# daman
## description
`daman` aims at providing a relatively simple solution to the challenge of sharing data between various multiple individuals/machines in the context of a python-development workflow. This solution relies on cloud storage and allows to control the amount of local disc space used for data management.
## setup & configure
### Install
This package is available through **pip** and can directly be installed as follows by running `pip install daman`.
### cloud provider
#### AWS: S3 Bucket
Should your AWS account not yet configured on your current machine, retrieve the following information:
* access_key_id
* secret_access_key
##### using `dm_aws`
you can then simply running the following command:
dm_aws --access_key_id <access_key_id> --secret_access_key <secret_access_key>
##### manually
Alternatively you can create a file at `~/.aws/credentials` and type in the following :
aws_access_key_id = <access_key_id>
aws_secret_access_key = <secret_access_key>
### configure daman
To finalise the setup phase, it is required to run to provide the following information:
* `storage_name`: Name of the bucket to be used
* `service`: Type of cloud storage used (Currently only `aws` is available).
* `local_dir` **[Optional]**: local directory to store data in. _default is `~/.daman/data/`_
* `allocated_space` **[Optional]**: Disc space to allocate to local directory. By default no limit is set.
dm_configure --storage_name <storage_name>
--service <service>
## how to
### upload
Currently it is only possible to push python object to `daman` data manager.
#### python: `push`
##### Input
* `obj`: `object` - Any pickle serialisable object.
* `key`: `str` - name under which to store the object. will be used to retrieve the object.
* `meta` **[OPTIONAL]**: `object` - Any pickle serialisable meta information to store with the object.
* `local` **[OPTIONAL]**: `bool` - If set to `True` also adds the uploaded data to your local registery.
* `force` **[OPTIONAL]**: `bool` - If `key` is already in use, `force` must be set to `True` in order to force the overwriting of the already stored object.
* `persist` **[OPTIONAL]**: `bool` - If set to `True` ensures the file will not be deleted unless manually requested.
##### Output - `None`
### download
#### python: `pull`
obj, meta = dm.push(
##### Input
* `key`: `str` - key under which the data is stored.
* `force` **[OPTIONAL]**: `bool` - when set to `True` downloads the dataset from cloud service ignoring local version.
* `persist` **[OPTIONAL]**: `bool` - If set to `True` ensures the file will not be deleted unless manually requested.
* `memory_only` **[OPTIONAL]**: `bool` - is set to `True` only loads the data into memory and does not keep a local version unless already available.
##### Output
* `obj`: `object` stored object.
* `meta`: `object` store meta data.
#### terminal: `dm_pull`
dm_pull --help
usage: dm_pull [-h] --key {} [--force] [--persist]
Sets up daman package.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--key {} key of the file to delete
--force When provided forces the download even when the file is already
--persist When provided ensures that the downloaded file is always kept on
disc on manually deleted.
### delete
#### python: `delete`
obj, meta = dm.delete(
##### Input
* `key`: `str` - key under which the data to delete is stored.
* `local` **[OPTIONAL]**: `bool` - if set to `True` will delete local file.
* `remote` **[OPTIONAL]**: `bool` - if set to `True` will delete remote version of the requested key.
##### Output - `None`
#### terminal: `dm_delete`
dm_delete --help
Sets up daman package.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--key {} key of the file to delete
--remote When provided, deletes the requested file on the cloud service
as well.
usage: dm_delete [-h] --key {} [--remote]