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# Python *`dailydose`* Package
Boredom kills. Here's a package that gives you a daily dose of fun!
## Team Members
* [Sneheel Sarangi](https://github.com/Xarangi)
* [Winston Zhang](https://github.com/Midas0231)
* [Larry Li](https://github.com/86larryli)
* [Paula Seraphim](https://github.com/paulasera)
## Installation
Install the *`dailydose`* module with `pip`.
## Usage
Once installed, *`dailydose`* gives access to the package's 4 special features: today's news in different fields (per Vox Media), random fun facts, and the games of hangman and battleship. The variety of the collection is inspired by the traditional newspaper/magazine experience, in which both information and thought-provoking entertainment is regularly provided. This package is ideal for any program that operates on changing content or stimulating applications.
*dailydose* supports a command-line interface (CLI). To choose one of the above options, simply call:
$ python3 -m dailydose
Upon running the package, a main menu is displayed in which your options are listed. Access each feature by entering their corresponding menu number.
## Fun Stuffs To Do
### Fun Facts
- To see a fun fact, press 1 when the main menu is prompted. A random fun fact from [TheFactSite](https://www.thefactsite.com/) will be printed.
- After that, you will be redirected to the main menu.
### Newsfeed
- To see today's news, press 2 when the main menu is prompted. Immediately after, you will be given a list of options to read about: Culture, Politics, Science, World, Technology, Environment, and Business. You also have the option to return to the main menu.
- Select a field by entering the corresponding listed number. Today's top headlines in the chosen field, as published by Vox Media, as well as a link to read more are printed.
- The content is sourced from their website and therefore changes accordingly.
- Upon receiving the headlines, you will be redirected to the main menu.
### Hangman Game
- To play the hangman game, press 3 when the main menu is prompted.
- You will then be asked to enter the length of the word you want to guess.
- Upon guessing the correct word or losing the game, you will be redirected to the main menu.
### Battleship Game
- To play the battleship game, press 4 when the main menu is prompted.
- You will then be asked to enter the board dimensions and ship size. You can also choose to use the default settings.
- The game creates a dimension*dimension size board and keeps track of how many turns it takes for you to win! What do you think is the optimal strategy?
- Upon winning or exiting the game, you will be redirected to the main menu.
## Importing the Package
For example usage of the package, see [`example.py`](https://github.com/software-students-fall2022/python-package-exercise-project-3-team-14/blob/main/example/example.py).
### 1. `fact.get` -- generate a list of random fun fact objects
fact.get(count=1, include_details=True)
- `count`: how many non-duplicate fun fact objects to return
- default: 1
- possible values: [1, 100], inclusive
- `include_details`: whether to return the detailed contents of the facts or only the headings
- default: True
### 2. `news.get_headlines` -- generate a list of headlines
news.get_headlines(subject, titular)
- `subject`: category name in url slug format on [Vox.com](https://www.vox.com/)
- possible values: `"culture"`, `"policy-and-politics"`, `"science-and-health"`, `"world"`, `"technology"`, `"energy-and-environment"`, `"business-and-finance"`
- `titular`: a user-friendly display name for the category name
- possible values: any `str`
### 3. `hang.hangman` -- start an interactive hangman game
- `num_letter`: the length of word you want to guess
- possible values: a string make up of numbers, the length of word acceptable is in between [`"4"`, `"10"`], inclusive
### 4. `battleship.main` -- start an interactive battleship game
battleship.main(ship_size="4", dimension="10")
- `dimension`: the size of the board (dimension * dimension)
- default: `"10"`
- possible values: a string make up of numbers, the board dimension acceptable is in between [`"1"`, `"10"`], inclusive
- `ship_size`: the size of the hidden battleship
- default: `"4"`
- possible values: a string make up of numbers, the ship size acceptable is in between [`"1"`, `dimension`], inclusive
## Contribute
### Source Code
Clone the package source code from [GitHub repository](https://github.com/software-students-fall2022/python-package-exercise-project-3-team-14).
### Setup Virtual Environment
1. Create a `pipenv`-managed virtual environment and install all required dependencies by running the following command in the main project directory where the `Pipfile` is:
pipenv install
2. Activate the virtual environment:
pipenv shell
3. Then you can test and modify the package!
### Test the Package
1. Run the tests from the main project directory:
python3 -m pytest
### Build the Package
1. Delete the autogenerated `dist` directory if it exists.
2. Delete the autogenerated `src/*.egg-info` directory if it exists.
3. Build the package by running the following command in the main project directory:
python3 -m build