# Executes Cygwin bash scripts/commands in Python, captures and prints the output
## pip install cygsubprocess
### Tested against Windows 10 / Python 3.10 / Anaconda / cygcheck (cygwin) 3.4.6
from cygsubprocess import Bashsubprocess
ba = Bashsubprocess(
) # If cygwin is not installed, it will be installed and added to the PATH
ba.convert_path_cyg2win("/cygdrive/c/Users/hansc/Downloads/ClipAngel 2.09")
# r'C:\Users\hansc\Downloads\ClipAngel 2.09'
ba.convert_path_win2cyg(path=r"C:\Users\hansc\Downloads\ClipAngel 2.09")
# '/cygdrive/c/Users/hansc/Downloads/ClipAngel 2.09'
cmd1 = ba.execute_capture("ls -la")
cmd2 = ba.execute_capture(["ls -la | grep 'py'"])
cmd1 = ba.execute_print_capture("ls -la")
cmd2 = ba.execute_print_capture(["ls -la | grep 'py'"])
# gist download
scriptexec = r"""
slugify(){ echo "$1" | iconv -t ascii//TRANSLIT | sed -r s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/-/g | sed -r s/^-+\|-+$//g | tr A-Z a-z; }
cnt=0; gh gist list --limit 3 | cut -f1,2 | tac | while read id name; do ((cnt++)); gh gist clone $id $cnt-`slugify "$name"`; done
cmd4 = ba.execute_print_capture(scriptexec)
bashscr = """
# set the STRING variable
STRING="Hello World!"
# print the contents of the variable on screen
echo $STRING
bashtofile = ba.exec_sh_to_file(bashscr, printoutput=False)
bashscr = r"""
#Check if salary and expenses are equal
if [ $salary == $expenses ];
echo "Salary and expenses are equal"
#Check if salary and expenses are not equal
elif [ $salary != $expenses ];
echo "Salary and expenses are not equal"
bashtofile2 = ba.exec_sh_directly(bashscr, printoutput=True)
with open(scriptfile,mode='w', encoding='utf-8',newline='\n') as f:
ba.installapt() # install apt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/transcode-open/apt-cyg/master/apt-cyg
ba.apt_install( package='hunspell-de') # install a package with apt
ba.apt_remove( package='hunspell-de') # remove a package with apt
test2=ba.exec_sh_url( bashscr=r'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/transcode-open/apt-cyg/master/apt-cyg', printoutput=True)
test3=ba.exec_sh_file( bashscr=scriptfile, printoutput=True)
test4=ba.exec_sh_to_file( bashscr, printoutput=True)
test5=ba.exec_sh_directly( bashscr, printoutput=True)
test6=ba.get_list_of_files_no_stat( folder=r'C:\Python34') # windows and cyg path (escaped and unescaped)
test7=ba.get_list_of_files_with_stat( folder=r'C:\Python34') # windows and cyg path (escaped and unescaped)
# b'-rwxr-x---+ 1 Administrators hansc 25749 Mar 31 23:52 trayinfo.py.bak\n'
# b'-rwxr-x---+ 1 Administrators hansc 671 Apr 1 09:50 trayinfotest.py\n'
# b'-rwxr-x---+ 1 Administrators hansc 25878 Apr 1 09:34 traymenuxxxxxxxxxx.py\n'
# b'-rwxr-x---+ 1 Administrators hansc 4329 Apr 1 03:12 tw.py\n'
# b'-rwxr-x---+ 1 Administrators hansc 8095 Apr 1 08:48 win10ctypestoastxxxxxxxxxx.py\n'
# [b'drwxr-x---+ 1 hansc hansc 0 Apr 1 13:01 1-pyde-py\n', b'drwxr-x---+ 1 hansc hansc 0 Apr 1 13:14 1-stra-py\n', b'drwxr-x---+ 1 hansc hansc 0 Apr 1 13:14 10-cygwinco-py\n', b'drwxr-x---+ 1 hansc hansc 0 Apr 1 13:01 10-tracealllines-py\n', b'drwxr-x---+ 1 hansc hansc 0 Apr 1 13:01 2-stra-py\n']
# b"Cloning into '1-tracealllines-py'...\n"
# b"Cloning into '2-cygwinco-py'...\n"
# b"Cloning into '3-cygwinco-py'...\n"
# []
# [b'Hello World!\n']
# b'Salary and expenses are not equal\n'
# [b'Salary and expenses are not equal\n']