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Datárum is a small python library to convert Gregorian dates to Wending,
an Old English variant on the `French Republican calendar`_, for use in
various projects. Documentation is available on `ReadTheDocs`_.
The leap years are calculated according to the Romme rule, which uses
the 4-100-400 rule from the Gregorian calendar (a leap day becoming an
extra 6th Wending day).
I appreciate the political impulse behind the French Republican
calendar, as well as its more rational system (12 months of 30 days,
plus 5/6 celebratory days at the end of the year). However, I like the
aesthetics of Old English more than the original french names for the
months, so I’ve attempted to rougly translate or otherwise approximate
the Old English equivalents.
| | French | Old English | Translation |
| **Autumn** | Vendémiaire | Hærfest | Harvest, autumn |
| | Brumaire | Mist | Mist, fog |
| | Frimaire | Forst | Frost |
| **Winter** | Nivôse | Snáw | Snow |
| | Pluviôse | Reg | Rain |
| | Ventôse | Wind | Wind |
| **Spring** | Germinal | Sǽd | Seed |
| | Floréal | Blóstm | Blossom, flower |
| | Prairial | Mǽdland | Meadow-land |
| **Summer** | Messidor | Ríp | Reaping, harvest |
| | Thermidor | Hát | Heat |
| | Fructidor | Wæstm | Growth, produce, fruit |
| **Complementary** | Sansculottides | Wending | A turning round, revolution |
.. _French Republican calendar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Republican_Calendar
.. _ReadTheDocs: http://datarum.readthedocs.io