# CVRF-CSAF-Converter
<!-- TOC depthfrom:2 depthto:3 -->
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [How to use CVRF-CSAF-converter](#how-to-use-cvrf-csaf-converter)
- [Usage as CLI tool](#usage-as-cli-tool)
- [Config](#config)
- [Specifications](#specifications)
- [Developing CVRF-CSAF-converter](#developing-cvrf-csaf-converter)
- [Developer Guide, Architecture and Technical Design](#developer-guide-architecture-and-technical-design)
- [Security Considerations](#security-considerations)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Project](#project)
<!-- /TOC -->
## Introduction
> CVRF-CSAF-converter is a Python tool for converting [CSAF CVRF 1.2 documents](https://docs.oasis-open.org/csaf/csaf-cvrf/v1.2/cs01/csaf-cvrf-v1.2-cs01.html) in [CSAF 2.0 documents](https://docs.oasis-open.org/csaf/csaf/v2.0/csaf-v2.0.html). It fulfills the conformance target [CVRF CSAF converter](https://docs.oasis-open.org/csaf/csaf/v2.0/csaf-v2.0.html#915-conformance-clause-5-cvrf-csaf-converter).
**Note**: The project is currently still under development. Not all features have been implemented and therefore the conformance goal is not yet fulfilled.
## Getting started
Ensure that you have installed `python3` (version >= 3.6), `python3-pip` and `python3-venv`.
Assume your current directory is also avaliable at the environment variable `$ROOT_DIR`.
Check out the repository and navigate to the working directory.
```shell script
git clone https://github.com/csaf-tools/CVRF-CSAF-Converter.git
cd CVRF-CSAF-Converter
Afterwards, create a virtual environment and install the package there:
```shell script
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install .
_Hint: If you would like to get the debugger running, try to install the code as follows: `pip install -e .`_
## How to use CVRF-CSAF-converter
### Usage as CLI tool
To convert the CVRF CSAF 1.2 document `$ROOT_DIR/CVRF-CSAF-Converter/examples/1.2/cvrf_example_a.xml` use the following command:
```shell script
cvrf2csaf --input-file $ROOT_DIR/CVRF-CSAF-Converter/examples/1.2/cvrf_example_a.xml
The default output directory is `./`, it can be set using `--output-dir`.
The output filename is derived from the CSAF field `/document/tracking/id`.
If there is an ERROR during conversion, the output file will not be written unless `--force` option is used.
The rest of the options can be shown with:
```shell script
cvrf2csaf -h
### Config
The [config file](https://github.com/csaf-tools/CVRF-CSAF-Converter/blob/main/cvrf2csaf/config/config.yaml) is installed inside the Python package.
For the installation using `venv`, the config file is located in `$PATH_TO_THE_VENV/lib/python3.X/site-packages/cvrf2csaf/config/config.yaml`.
When installing the PyPI package with pip (--user), the config file is located in `$HOME/.local/lib/python3.X/site-packages/cvrf2csaf/config/config.yaml`
Converter options can be changed there, or overridden by command line arguments/options.
## Specifications
We follow the official OASIS specifications in order to provide as much acceptance on the user base as possible.
- [Specification CVRF 1.2](http://docs.oasis-open.org/csaf/csaf-cvrf/v1.2/cs01/csaf-cvrf-v1.2-cs01.html)
- [xsd common](http://docs.oasis-open.org/csaf/ns/csaf-cvrf/v1.2/common)
- [xsd cvrf](http://docs.oasis-open.org/csaf/ns/csaf-cvrf/v1.2/cvrf)
- [xsd prod](http://docs.oasis-open.org/csaf/ns/csaf-cvrf/v1.2/prod)
- [xsd vuln](http://docs.oasis-open.org/csaf/ns/csaf-cvrf/v1.2/vuln)
- [Specification CSAF 2.0](https://docs.oasis-open.org/csaf/csaf/v2.0/csaf-v2.0.html)
- [JSON spec](https://docs.oasis-open.org/csaf/csaf/v2.0/schemas/csaf_json_schema.json)
## Developing CVRF-CSAF-converter
### Developer Guide, Architecture and Technical Design
The converter uses lxml.objectify to parse the whole input document.
