# custom_imports
Tools to hook into Python's `import` syntax.
These hooks can allow you to `import` config files,
modules written in different languages,
or even create entirely virtual modules.
## Basic Usage
Included in `custom_imports` are some sample importers,
`json_importer`, `cfg_importer`, `ini_importer`, and `CSVImporter`.
When registered, these importers allow you to `import` the corresponding file
types as though they were Python modules.
For example,
server_name = prod
debug = no
host = https://example.com
port = 27017
username = <username>
password = <password>
import server_config
if server_config.environment.debug:
db_client = DatabaseClient(**server_config.database)
## Registration
Importers can be registered with `importer.register()`.
from custom_imports import ini_importer
import server_config
Alternatively, you can use the importer as a context manager:
with ini_importer:
import server_config
and the importer deregisters itself once the `with` block has been terminated.
## Deregistration
Import hooks modify `sys.meta_path`, which is global, so it's a bad idea to
leave your importers hanging around if you intend for your code to be used as
part of a larger project.
For example, if two modules use different flavors of CSV, then one of them is
going to be unable to import their CSV files.
Thankfully, once a module has been imported for the first time, it is stored in
the module cache, and so you no longer need the importer.
To keep your `sys.meta_path` clear, you can deregister an importer once you're
finished with it.
This can be done either with `importer.deregister()`, or by using the importer
as a context manager.
## Environment-wide Setup
On the other hand, it can be ugly needing to have a non-`import` (the importer
registration) before an `import` (your custom module type).
If you *are* the only project needing to use this Python environment, then you
can register an importer environment-wide.
To do so, create a `custom-imports.pth` file in your environment's
`site-packages` folder with the following contents:
import custom_imports; custom_imports.ini_importer.register()
For multiple importers, repeat the entire line, replacing the importer used.
If your project uses an importer in this way, be sure to include this step in
your project's environment setup instructions.
## Reference
### `Finder`
Module `Finder`s search for a module among the various paths available.
If it finds a module, it returns a "locator" for that module,
which can be any non-`None` Python object that contains all the
information required to immediately locate the module.
If it fails to find a module, it returns `None`.
Module `Finder`s do not attempt to construct the module,
they only find their locators.
Custom `Finder`s should inherit from `Finder` and override the `find_module_locator` method.
Two module `Finder`s are provided by default:
#### `SimpleFinder`
A basic Finder class.
Finds a module locator by calling `func(fullname, path, target)`.
#### `FileModuleExtensionFinder`
Finder for file based modules by file extensions.
A file based module is a module that is generated from a single file.
This Finder interprets a module's name as a filename, with extension `ext`.
Parent modules are interpreted as directories.
This provides a relative path, which is searched for on the standard module
search path. If a file with that relative path is found, then the absolute
`Path` of that file is returned as its module locator.
### `Loader`
Module `Loader`s take module locators, and construct the module at that location.
Custom `Loader`s should inherit from `Loader` and override the `create_module` and `exec_module` methods.
Two module `Loader`s are provided by default:
#### `SimpleLoader`
A basic Loader class.
Creates an empty module by calling the equivalent of `cls(**kwargs)`,
and executes it by calling `func(module, module_locator)`.
#### `FileModuleLoader`
Loader for file based modules.
A file based module is a module that is generated from a single file.
This Loader takes a `Path` to the file to be loaded as its module locator,
creates an empty module by calling the equivalent of `cls(**kwargs)`,
and executes it by calling `func(module, file)`.
The file handle passed to `func` is closed after `func` terminates.
### `Importer`
A basic Importer class.
When registered, this `Importer` overloads `import` syntax to additionally
attempt to use `finder` to find modules, and `loader` to load them.
Register an `Importer` with `importer.register()`.
Deregister an `Importer` with `importer.deregister()`.
May also be used as a context manager:
with foo_importer:
import foo
with the importer registering itself at the start of the block, and
deregistering itself at the end.
### Sample importers
#### `json_importer`
When registered, imports `.json` files as `dict`s.
#### `cfg_importer`
When registered, import `.cfg` files using `ConfigParser`,
with attribute notation.
#### `ini_importer`
When registered, import `.ini` files using `ConfigParser`,
with attribute notation.
#### `CSVImporter`
When instantiated and registered, import `.csv` files using the provided CSV reader.
This importer loads a module using the result of `csv_reader(file, **kwargs)`.
`csv_reader` should be a CSV reader class (for example, `csv.reader`, or