# `cyberdrop-dl`
**Bulk downloader for multiple file hosts**
Brand new and improved! Cyberdrop-DL now has an updated paint job, fantastic new look. On top of this it also downloads from different domains simultaneously.

## Support Cyberdrop-DL Development
<a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/juleswinnft" target="_blank"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/default-orange.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" height="41" width="174"></a>
If you want to support me and my effort you can buy me a coffee or send me some crypto:
BTC: bc1qzw7l9d8ju2qnag3skfarrd0t5mkn0zyapnrcsn
ETH: 0xf36ef155C43Ed220BfBb2CBe9c5Ae172A8640e9B
XMR: 46vMP5MXVZqQeGzkA1mbX9WQKU8fbWRBJGAktDcjYkCMRDY7HMdLzi1DFsHCPLgms968cyUz1gCWVhy9cZir9Ae7M6anQ8Q
## More Information
Read the [Wiki](https://github.com/Jules-WinnfieldX/CyberDropDownloader/wiki/)!
## Supported Sites
| Website | Supported Link Types |
| Anonfiles | Download page: Anonfiles.com/... |
| Bayfiles | Download page: Bayfiles.com/... |
| Bunkr (ru/su/la) | Albums: bunkr.ru/a/... <br> Direct Videos: stream.bunkr.ru/v/... <br> Direct links: cdn.bunkr.ru/... <br> Direct links: i.bunkr.ru/... <br> Direct links: files.bunkr.ru/... <br> Direct links: media-files.bunkr.ru/... |
| Coomer.party | Profiles: coomer.party/... <br> Thumbnail Links: coomer.party/thumbnail/... <br> Data Links: coomer.party/data/... <br> coomer.party/.../post/... |
| Cyberdrop | Albums: cyberdrop.me/a/... <br> Direct Videos: fs-0#.cyberdrop.me/... <br> Direct Videos: f.cyberdrop.me/... <br> Direct Images: img-0#.cyberdrop.me/... <br> Direct Images: f.cyberdrop.me/... <br> Also works with .cc, .to, and .nl |
| Cyberfile | folders: cyberfile.su/folder/... <br> shared: cyberfile.su/shared/... <br> Direct: cyberfile.su/... |
| E-Hentai | Albums: e-hentai.org/g/... <br> Posts: e-hentai.org/s/... |
| Erome | Albums: erome.com/a/... |
| Fapello | Models: fapello.com/... |
| Gallery.DeltaPorno.com | Albums: Gallery.DeltaPorno.com/album/... <br> Direct Images: Gallery.DeltaPorno.com/image/... <br> User Profile: Gallery.DeltaPorno.com/#USER# <br> All User Albums: Gallery.DeltaPorno.com/#USER#/albums |
| GoFile | Albums: gofile.io/d/... |
| Gfycat | Gif: gfycat.com/... |
| HGameCG | Albums: hgamecg.com/.../index.html |
| ImgBox | Albums: imgbox.com/g/... <br> Direct Images: images#.imgbox.com/... <br> Single Files: imgbox.com/... |
| IMG.Kiwi | Albums: img.kiwi/album/... <br> Direct Images: img.kiwi/image/... <br> User Profile: img.kiwi/#USER# <br> All User Albums: img.kiwi/#USER#/albums |
| jpg.church<br/>jpg.fish<br/>jpg.fishing | Albums: jpg.church/album/... <br> Direct Images: jpg.church/image/... <br> User Profile: jpg.church/#USER# <br> All User Albums: jpg.church/#USER#/albums |
| LoveFap | Albums: lovefap.com/a/... <br> Direct Images: s*.lovefap.com/content/photos/... <br> Videos: lovefap.com/video/... |
| NSFW.XXX | Profile: nsfw.xxx/user/... <br> Post: nsfw.xxx/post/... |
| PimpAndHost | Albums: pimpandhost.com/album/... <br> Single Files: pimpandhost.com/image/... |
| PixelDrain | Albums: Pixeldrain.com/l/... <br> Single Files: Pixeldrain.com/u/... |
| Pixl | Albums: pixl.li/album/... <br> Direct Images: pixl.li/image/... <br> User Profile: pixl.li/#USER# <br> All User Albums: pixl.li/#USER#/albums |
| Postimg.cc | Albums: postimg.cc/gallery/... <br> Direct Images: postimg.cc/... |
| NudoStar | Thread: nudostar.com/forum/threads/... <br> Continue from (will download this post and after): nudostar.com/forum/threads/...post-NUMBER |
| SimpCity | Thread: simpcity.st/threads/... <br> Continue from (will download this post and after): simpcity.st/threads/...post-NUMBER |
| SocialMediaGirls | Thread: forum.socialmediagirls.com/threads/... <br> Continue from (will download this post and after): forum.socialmediagirls.com/threads/...post-NUMBER |
| XBunker | Thread: xbunker.nu/threads/... <br> Continue from (will download this post and after): xbunker.nu/threads/...post-NUMBER |
| XBunkr | Album: xbunkr.com/a/... <br> Direct Links: media.xbunkr.com/... |
Reminder to leave the link full (include the https://)
## Information
**Requires Python 3.7 or higher (3.10 recommended)**
You can get Python from here: <https://www.python.org/downloads/>
Make sure you tick the check box for "Add python to path"

Mac users will also likely need to open terminal and execute the following command: `xcode-select --install`
## Script Method
Go to the [releases page](https://github.com/Jules-WinnfieldX/CyberDropDownloader/releases) and download the Cyberdrop_DL.zip file. Extract it to wherever you want the program to be.
