverage compute doc --cov-report coverage-doc.json # Compute doc coverage, print it and write it to coverage-doc.json file
Coverage report
jaffle_shop.customers 6/7 85.7%
jaffle_shop.orders 9/9 100.0%
jaffle_shop.raw_customers 0/3 0.0%
jaffle_shop.raw_orders 0/4 0.0%
jaffle_shop.raw_payments 0/4 0.0%
jaffle_shop.stg_customers 0/3 0.0%
jaffle_shop.stg_orders 0/4 0.0%
jaffle_shop.stg_payments 0/4 0.0%
Total 15/38 39.5%
$ dbt-coverage compute test --cov-report coverage-test.json # Compute test coverage, print it and write it to coverage-test.json file
Coverage report
jaffle_shop.customers 1/7 14.3%
jaffle_shop.orders 8/9 88.9%
jaffle_shop.raw_customers 0/3 0.0%
jaffle_shop.raw_orders 0/4 0.0%
jaffle_shop.raw_payments 0/4 0.0%
jaffle_shop.stg_customers 1/3 33.3%
jaffle_shop.stg_orders 2/4 50.0%
jaffle_shop.stg_payments 2/4 50.0%
Total 14/38 36.8%
#### Filtering model paths with `--model-path-filter`
You can also choose a subset of tables to compare using one or multiple `--model-path-filter` options.
$ cd jaffle_shop
$ dbt run # Materialize models
$ dbt docs generate # Generate catalog.json and manifest.json
$ dbt-coverage compute doc --cov-report coverage-doc.json --model-path-filter models/staging/ # Compute doc coverage for a subset of tables, print it and write it to coverage-doc.json file
Coverage report
jaffle_shop.stg_customers 0/3 0.0%
jaffle_shop.stg_orders 0/4 0.0%
jaffle_shop.stg_payments 0/4 0.0%
Total 0/11 0.0%
$ dbt-coverage compute doc --cov-report coverage-doc.json --model-path-filter models/orders.sql --model-path-filter models/staging/ # Compute doc coverage for a subset of tables, print it and write it to coverage-doc.json file
Coverage report
jaffle_shop.orders 0/9 0.0%
jaffle_shop.stg_customers 0/3 0.0%
jaffle_shop.stg_orders 0/4 0.0%
jaffle_shop.stg_payments 0/4 0.0%
Total 0/20 0.0%
#### Markdown output with `--cov-format`
You can also choose to print the output in the Markdown table format by specifying the `--cov-format` option.
This can be especially useful when using `dbt-coverage` in CI/CD pipelines.
$ cd jaffle_shop
$ dbt run # Materialize models
$ dbt docs generate # Generate catalog.json and manifest.json
$ dbt-coverage compute doc --model-path-filter models/staging/ --cov-format markdown
# Coverage report
| Model | Columns Covered | % |
| jaffle_shop.stg_customers | 0/3 | 0.0% |
| jaffle_shop.stg_orders | 0/4 | 0.0% |
| jaffle_shop.stg_payments | 0/4 | 0.0% |
| Total | 0/11 | 0.0% |
#### Custom run artifacts path with `--run-artifacts-dir`
To compute the coverages, `dbt-coverage` looks up the artefacts from the `dbt run` execution in the
`./target/` folder in the current directory. You can specify a custom path via the `--run-artifacts-dir`
$ dbt-coverage compute doc --run-artifacts-dir jaffle_shop/target --cov-report coverage-doc.json # Compute doc coverage from the artefacts located in jaffle_shop/target, print it and write it to coverage-doc.json file
Coverage report
jaffle_shop.customers 0/7 0.0%
jaffle_shop.orders 0/9 0.0%
jaffle_shop.raw_customers 0/3 0.0%
jaffle_shop.raw_orders 0/4 0.0%
jaffle_shop.raw_payments 0/4 0.0%
jaffle_shop.stg_customers 0/3 0.0%
jaffle_shop.stg_orders 0/4 0.0%
jaffle_shop.stg_payments 0/4 0.0%
Total 0/38 0.0%
### Compare
Compare two `coverage.json` files generated by the `compute` command. This is
useful to ensure that the coverage does not drop while making changes to the
$ dbt-coverage compare coverage-after.json coverage-before.json
# Coverage delta summary
before after +/-
Coverage 39.47% 38.46% -1.01%
Tables 8 8 +0/+0
Columns 38 39 +1/+0
Hits 15 15 +0/+0
Misses 23 24 +1/+0
# New misses
Catalog 15/38 (39.47%) -> 15/39 (38.46%)
- jaffle_shop.customers 6/7 (85.71%) -> 6/8 (75.00%)
-- new_col -/- (-) -> 0/1 (0.00%)
### Combined use-case
$ cd my-dbt-project
$ dbt run # Materialize models
$ dbt docs generate # Generate catalog.json and manifest.json
$ dbt-coverage compute doc --cov-report before.json --cov-fail-under 0.5 # Fail if coverage is lower than 50%
# Make changes to the dbt project, e.g. add some columns to the DWH, document some columns, etc.
$ dbt run # Materialize the changed models
$ dbt docs generate # Generate catalog.json and manifest.json
$ dbt-coverage compute doc --cov-report after.json --cov-fail-compare before.json # Fail if the current coverage is lower than coverage in before.json
$ dbt-coverage compare after.json before.json # Generate a detailed coverage delta report
## Supported `dbt` versions
Different version of `dbt-coverage` support different versions of `dbt`. Here is
the support matrix.
| `dbt` | `dbt-coverage` |
| <0.20 | not tested |
| 0.20 - 0.21 | 0.1 |
| 1.0 - 1.3 | 0.2, 0.3 |
## Related packages
- https://github.com/mikaelene/dbt-test-coverage
- [interrogate](https://interrogate.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) (docs coverage for Python)
- [coverage.py](https://github.com/nedbat/coveragepy) (execution coverage for Python)
## License
Licensed under the MIT license (see [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for more
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