Parsing and conversion of the following [CSAF CVRF 1.2](https://docs.oasis-open.org/csaf/csaf-cvrf/v1.2/cs01/csaf-cvrf-v1.2-cs01.html) XML elements are handled by separate section handlers. These section handlers process the elements recursively (converting also all their sub-elements). These elements are the direct children of the root XML element (`<cvrfdoc>`).
- DocumentTitle, DocumentType, DocumentDistribution, AggregateSeverity -> [`DocumentLeafElements`](cvrf2csaf/section_handlers/document_leaf_elements.py) handler
- DocumentPublisher -> [`DocumentPublisher`](cvrf2csaf/section_handlers/document_publisher.py) handler
- DocumentTracking -> [`DocumentTracking`](cvrf2csaf/section_handlers/document_tracking.py) handler
- DocumentNotes -> [`Notes`](cvrf2csaf/section_handlers/notes.py) handler
- DocumentReferences -> [`References`](cvrf2csaf/section_handlers/references.py) handler
- Acknowledgments -> [`Acknowledgments`](cvrf2csaf/section_handlers/acknowledgments.py) handler
- ProductTree -> [`ProductTree`](cvrf2csaf/section_handlers/product_tree.py) handler
- Vulnerability -> [`Vulnerability`](cvrf2csaf/section_handlers/vulnerability.py) handler
`Vulnerability` handler is reusing `Acknowledgments`, `References` and `Notes` handlers for its child elements.
Each of these section handlers is implemented by own class inheriting from `SectionHandler` class.
This base class contains `_process_mandatory_elements` and `_process_optional_elements` methods
which are parsing and converting mandatory/optional elements/attributes. Each subclass must implement these methods.
`SectionHandler` class holds `error_occurred` class variable. This variable is overwritten by any children class in case
some error resulting in invalid output json happened. Depending on `--force` commandline parameter, the program
either quits with error log message without producing output or produce invalid output and warning log message.
Complete conversion together with input and output validation against schemata is handled by the `DocumentHandler` class.
### Security Considerations
These are the TOP OWASP categories of vulnerabilities which potentially affect the CVRF-CSAF-Converter.
We are omitting those which do not apply (most of them), since it's a plain command-line tool (e.g. authentication failures)
#### [A03:2021 – Injection](https://owasp.org/Top10/A03_2021-Injection/)
The XML input for the converter is strictly validated for [CSAF CVRF 1.2](https://docs.oasis-open.org/csaf/csaf-cvrf/v1.2/cs01/csaf-cvrf-v1.2-cs01.html). The converter rejects invalid inputs.
However, there is a known issue for inserting HTML with code/script, which could be executed by a CSAF consumer:
[Encode HTML in JSON output](https://github.com/csaf-tools/CVRF-CSAF-Converter/issues/5)
#### [A06:2021 - Vulnerable and Outdated Components](https://owasp.org/Top10/A06_2021-Vulnerable_and_Outdated_Components/)
A [CodeQL action](https://github.com/csaf-tools/CVRF-CSAF-Converter/blob/main/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml) is set in this project to spot vulnerabilities in 3rd party libraries.
Especially the `lxml` library can be susceptible.
#### [A4:2017 - XML External Entities (XXE)](https://owasp.org/www-project-top-ten/2017/A4_2017-XML_External_Entities_(XXE))
XXE vulnerability present in releases <1.0.0rc2 was fixed in [this commit](https://github.com/csaf-tools/CVRF-CSAF-Converter/commit/ff20a6c00245b064ceb6840dab0cd95a82fbec49)
CVE report: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-27193
## Contributing
Please refer to [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details about how to contribute to the development of [CVRF-CSAF-converter](https://github.com/csaf-tools/CVRF-CSAF-converter).
## Project
CVRF-CSAF-Converter is a project between Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH and the Federal Office for Information Security. It aims to provide a CVRF 1.x to CSAF 2.0 converter.
Realization is taking place 100% Open Source. The final delivery will be in Q1/2022.