# cthreepo
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A python script to interconvert seq-ids in gff3, gtf, bed and other files.
## Quick start for the impatient
1. Install using conda
conda install -c bioconda cthreepo
2. Execute as follows:
## convert seq-ids in <input.gff3> from refseq format (NC_000001.11)
## to UCSC format (chr1) using the Human GRCh38 mapping dictionary
cthreepo -i <input.gff3> -if rs -it uc -f gff3 -m h38 -o <output.gff3>
## Introduction
NCBI RefSeq, UCSC and Ensembl use different identifiers for chromosomes in annotation and other files such as GFF3, GTF, etc. Users interested in using a mix of files downloaded from different sources and use them in a single pipeline may end up with seq-id mismatch related errors. This script converts seq-ids from one style to the other in order to make the files compatible with each other.
## Installation and Usage
Python3 is required for this script to work. With that requirement satisfied, you can install as shown below:
### Install using conda
conda install -c bioconda cthreepo
### Install using pip
pip install cthreepo
### Install from this repository
First, download/clone the repository. Then run:
python3 setup.py install
### Usage
## help
cthreepo --help
## usage
## convert seq-ids in <input.gff3> from refseq format (NC_000001.11)
## to UCSC format (chr1) using the Human GRCh38 mapping dictionary
cthreepo \
--infile <input.gff3> \
--id_from rs \
--id_to uc \
--format gff3 \
--mapfile h38 \
--outfile <output.gff3>
## File formats supported
1. GFF3 (default)
2. GTF
3. BedGraph
4. BED
5. SAM
6. VCF
7. WIG
8. TSV
## Mapping files
`cthreepo` needs a `mapfile` that it uses to figure out how seq-ids map from one style to the other.
* Use the built-in shortcuts -- `h38`, `h37`, `m38` and `m37` for GRCh38/hg38, GRCh37/hg19, MGSCv37/mm9 and GRCm38/mm10 respectively. I try to keep these files up-to-date but if they don't work as expected, I suggest using the latest file by following one of the two options described below.
* Provide NCBI assembly accession using the `-a` parameter. A complete, legal accession.version such as GCF_000001405.39 should be provided.
* Provide an NCBI assembly report file. For a given assembly it can be downloaded from the [NCBI Assembly](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly) website. If the 'Download' button is used, this file is called 'Assembly structure report'. On the [NCBI Genomes FTP](https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/) site, these files have the suffix `assembly_report.txt`.