# Overview
The `dbnd-mlflow` plugin allows storing [mlflow](https://github.com/mlflow/mlflow) metrics to DBND tracker together with duplicating them to the mlflow store.
# Install
pip install dbnd-mlflow
# or
pip install databand[mlflow]
# Config
# Databand store url should be defined
# Enable tracking to Databand store
# Optionally, define a URI for mlflow store,
# mlflow.get_tracking_uri() is used by default
; duplicate_tracking_to=http://mlflow-store/
# Run example
You might need to install examples at first `pip install dbnd-examples`.
dbnd run dbnd_examples.tracking.tracking_mlflow.task_with_mflow
# or set configs manually
dbnd run dbnd_examples.tracking.tracking_mlflow.task_with_mflow --set-config mlflow_tracking.databand_tracking=True
# Explanation
<details><summary>mlflow_example code</summary>
from dbnd import task
from mlflow import start_run, end_run
from mlflow import log_metric, log_param
def mlflow_example():
# params
log_param("param1", randint(0, 100))
log_param("param2", randint(0, 100))
# metrics
log_metric("foo1", random())
log_metric("foo2", random())
## Execution flow:
1. Run `dbnd run mlflow_example --set-config mlflow_tracking.databand_tracking=True`
2. dbnd creates a new dbnd context
3. `dbnd_on_pre_init_context` hook from `dbnd_mlflow` is triggered
- a new uri is computed to be used by mlflow, e.g.:
- `dbnd://localhost:8080?duplicate_tracking_to=http%253A%252F%252Fmlflow-store%253A80%252F`
- the new uri is set to be used with `mlflow.set_tracking_uri()`
4. `mlflow_example` task starts:
1. `mlflow.start_run()`
1. `mlflow` reads `entry_points` for each installed package and finds:
- "dbnd = dbnd_mlflow.tracking_store:get_dbnd_store",
- "dbnd+s = dbnd_mlflow.tracking_store:get_dbnd_store",
- "databand = dbnd_mlflow.tracking_store:get_dbnd_store",
- "databand+s = dbnd_mlflow.tracking_store:get_dbnd_store",
2. `mlflow` creates `TrackingStoreClient` using the new uri
3. uri schema instructs to use `dbnd_mlflow.tracking_store:get_dbnd_store`
- `get_dbnd_store` creates dbnd `TrackingAPIClient`
- `get_dbnd_store` creates mlflow tracking store to duplicate tracking to
- `get_dbnd_store` returns `DatabandStore` instance
2. `log_param()`/`log_metric()`
- calls to `DatabandStore`
- calls to `TrackingAPIClient`
- calls to mlflow tracking store to duplicate tracking to
3. `mlflow.end_run()`
5. `mlflow_example` ends
6. `dbnd_on_exit_context` hook from `dbnd_mlflow` is triggered
- restore original mlflow tracking uri