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<i><font size="1">(Not this root)</font></i>
A simple root-finding package written in Cython.
Many of the implemented methods can't be found in common Python libraries.
## News:
- Vector root-finding methods can now _(try to)_ solve systems of equations with number of inputs different from number
of outputs.
## Requirements
- Python 3.6+
- dynamic-default-args
- numpy
- scipy
- sympy
#### For compilation:
- Cython (if you want to build from `.pyx` files)
- A C/C++ compiler
## Installation
[cy-root]( is now available on PyPI.
pip install cy-root
Alternatively, you can build from source.
Make sure you have all the dependencies installed, then clone this repo and run:
git clone git://
cd cy-root
pip install .
## Supported algorithms
For more information about the listed algorithms, please check the functions' docstrings or use Google until I update
the references.
### Scalar root:
- **Bracketing methods:** (methods that require lower and upper bounds)
- [x] Bisect
- [x] Hybisect _(bisection with interval analysis)_
- [x] Regula Falsi
- [x] Illinois
- [x] Pegasus
- [x] Anderson–Björck
- [x] Dekker
- [x] Brent _(with Inverse Quadratic Interpolation and Hyperbolic Interpolation)_
- [x] Chandrupatla
- [x] Ridders
- [x] TOMS748
- [x] Wu
- [x] ITP
- **Newton-like methods:** (methods that require derivative and/or higher order derivatives)
- [x] Newton
- [x] Chebyshev
- [x] Halley
- [x] Super-Halley
- [x] Tangent Hyperbolas _(similar to Halley)_
- [x] Householder
- **Quasi-Newton methods:** (methods that approximate derivative, use interpolation, or successive iteration)
- [x] Secant
- [x] Sidi
- [x] Steffensen
- [x] Inverse Quadratic Interpolation
- [x] Hyperbolic Interpolation
- [x] Muller _(for complex root)_
### Vector root:
- **Bracketing methods:** (methods that require n-dimensional bracket)
- [x] Vrahatis _(generalized bisection using n-polygon)_
- **Newton-like methods:** (methods that require Jacobian and/or Hessian)
- [x] Generalized Newton
- [x] Generalized Chebyshev
- [x] Generalized Halley
- [x] Generalized Super-Halley
- [x] Generalized Tangent Hyperbolas _(similar to Generalized Halley)_
- **Quasi-Newton methods:** (methods that approximate Jacobian, use interpolation, or successive iteration)
- [x] Wolfe-Bittner
- [x] Robinson
- [x] Barnes
- [x] Traub-Steffensen
- [x] Broyden _(Good and Bad)_
- [x] Klement
#### Derivative Approximation:
Methods that can be combined with any Newton-like root-finding methods to discard the need of analytical derivatives.
- [x] Finite Difference _(for both scalar and vector functions, up to arbitrary order)_
## Usage
### Examples:
#### Example 1:
Use `find_scalar_root` or `find_vector_root` and pass method name as the first argument.
This example shows the use of `find_scalar_root` function with `itp` method.
from cyroot import find_scalar_root
f = lambda x: x ** 2 - 612
result = find_scalar_root(method='itp', f=f, a=-10, b=50)
RootResults(root=24.73863375370596, f_root=-1.1368683772161603e-13, iters=8, f_calls=10, bracket=(24.73863369031373, 24.738633753846678), f_bracket=(-3.1364744472739403e-06, 6.962181942071766e-09), precision=6.353294779160024e-08, error=1.1368683772161603e-13, converged=True, optimal=True)
The names and pointers to all implemented methods are stored in two dictionaries `SCALAR_ROOT_FINDING_METHODS` and
print('scalar root methods:', SCALAR_ROOT_FINDING_METHODS.keys())
print('vector root methods:', VECTOR_ROOT_FINDING_METHODS.keys())
#### Example 2:
Alternatively, import the function directly.
You can also see the full list of input arguments of by using `help()` on them.
This example shows the use of `muller` method for finding complex root:
from cyroot import muller
# This function has no real root
f = lambda x: x ** 4 + 4 * x ** 2 + 5
# But Muller's method can be used to find complex root
result = muller(f, x0=0, x1=10, x2=20)
RootResults(root=(0.34356074972251255+1.4553466902253551j), f_root=(-8.881784197001252e-16-1.7763568394002505e-15j), iters=43, f_calls=43, precision=3.177770418807502e-08, error=1.9860273225978185e-15, converged=True, optimal=True)
#### Example 3:
Considering the parabola $f(x)=x^2-612$ in **Example 1** with initial bounds $(a,b)$ where $a=-b$, many bracketing
methods will fail to find a root as the values evaluated at initial bracket are identical.