Put the links in the URLs.txt file then run `Start Windows.bat` (Windows) or `Start Mac.command` (OS X) or `Start Linux.sh` (Linux).
** Mac users will need to run the command `chmod +x 'Start Mac.command'` to make the file executable.
## CLI Method
Run `pip3 install cyberdrop-dl` in command prompt/terminal
Advanced users may want to use virtual environments (via `pipx`), but it's **NOT** required.
1. Run `cyberdrop-dl` once to generate an empty `URLs.txt` file.
2. Copy and paste your links into `URLs.txt`.
Each link you add has to go on its own line (paste link, press enter, repeat).
3. Run `cyberdrop-dl` again.
It will begin to download everything.
4. Enjoy!
### Arguments & Config
If you know what you're doing, you can use the available options to adjust how the program runs.
You can read more about all of these options [here](https://github.com/Jules-WinnfieldX/CyberDropDownloader/wiki/Config-Options). As they directly correlate with the config options.
$ cyberdrop-dl -h
usage: cyberdrop-dl [-h] [-V] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--threads THREADS] [--attempts ATTEMPTS] [--include-id] [--exclude-videos] [--exclude-images] [--exclude-audio] [--exclude-other] [--ignore-history] [--simpcity-username "USERNAME"] [--simpcity-password "PASSWORD"] [--skip SITE] [link ...]
Bulk downloader for multiple file hosts
positional arguments:
link link to content to download (passing multiple links is supported)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE file containing links to download
-o OUTPUT_FOLDER, --output-folder OUTPUT_FOLDER folder to download files to
--config-file config file to read arguments from
--db-file history database file to write to
--errored-urls-file csv file to write failed download information to
--log-file log file to write to
--output-last-forum-post-file text file to output last scraped post from a forum thread for re-feeding into CDL
--unsupported-urls-file csv file to output unsupported links into
--exclude-audio skip downloading of audio files
--exclude-images skip downloading of image files
--exclude-other skip downloading of images
--exclude-videos skip downloading of video files
--ignore-cache ignores previous runs cached scrape history
--ignore-history ignores previous download history
--only-hosts only allows downloads and scraping from these hosts
--skip-hosts doesn't allow downloads and scraping from these hosts
--allow-insecure-connections allows insecure connections from content hosts
--attempts number of attempts to download each file
--block-sub-folders block sub folders from being created
--disable-attempt-limit disables the attempt limitation
--include-id include the ID in the download folder name
--skip-download-mark-completed sets the scraped files as downloaded without downloading
--output-errored-urls sets the failed urls to be output to the errored urls file
--output-unsupported-urls sets the unsupported urls to be output to the unsupported urls file
--proxy HTTP/HTTPS proxy used for downloading, format [protocal]://[ip]:[port]
--remove-bunkr-identifier removes the bunkr added identifier from output filenames
--required-free-space required free space (in gigabytes) for the program to run
--simultaneous-downloads-per-domain number of simultaneous downloads to use per domain
--sort-downloads sorts downloaded files after downloads have finished
--sort-directory folder to download files to
--sorted-audio schema to sort audio
--sorted-images schema to sort images
--sorted-others schema to sort other
--sorted-videos schema to sort videos
--connection-timeout number of seconds to wait attempting to connect to a URL during the downloading phase
--ratelimit this applies to requests made in the program during scraping, the number you provide is in requests/seconds
--throttle this is a throttle between requests during the downloading phase, the number is in seconds
--output-last-forum-post outputs the last post of a forum scrape to use as a starting point for future runs
--separate-posts separates forum scraping into folders by post number
--gofile-api-key api key for premium gofile
--pixeldrain-api-key api key for premium pixeldrain
--nudostar-username username to login to nudostar
--nudostar-password password to login to nudostar
--simpcity-username username to login to simpcity
--simpcity-password password to login to simpcity
--socialmediagirls-username username to login to socialmediagirls
--socialmediagirls-password password to login to socialmediagirls
--xbunker-username username to login to xbunker
--xbunker-password password to login to xbunker
--apply-jdownloader enables sending unsupported URLs to a running jdownloader2 instance to download
--jdownloader-username username to login to jdownloader
--jdownloader-password password to login to jdownloader
--jdownloader-device device name to login to for jdownloader
--hide-new-progress disables the new rich progress entirely and uses older methods
--hide-overall-progress removes overall progress section while downloading
--hide-forum-progress removes forum progress section while downloading
--hide-thread-progress removes thread progress section while downloading
--hide-domain-progress removes domain progress section while downloading
--hide-album-progress removes album progress section while downloading
--hide-file-progress removes file progress section while downloading
--refresh-rate changes the refresh rate of the progress table
--visible-rows-threads number of visible rows to use for the threads table
--visible-rows-domains number of visible rows to use for the domains table
--visible-rows-albums number of visible rows to use for the albums table
--visible-rows-files number of visible rows to use for the files table
`--only-hosts` and `--skip-hosts` can use: `"anonfiles", "bayfiles", "bunkr", "coomer.party", "cyberdrop", "cyberfile", "e-hentai", "erome", "fapello", "gfycat", "gallery.deltaporno.com", "gofile", "hgamecg", "img.kiwi", "imgbox", "jpg.church", "jpg.fish", "kemono.party", "lovefap", "nsfw.xxx", "nudostar", "pimpandhost", "pixeldrain", "pixl.li", "postimg", "saint", "simpcity", "socialmediagirls", "xbunker", "xbunkr"`