# Apache Custos Python SDK
The Apache Custos Python SDK for third party clients to integrate with Custos middleware
### Folder Structure
- custos
Includes gRPC stubs generated by a protoc compiler. Mainly contains data model and functions. You may
need to import data model packages to integrate with clients.
- clients
Includes integration clients, which you want to import and integrate with your code to access Custos middleware.
- samples
Includes set of sample implementation of integration clients to demo the integration with Custos middleware
- transport
Includes connection handling classes
### Before Integration
- Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a INI file containing server configuration details. For more information refer to default settings file
### Generating Distribution Archives (Optional)
You can generate *.tar.gz or .whl distribution and install to any external project.
- Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
- Make sure you have the latest versions of setuptools and wheel installed
pip install wheel
- Now run this command from the same directory where setup.py is located
python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
- This command should output a lot of text and once completed should generate two files in the dist directory
You should be able to install those packages into your project.
### Integrate With Your Clients
There are three types of tokens used for access custos APIs.
- Client Token (Base64 encoded Custos_Client_Id +":"+ Custos_Client_Sec)
- Admin Token (Access Token of Admin User)
- User Token (Access Token of Generic User)
- [tenant_management_client](custos/clients/tenant_management_client.py)
- create_admin_tenant (<sub><sup>client_name, requester_email, admin_frist_name,
admin_last_name, admin_email, admin_username, admin_password,
contacts, redirect_uris, client_uri, scope, domain, logo_uri, comment</sup></sub>)
- create_tenant (<sub><sup>client_token, client_name, requester_email, admin_frist_name,
admin_last_name, admin_email, admin_username, admin_password,
contacts, redirect_uris, client_uri, scope, domain, logo_uri, comment</sup></sub>)
- get_credentials (<sub><sup>client_token</sup></sub>)
- get_tenant (<sub><sup>client_token, client_id</sup></sub>)
- update_tenant (<sub><sup>client_token, client_id, client_name, requester_email, admin_frist_name,
admin_last_name, admin_email, admin_username, admin_password,
contacts, redirect_uris, client_uri, scope, domain, logo_uri, comment</sup></sub>)
- delete_tenant (<sub><sup>client_token, client_id</sup></sub>)
- add_tenant_roles (<sub><sup>client_token, roles, is_client_level</sup></sub>)
- add_protocol_mapper (<sub><sup>client_token, roles, is_client_level</sup></sub>)
- get_child_tenants (<sub><sup> client_token, offset, limit, status</sup></sub>)
- get_all_tenants (<sub><sup> client_token, email</sup></sub>)
Sample implementations can be found at [tenant_management_samples](custos/samples/tenant_management_samples.py)
- [identity_management_client](custos/clients/identity_management_client.py)
- authenticate(<sub><sup>client_token, username, password</sup></sub>)
- is_authenticated(<sub><sup> client_token, user_access_token, username</sup></sub>)
- get_service_account_access_token(<sub><sup> client_token</sup></sub>)
- authorize(<sub><sup> client_id, redirect_uri, response_type, scope, state</sup></sub>)
- token(<sub><sup> client_token, redirect_uri, code</sup></sub>)
- get_credentials(<sub><sup> client_token, client_id</sup></sub>)
- get_oidc_configuration(<sub><sup> client_token, client_id</sup></sub>)
Sample implementations can be found at [identity_management_sample](custos/samples/identity_management_samples.py)
- [user_management_client](custos/clients/user_management_client.py)
- register_user(<sub><sup>client_token, username, first_name, last_name, password, email, is_temp_password</sup></sub>)
- register_and_enable_users(<sub><sup> admin_token, users</sup></sub>)
- add_user_attributes(<sub><sup> user_token, attributes, users</sup></sub>)
- delete_user_attributes(<sub><sup> user_token, attributes, users</sup></sub>)
- enable_user(<sub><sup> client_token, username</sup></sub>)
- add_roles_to_users(<sub><sup> admin_token, usernames, roles, is_client_level</sup></sub>)
- is_user_enabled(<sub><sup> client_token, username</sup></sub>)
- is_username_available(<sub><sup> client_token, username</sup></sub>)
- get_user(<sub><sup> client_token, username</sup></sub>)
- find_users(<sub><sup> client_token, offset, limit, username=None, firstname=None, lastname=None, email=None</sup></sub>)
- reset_password(<sub><sup> client_token, username, password</sup></sub>)
- delete_user(<sub><sup> admin_token, username</sup></sub>)
- delete_user_roles(<sub><sup> admin_token, username, client_roles, realm_roles</sup></sub>)
- update_user_profile(<sub><sup> user_token, username, email, first_name, last_name</sup></sub>)
Sample implementations can be found at [user_management_samples](custos/samples/user_management_sample.py)
- [super_tenant_management_client](custos/clients/super_tenant_management_client.py)
- get_all_tenants(<sub><sup> super_admin_token, offset, limit, status</sup></sub>)
- update_tenant_status(<sub><sup> super_admin_token, client_id, status</sup></sub>)