In this example, we use the `hybisect` method which repeatedly bisects the search regions until the Bolzano criterion
holds, thus can find multiple roots:
import math
from cyroot import hybisect
f = lambda x: x ** 2 - 612
# interval arithmetic function of f
interval_f = lambda x_l, x_h: ((min(abs(x_l), abs(x_h))
if math.copysign(1, x_l) * math.copysign(1, x_h) > 0
else 0) ** 2 - 612,
max(abs(x_l), abs(x_h)) ** 2 - 612)
result = hybisect(f, interval_f, -50, 50)
RootResults(root=[-24.738633753707973, 24.738633753707973], f_root=[9.936229616869241e-11, 9.936229616869241e-11], split_iters=1, iters=[43, 43], f_calls=(92, 3), bracket=[(-24.738633753710815, -24.73863375370513), (24.73863375370513, 24.738633753710815)], f_bracket=[(nan, nan), (nan, nan)], precision=[5.6843418860808015e-12, 5.6843418860808015e-12], error=[9.936229616869241e-11, 9.936229616869241e-11], converged=[True, True], optimal=[True, True])
#### Example 4:
This example shows the use of the `halley` method with functions returning first and second order derivatives of `f`:
from cyroot import halley
f = lambda x: x ** 3 - 5 * x ** 2 + 2 * x - 1
# first order derivative
df = lambda x: 3 * x ** 2 - 10 * x + 2
# second order derivative
d2f = lambda x: 6 * x - 10
result = halley(f, df, d2f, x0=1.5)
RootResults(root=4.613470267581537, f_root=-3.623767952376511e-13, df_root=(19.7176210537612, 17.68082160548922), iters=11, f_calls=(12, 12, 12), precision=4.9625634836147965e-05, error=3.623767952376511e-13, converged=True, optimal=True)
The `householder` method supports an arbitrary number of higher order derivatives:
from cyroot import householder
f = lambda x: x ** 3 - 5 * x ** 2 + 2 * x - 1
df = lambda x: 3 * x ** 2 - 10 * x + 2
d2f = lambda x: 6 * x - 10
d3f = lambda x: 6
result = householder(f, dfs=[df, d2f, d3f], x0=1.5)
print(result) # same result
#### Example 5:
Similarly, to find roots of systems of equations with Newton-like methods, you have to define functions returning
**Jacobian** (and **Hessian**) of `F`.
This example shows the use of `generalized_super_halley` method:
import numpy as np
from cyroot import generalized_super_halley
# all functions for vector root methods must take a numpy array
# as argument, and return an array-like object
F = lambda x: np.array([x[0] ** 2 + 2 * x[0] * np.sin(x[1]) - x[1],
4 * x[0] * x[1] ** 2 - x[1] ** 3 - 1])
# Jacobian
J = lambda x: np.array([
[2 * x[0] + 2 * np.sin(x[1]), 2 * x[0] * np.cos(x[1]) - 1],
[4 * x[1] ** 2, 8 * x[0] * x[1] - 3 * x[1] ** 2]
# Hessian
H = lambda x: np.array([
[[2, 2 * np.cos(x[1])],
[2 * np.cos(x[1]), -2 * x[0] * np.sin(x[1])]],
[[0, 8 * x[1]],
[8 * x[1], 8 * x[0] - 6 * x[1]]]
result = generalized_super_halley(F, J, H, x0=np.array([2., 2.]))
Output: _(a bit messy)_
RootResults(root=array([0.48298601, 1.08951589]), f_root=array([-4.35123049e-11, -6.55444587e-11]), df_root=(array([[ 2.73877785, -0.55283751],
[ 4.74817951, 0.6486328 ]]), array([[[ 2. , 0.92582907],
[ 0.92582907, -0.85624041]],
[[ 0. , 8.71612713],
[ 8.71612713, -2.6732073 ]]])), iters=3, f_calls=(4, 4, 4), precision=0.0005808146393164461, error=6.554445874940029e-11, converged=True, optimal=True)
#### Example 6:
For vector bracketing root methods or vector root methods with multiple initial guesses, the input should be a 2D
This example shows the use of `vrahatis` method (a generalized bisection) with the example function in the original
import numpy as np
from cyroot import vrahatis
F = lambda x: np.array([x[0] ** 2 - 4 * x[1],
-2 * x[0] + x[1] ** 2 + 4 * x[1]])
# If the initial points do not form an admissible n-polygon,
# an exception will be raised.
x0s = np.array([[-2., -0.25],
[0.5, 0.25],
[2, -0.25],
[0.6, 0.25]])
result = vrahatis(F, x0s=x0s)
RootResults(root=array([4.80212874e-11, 0.00000000e+00]), f_root=array([ 2.30604404e-21, -9.60425747e-11]), iters=34, f_calls=140, bracket=array([[ 2.29193750e-10, 2.91038305e-11],
[-6.54727619e-12, 2.91038305e-11],
[ 4.80212874e-11, 0.00000000e+00],
[-6.98492260e-11, 0.00000000e+00]]), f_bracket=array([[-1.16415322e-10, -3.41972179e-10],
[-1.16415322e-10, 1.29509874e-10],
[ 2.30604404e-21, -9.60425747e-11],
[ 4.87891437e-21, 1.39698452e-10]]), precision=2.9904297647806717e-10, error=9.604257471622717e-11, converged=True, optimal=True)
#### Example 7:
This example shows the use of `finite_difference` to approximate derivatives when analytical solutions are not
import math
from cyroot import finite_difference
f = lambda x: (math.sin(x) + 1) ** x
x = 3 * math.pi / 2
d3f_x = finite_difference(f, x,
h=1e-4, # step
order=1, # order
kind='forward') # type: forward, backward, or central
# 7.611804179666343e-36
Similarly, `generalized_finite_difference` can compute vector derivative of arbitrary order
(`order=1` for **Jacobian**, `order=2` for **Hessian**), and `h` can be a number or a `np.ndarray` containing different
step sizes for each dimension:
import numpy as np
from cyroot import generalized_finite_difference
F = lambda x: np.array([x[0] ** 3 - 3 * x[0] * x[1] + 5 * x[1] - 7,
x[0] ** 2 + x[0] * x[1] ** 2 - 4 * x[1] ** 2 + 3.5])
x = np.array([2., 3.])
