# dabapush
Database pusher for social media data (Twitter for the beginning) – pre-alpha version
## Using dabapush
`dabapush` is a tool to read longer running data collections and write them to another file format or persist them into a database. It is designed to run periodically, e.g. controlled by chron, thus, for convenience ot use project-based configurations which contain all required information on what to read where and what to do with it.
A **project** may have one or more **jobs**, each job consists of a reader and a writer configuration, e.g. read JSON-files from the Twitter API that we stored in folder `/home/user/fancy-project/twitter/` and write the flattened and compiled data set in to `/some/where/else` as CSV files.
### First steps
In order to run a first `dabapush`-job we'll need to create a project configuration. This is done by calling:
dabapush create
By default this walks you through the configuration process in a step-by-step manner. Alternatively, you could call:
dabapush create --non-interactive
This will create an empty configuration, you'll have to fill out the required information by e.g. calling:
dabapush reader add NDJSON default
dabapush writer add CSV default
Whereas `reader add`/`writer add` is the verb, `NDJSON` or `CSV` is the plugin to add and `default` is the pipeline name.
Of course you can edit the configration after creation in your favorite editor, but **BEWARE NOT TO TEMPER WITH THE YAMl-TAGS!!!**.
To run the newly configured job, please call:
dabapush run default
## Command Reference
### Invocation Pattern
dabapush <command> <subcommand?> <options>
### Commands
`create` -- creates a dabapush project (invokes interactive prompt)
`--non-interactive`, create an empty configuration and exit
`--interactive`, *this is the default behavior*: prompts for user input on
- project name,
- project authors name,
- project author email address(es) for notifications
- manually configure targets or run discover?
`run all` -- collect all known items and execute targets/destinations
`run <target>` -- run a single writer and/or named target
`--force-rerun, -r`: forces all data to be read, ignores already logged data
`reader` -- interact with readers
`reader configure <name>` -- configure the reader for one or more subproject(s); Reader configuration is inherited from global to local level; throws if configuration is incomplete and defaults are missing
`reader list`: returns a table of all configured readers, with `<path> <target> <class> <id>`
`reader list_all`: returns a table of all registered reader plugins
`reader add <type> <name>`: add a reader to the project configuration
`--input-directory <path>`: directory to be read
`--pattern <pattern>`: pattern for matching file names against.
`remove <name>`: remove a reader from the project configuration.
`register <path>`: not there yet
`discover` -- discover (possible) targets in project directory and configure them automagically -- yeah, you dream of that, don't you?
`writer` -- interact with writers
`writer add <type> <name>`:
`writer remove <name>`: removes the writer for the given name
`writer list` -- returns table of all writers, with `<path> <subproject-name> <class> <id>`
`writer list_all`: returns a table of all registered writer plugins
`writer configure <name>` or `writer configure all`
`--output-dir, -o <path>`: default for all targets: `<project-dir>/output/<target-name>`
`--output-pattern, -p <pattern>`: pattern used for file name creation e.g. 'YYYY-MM-dd', file extension is added by the writer and cannot be overwritten
`--roll-over, -r ``<file-size>`:
`--roll-over, -r` `<lines>`:
`--roll-over -r <None>`: should be the output chunked? Give either a file-size or a number of lines for roll-over or None to disable chunking
## Extending dabapush and developers guide
Dabapush's reader and writer plug-ins are registered via entry point: `dabapush_readers` for readers and `dabapush_writers` for writers. Both expect `Configuration`-subclass.
### Developer Installation
1. Install [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation)
2. Clone repository
3. In the cloned repository's root directory run `poetry install`
4. Run `poetry shell` to start development virtualenv
5. Run `dabapush create` to create your first project.
6. Run `pytest` to run all tests