# dagapp
Making apps from DAGs by just snapping your fingers
To install: ```pip install dagapp```
[What's a DAG?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed_acyclic_graph)
[What's an app?](https://www.amazon.com/Life-Real-Dummies-Clueless-1996-10-03/dp/B01F81N4D0)
Enough theory. Here's how it works...
### A simple example
#### First make a DAG
from meshed.dag import DAG
def b(a):
return 2 ** a
def d(c):
return 10 - (5 ** c)
def result(b, d):
return b * d
dag = DAG((b, d, result))
#### Then make an app
from dagapp.base import dag_app
from functools import partial
dags = [dag]
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = partial(dag_app, dags=dags)
#### Then run the app
>>> streamlit run example.py
#### ... and this is what you get
### A more complicated example
Let's say we want to create two different DAGs and view them on the same streamlit page, keep all the non-root nodes static and represent the number inputs for one of the DAGs as sliders. We will use functions defined in `configs_example.py` for this example.
#### Define the DAGs
To start we can create our DAGs just like in the previous example.
profit_dag = DAG((user_clicks, rev, cost, profit))
revenue_dag = DAG((partners, clicks, revenue))
dags = [profit_dag, revnue_dag]
#### Define the configs
Next we can define some configs for these DAGs. These configs should be a list of dictionaries, with each dictionary representing the configs for each DAG. Each config must contain a dictionary `arg_types` that matches each of the root nodes in the DAG to an input type (currently the options are: num, slider, text, list, dict). If `arg_types` is not explicitly defined, then it will try to infer from type annotations in the function definitions, and then default to num. If slider is defined as the `arg_type` for any of the root nodes, then another dictionary `ranges` must be defined that matches each of the nodes designated to be slider with a min and max value for that slider. The configs for this example can be seen below.
configs = [
max_partners=[0, 2000],
cost_per_click=[0.0, 1.0],
price_elasticity=[0, 200],
partners=[0, 1500],
clicks_per_partner=[0.0, 10.0],
#### Make the app
We can now make our app in a similar manner as the previous example, this time defining our configs, as well as defining `StaticPageFunc` as our page factory to keep all non-root nodes static.
from dagapp.page_funcs import StaticPageFunc
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = partial(dag_app, dags=dags, page_factory=StaticPageFunc, configs=configs)
#### Run the app
>>> streamlit run configs_example.py
#### ... and this is what you get