# Dalton
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**Note that this is an alpha release of the project, and large changes may occur, however it is intended to keep the access paths to functions and classes the same.**
This Python package provides a wrapper providing read-only access to the Atomic Assets API on the WAX blockchain. Full docs being assembled at [Read the Docs](https://dalton.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
- [Dalton](#dalton)
- [Features](#features)
- [In development](#in-development)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Creating an Atom object](#creating-an-atom-object)
- [Retrieving an asset](#retrieving-an-asset)
- [Retrieving assets based on criteria](#retrieving-assets-based-on-criteria)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Attribution](#attribution)
- [Contact me](#contact-me)
## Features
* `Atom` class for accessing Atomic Asset Data
* Pythonic classes for Atomic Assets, Templates, Schemas, Collections, Transfer events, with
* A growing collection of class methods for working with API data.
### In development
Have a look at our roadmap [here](https://github.com/stuckatsixpm/dalton/projects/1).
## Installation
The recommended method of installation is through PyPI and pip
python -m pip install daltonapi
*Fun fact: This package is named after John Dalton, a pioneer of Atomic Theory.*
## Examples
### Creating an Atom object
The main class of the Dalton package is the Atom class, which is used as an interface to the API
>>> from daltonapi.api import Atom
>>> atom = Atom()
### Retrieving an asset
Once you have created an Atom, it's simple to get information about an asset.
>>> my_asset = atom.get_asset("1099519242825")
>>> print(my_asset)
Asset 1099519242825: creekdrops21 - Bitcoin #1/21 (Max Supply: 21)
>>> # get link to asset's primary image
>>> print(my_asset.image)
>>> # get asset collection, which is a Collection object
>>> collection = my_asset.collection
>>> print("Author:",collection.author)
Author: creek.gm
### Retrieving assets based on criteria
To get assets based on some criteria, you can use `Atom.get_assets`, which will return a list based on criteria passed. Currently, `get_assets` accepts owner, template, schema, and/or collection as either strings or Class Objects.
>>> # Get assets using owner and template as strings
>>> assets = atom.get_assets(owner="someowner123", template = "12345")
>>> # Get assets using collection class object
>>> assets = atom.get_assets(collection=my_asset.collection)
## Documentation
Full documentation is being assembled at [Read the Docs](https://dalton.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
## Contributing
See [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md).
Alternatively, if you would like to sponsor me, consider donating some WAX to the address `daltonpython`.
## Attribution
* [WAX team](https://github.com/worldwide-asset-exchange) for development of the WAX blockchain.
* [Pink.network](https://github.com/pinknetworkx) for development of atomic assets.
* [PurpleBooth](https://gist.github.com/PurpleBooth) for Contributing Template.
## Contact me
* Twitter: [@stuckat6pm](https://twitter.com/stuckat6pm)