# cvui
A (very) simple UI lib built on top of OpenCV drawing primitives. Other UI libs, such as [imgui](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui), require a graphical backend (e.g. OpenGL) to work, so if you want to use imgui in a OpenCV app, you must make it OpenGL enabled, for instance. It is not the case with cvui, which uses *only* OpenCV drawing primitives to do all the rendering (no OpenGL or Qt required).
## Features
- Lightweight and simple to use user interface;
- Header-only with no external dependencies (except OpenCV);
- Based on OpenCV drawing primitives only (OpenGL or Qt are not required);
- Friendly and C-like API (no classes/objects, etc);
- Easily render components without worrying about their position (using rows/columns);
- Simple (yet powerful) mouse API;
- Modest number of UI components (11 in total);
- Available in C++ and Python (pure implementation, no bindings).
## Usage
Use of cvui revolves around calling `cvui.init()` to initialize the lib, rendering cvui components to a `np.ndarray` (that you handle yourself) and finally showing that `np.ndarray` on the screen using `cvui.imshow()`, which is cvui's version of `cv2.imshow()`. Alternatively you can use `cv2.imshow()` to show things, but in such case you must call `cvui.update()` yourself before calling `cv.imshow()`.
Below is an example:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import cvui
# Initialize cvui and create/open a OpenCV window.
# Create a frame to render components to.
frame = np.zeros((200, 400, 3), np.uint8)
while True:
# Clear the frame.
frame[:] = (49, 52, 49)
# Render a message in the frame at position (10, 15)
cvui.text(frame, 10, 15, 'Hello world!')
# Show frame in a window.
cvui.imshow(WINDOW1_NAME, frame)
if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
The following sections explain in detail each one of the steps required to use cvui.
### 1. Import and initialize cvui
Before using cvui, you need to call `cvui.init()` to initialize it. The easiest way is to initialize cvui and tell it to create any OpenCV window that will be used, e.g.:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import cvui
# Tell cvui to init and create a window
while True:
# your app logic here
if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
**Tip:** if you need to use cvui with multiple windows, or you want more control over the process of creating windows, check the <a href="https://dovyski.github.io/cvui/advanced-multiple-windows">Multiple OpenCV windows</a> page and the <a href="https://github.com/Dovyski/cvui/tree/master/example/src/multiple-windows">multiple-windows</a> and <a href="https://github.com/Dovyski/cvui/tree/master/example/src/multiple-windows-complex">multiple-windows-complex</a> examples.</div>
### 2. Rendering and using cvui components
All cvui components are rendered to a `np.ndarray`. Below is an example showing how to render a `'Hello world'` message on a `np.ndarray` named `frame`:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import cvui
# Create a frame
frame = np.zeros((200, 400, 3), np.uint8)
while True:
# clear the frame
frame[:] = (49, 52, 49)
# render a message in the frame at position (10, 15)
cvui.text(frame, 10, 15, 'Hello world!')
if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
Some cvui components, i.e. <a href="https://dovyski.github.io/cvui/components/counter/">counter</a>, <a href="https://dovyski.github.io/cvui/components/trackbar/">trackbar</a> and <a href="https://dovyski.github.io/cvui/components/checkbox/">checkbox</a>.</div>, use an external variable that they need to modify to control their internal state. Since there are no pointers to built-in types in Python, cvui components that need to change an external variable must receive such variable as an array/list with a single element.
Below is an example of a checkbox whose state is stored in the variable `checkboxState`:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import cvui
frame = np.zeros((200, 400, 3), np.uint8)
# use an array/list because this variable will be changed by cvui
checkboxState = [False]
while True:
frame[:] = (49, 52, 49)
# Render the checkbox. Notice that checkboxState is used AS IS,
# e.g. simply "checkboxState" instead of "checkboxState[0]".
# Only internally that cvui will use checkboxState[0].
cvui.checkbox(frame, 10, 15, 'My checkbox', checkboxState)
# Check the state of the checkbox. Here you need to remember to
# use the first position of the array/list because that's the
# one being used by all cvui components that perform changes
# to external variables.
if checkboxState[0] == True:
print('Checkbox is checked')
if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
**Tip:** see the <a href="https://dovyski.github.io/cvui/">online documentation</a> to learn more about all available cvui components.
### 3. Show (window) content
After rendering your components, show the final result using `cvui.imshow()`, which is cvui's improved version of OpenCV's `cv2.imshow()`:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import cvui
frame = np.zeros((200, 400, 3), np.uint8)
while True:
frame[:] = (49, 52, 49)
cvui.text(frame, 10, 15, 'Hello world!')
# Show window content
cvui.imshow(WINDOW1_NAME, frame)
if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
When you use `cvui.imshow()` instead of `cv2.imshow()`, cvui will not only show the content, but update its internal structures to ensure all UI interactions work.
If you want to use `cv2.imshow()`, you must call `cvui.update()` before `cv2.imshow()` and after you are finished invoking cvui components, so cvui can perform its internal processing to handle mouse interactions. E.g.
import numpy as np
import cv2
import cvui
frame = np.zeros((200, 400, 3), np.uint8)
while True:
frame[:] = (49, 52, 49)
cvui.text(frame, 10, 15, 'Hello world!')
# Update cvui internal stuff
# Show window content
cv2.imshow(WINDOW1_NAME, frame)
if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27: