# Democritus Utility
Democritus functions<sup>[1]</sup> for working with utility functions.
[1] Democritus functions are <i>simple, effective, modular, well-tested, and well-documented</i> Python functions.
We use `d8s` (pronounced "dee-eights") as an abbreviation for `democritus` (you can read more about this [here](https://github.com/democritus-project/roadmap#what-is-d8s)).
## Installation
pip install d8s-utility
## Usage
You import the library like:
from d8s_utility import *
Once imported, you can use any of the functions listed below.
## Functions
- ```python
def copy_first_arg(func):
"""Decorator to make a copy of the first argument and pass into the func."""
- ```python
def has_more_than_one_item(thing: Any) -> bool:
"""Return whether or not the given thing has a length of at least one."""
- ```python
def has_one_or_more_items(thing: Any) -> bool:
"""Return whether or not the given thing has a length of at least one."""
- ```python
def has_one_item(thing: Any) -> bool:
"""Return whether or not the given thing has a length of at least one."""
- ```python
def request_or_read(path):
"""If the given path is a URL, request the URL and return the content; if the path exists read the file.
Otherwise, just return the string and assume it is the input itself."""
- ```python
def request_or_read_first_arg(func):
"""If the first arg is a url - request the URL. If it is a file path, try to read the file.
If it is neither a URL nor file path, return the content of the first arg."""
- ```python
def is_sorted(iterable, *, descending: bool = False) -> bool:
"""Return whether or not the iterable is sorted."""
- ```python
def first_unsorted_value(iterable, *, descending: bool = False) -> Any:
"""Return the first unsorted value in the iterable."""
- ```python
def last_unsorted_value(iterable, *, descending: bool = False) -> Any:
"""Return the last unsorted value in the iterable."""
- ```python
def unsorted_values(iterable, *, descending: bool = False) -> Iterable[Any]:
- ```python
def sorted_values(iterable, *, descending: bool = False) -> Iterable[Any]:
- ```python
def ignore_errors(function, *args, **kwargs):
- ```python
def zip_if_same_length(*iterables, debug_failure: bool = False):
"""Zip the given iterables if they are the same length.
If they are not the same length, raise an assertion error."""
- ```python
def unique_items(iterable_a: Any, iterable_b: Any) -> Dict[str, Set[Any]]:
"""Find the values unique to iterable_a and iterable_b (relative to one another)."""
- ```python
def prettify(thing: Any, *args):
- ```python
def pretty_print(thing: Any, *args):
- ```python
def subprocess_run(command, input_=None):
"""Run the given command as if it were run in a command line."""
- ```python
def stringify_first_arg(func):
"""Decorator to convert the first argument to a string."""
- ```python
def retry_if_no_result(wait_seconds=10):
"""Decorator to call the given function and recall it if it returns nothing."""
- ```python
def map_first_arg(func):
"""If the first argument is a list or tuple, iterate through each item in the list and send it to the function."""
- ```python
def repeat_concurrently(n: int = 10):
"""Repeat the decorated function concurrently n times."""
- ```python
def validate_keyword_arg_value(
keyword: str, valid_keyword_values: Iterable[Any], fail_if_keyword_not_found: bool = True
"""Validate that the value for the given keyword is in the list of valid_keyword_values."""
- ```python
def validate_arg_value(arg_index: StrOrNumberType, valid_values: Iterable[Any]):
"""Validate that the value of the argument at the given arg_index is in the list of valid_values."""
- ```python
def wait_and_retry_on_failure(wait_seconds=10):
"""Try to call the given function.
If there is an exception thrown by the function, wait for wait_seconds and try again."""
## Development
👋 If you want to get involved in this project, we have some short, helpful guides below:
- [contribute to this project 🥇][contributing]
- [test it 🧪][local-dev]
- [lint it 🧹][local-dev]
- [explore it 🔭][local-dev]
If you have any questions or there is anything we did not cover, please raise an issue and we'll be happy to help.
## Credits
This package was created with [Cookiecutter](https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter) and Floyd Hightower's [Python project template](https://github.com/fhightower-templates/python-project-template).
[contributing]: https://github.com/democritus-project/.github/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-a-pr-
[local-dev]: https://github.com/democritus-project/.github/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#local-development-