# Derivatives of F will have shape (m, *([n] * order))
# where n is number of inputs, m is number of outputs
J_x = generalized_finite_difference(F, x, h=1e-4, order=1) # Jacobian
# array([[ 2.99985, -1.00015],
# [ 13.0003 , -11.9997 ]])
H_x = generalized_finite_difference(F, x, h=1e-3, order=2) # Hessian
# array([[[12. , -3. ],
# [-3. , 0. ]],
# [[ 2. , 6.001],
# [ 6.001, -3.998]]])
K_x = generalized_finite_difference(F, x, h=1e-2, order=3) # Kardashian, maybe
# array([[[[ 6.00000000e+00, 2.32830644e-10],
# [ 2.32830644e-10, 2.32830644e-10]],
# [[ 2.32830644e-10, 2.32830644e-10],
# [ 2.32830644e-10, 1.11758709e-08]]],
# [[[ 0.00000000e+00, -3.72529030e-09],
# [-3.72529030e-09, 1.99999999e+00]],
# [[-3.72529030e-09, 1.99999999e+00],
# [ 1.99999999e+00, -1.67638063e-08]]]])
Conveniently, you can use the `FiniteDifference` and `GeneralizedFiniteDifference` classes to wrap our function and
pass them to any Newton-like methods.
This is actually the default behavior when derivative functions of all Newton-like methods or the initial Jacobian
guess of some vector quasi-Newton methods are not provided.
from cyroot import GeneralizedFiniteDifference, generalized_halley
J = GeneralizedFiniteDifference(F, h=1e-4, order=1)
H = GeneralizedFiniteDifference(F, h=1e-3, order=2)
result = generalized_halley(F, J=J, H=H, x0=x)
RootResults(root=array([2.16665878, 2.11415683]), f_root=array([-5.47455414e-11, 1.05089271e-11]), df_root=(array([[ 7.74141032, -1.49997634],
[ 8.80307666, -7.75212506]]), array([[[ 1.30059527e+01, -3.00000000e+00],
[-3.00000000e+00, -4.54747351e-13]],
[[ 2.00000000e+00, 4.22931366e+00],
[ 4.22931366e+00, -3.66668244e+00]]])), iters=4, f_calls=(5, 211, 211), precision=1.0327220168881081e-07, error=5.474554143347632e-11, converged=True, optimal=True)
#### Output format:
The returned `result` is a namedtuple whose elements depend on the type of the method:
- Common:
- `root`: the solved root.
- `f_root`: value evaluated at root.
- `iters`: number of iterations.
- `f_calls`: number of function calls.
- `precision`: width of final bracket (for bracketing methods), or absolute difference of root with the last
estimation, or the span of the set of final estimations.
- `error`: absolute value of `f_root`.
- `converged`: `True` if the stopping criterion is met, `False` if the procedure terminated prematurely.
- `optimal`: `True` only if the error tolerance is satisfied `abs(f_root) <= etol`.
- Exclusive to bracketing methods:
- `bracket`: final bracket.
- `f_bracket`: value evaluated at final bracket.
- Exclusive to Newton-like methods:
- `df_root`: derivative or tuple of derivatives (of increasing orders) evaluated at root.
- `converged` can be `True` even if the solution is not optimal, which means the routine stopped because the
precision tolerance is satisfied.
- For `scipy.optimize.root` users, the stopping condition arguments `etol`, `ertol`, `ptol`, `prtol` are equivalent to
`f_tol`, `f_rtol`, `x_tol`, `x_rtol`, respectively (but not identical).
#### Configurations:
The default values for stop condition arguments (i.e. `etol`, `ertol`, `ptol`, `prtol`, `max_iter`) are globally set to
the values defined in [``](cyroot/, and can be modified dynamically as follows:
import cyroot
ptol=0, # disable precision tolerance
help(cyroot.illinois) # run to check the updated docstring
For more examples, please check the [`examples`](examples) folder.
## Contributing
If you want to contribute, please contact me. \
If you want an algorithm to be implemented, also drop me the paper (I will read if I have time).
## License
The code is released under the MIT license. See [`LICENSE.txt`](LICENSE.txt) for details.