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dSalmon (**D**\ ata **S**\ tream **A**\ nalysis A\ **l**\ gorith\ **m**\ s f\ **o**\ r the Impatie\ **n**\ t) is a framework for analyzing data streams. Implementation of the core algorithms is done in C++, focusing on superior processing speed and allowing even vast amounts of data to be processed. Python bindings are provided to allow seamless integration in data science development.
dSalmon can be installed using ``pip`` by running
.. code-block:: sh
pip3 install git+https://github.com/CN-TU/dSalmon
Outlier Detectors
dSalmon provides several algorithms for detecting outliers in data streams. Usage is easiest using the Python interface, which provides an interface similar to the algorithms from scikit-learn. The following example performs k-nearest neighbor outlier detection with a window size of 100 samples.
.. code-block:: python
from dSalmon import outlier
import pandas
X = pandas.read_csv('my_dataset.csv')
detector = outlier.SWKNN(window=100,k=5)
outlier_scores = detector.fit_predict(X)
print ('Outlier scores: ', outlier_scores)
Individual rows of the passed data are processed sequentially. Hence, while being substantially faster, the above code provides similar results as the following example.
.. code-block:: python
from dSalmon import outlier
import pandas
X = pandas.read_csv('my_dataset.csv')
detector = outlier.SWKNN(window=100,k=5)
outlier_scores = [ detector.fit_predict(X.iloc[i,:]) for i in range(len(X)) ]
print ('Outlier scores: ', outlier_scores)
M-Tree Usage
dSalmon uses an M-Tree for several of its algorithms. An M-Tree is a spatial indexing data structure for metric spaces, allowing fast nearest-neighbor and range queries. The benefit of an M-Tree compared to, e.g., a KD-Tree or Ball-Tree is that insertion, updating and removal of points is fast after having built the tree.
For the development of custom algorithms, an M-Tree interface is provided for Python.
A point within a tree can be accessed either via ``tree[k]`` using the point's key ``k``, or via ``tree.ix[i]`` using the point's index ``i``. Keys can be arbitrary integers and are returned by ``insert()``, ``knn()`` and
``neighbors()``. Indices are integers in the range ``0...len(tree)``, sorted according to the points' keys in ascending order.
KNN queries can be performed using the ``knn()`` function and range queries can be performed using the ``neighbors()`` function.
The following example shows how to modify points within a tree and how to find nearest neighbors.
.. code-block:: python
from dSalmon.trees import MTree
import numpy as np
tree = MTree()
# insert a point [1,2,3,4] with key 5
tree[5] = [1,2,3,4]
# insert some random test data
X = np.random.rand(1000,4)
inserted_keys = tree.insert(X)
# delete every second point
del tree.ix[::2]
# Set the coordinates of the point with the lowest key
tree.ix[0] = [0,0,0,0]
# find the 3 nearest neighbors to [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
neighbor_keys, neighbor_distances, _ = tree.knn([.5,.5,.5,.5], k=3)
print ('Neighbor keys:', neighbor_keys)
print ('Neighbor distances:', neighbor_distances)
# find all neighbors to [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] within a radius of 0.2
neighbor_keys, neighbor_distances, _ = tree.neighbors([.5,.5,.5,.5], radius=0.2)
print ('Neighbor keys:', neighbor_keys)
print ('Neighbor distances:', neighbor_distances)
Extending dSalmon
dSalmon uses `SWIG <http://www.swig.org/>`_ for generating wrapper code for the C++ core algorithms and instantiates single and double precision floating point variants of each algorithm.
The ``cpp`` folder contains the code for the C++ core algorithms, which might be used directly by C++ projects.
When using dSalmon from Python, the C++ algorithms are wrapped by the interfaces in the SWIG folder. These wrapper functions are translated to a Python interface and have the main purpose of providing an interface which can easily be parsed by SWIG.
Finally, the ``python`` folder contains the Python interface invoking the Python interface provided by SWIG.
When adding new algorithms or modifying the interface, the SWIG wrappers have to be rebuilt. To this end, SWIG has to be installed and a ``pip`` package can be created and installed using
.. code-block:: sh
make && pip3 install dSalmon.tar.xz