Daikon is a CLI for ElasticSearch to make some of the basic admin tasks associated
with ElasticSearch a little easier than using curl... you know for us lazy folks.
It's written in Python, and requires python 2.7.x, anyjson, and Python-Requests.
Why 'daikon'. Well, 'daikon' is a radish that is used in the making of kimchi.
For those who know ES, you'll know what that means ;) and of course HUGE shout
out to @kimchy
This should work : ::
$ pip install daikon
And even this should too, but you shouldn't use it... : ::
$ easy_install daikon
Configuration is defined in /etc/daikon/daikon.conf, or ~/.daikon.conf, and has
the format : ::
host = localhost
port = 9200
replicas = 3
shards = 2
Current Functionality
Commands : ::
* Working with Indexes
* Create Indexes
daikon index create <indexname>
daikon index create --replicas <replicas> --shards <shards> <indexname>
daikon index create --cluster <clustername> --host <host> --port <port> <indexname>
* Delete Indexes
daikon index delete <indexname>
daikon index delete --cluster <clustername> --host <host> --port <port> <indexname>
* List Indexes
daikon index list <indexname>
daikon index list --extended <indexname>
daikon index list --cluster <clustername> --host <host> --port <port> <indexname>
* Open Indexes
daikon index open <indexname>
daikon index open --cluster <clustername> --host <host> --port <port> <indexname>
* Close Indexes
daikon index close <indexname>
daikon index close --cluster <clustername> --host <host> --port <port> <indexname>
* Status Indexes
daikon index status <indexname>
daikon index status --extended <indexname>
daikon index status --cluster <clustername> --host <host> --port <port> <indexname>
* Working with Clusters
* Status View
daikon cluster status
daikon cluster status --extended
daikon cluster status --cluster <clustername> --host <host> --port <port>
* Shutdown Clusters
daikon cluster shutdown
daikon cluster shutdown --cluster <clustername> --host <host> --port <port>
* Working with Nodes
* List
daikon node list
daikon node list --extended
daikon node list --cluster <clustername> --host <host> --port <port>
* Status
daikon node status <nodename>
daikon node status --extended <nodename>
daikon node status --cluster <clustername> --host <host> --port <port> <nodename>
* Shutdown
daikon node shutdown <nodename>
daikon node shutdown --delay <delayseconds> <nodename>
daikon node shutdown --cluster <clustername> --port <port> <nodename>
Planned Functionality
Future Planned Functionality : ::
* Working with Rivers (and provide plugin supports for rivers)
* Working with indexes to dump, and import
* Working with cluster maintennace
* Working with searches, exporting results
* Enhance Logging (Syslog, Debug Logging, Log File)
1.51 (2012-09-23)
* All modules now use print_output, and some additional output logging has been added
* Now requires ElasticSearch 0.19.x+, and removes some depreciated contents
1.10 (2011-11-09)
* Updated all modules, and main to use new exceptions.py
* Moved modules around to make them more pythonish
* Updated LICENSE and added header to all .py files
1.00 (2011-11-06)
* Initial Release