Welcome to csv2oerp's documentation!
`csv2oerp` is a Python converter from the `csv` format to `OpenERP` data record.
`csv2oerp` is an easy way to import records from heterogeneous datas by editing
a simple script as the manner of `OpenERP` data model.
You can specify pre-treatment(s) before any records insertions, you can also,
according to criteria, omit the insertion of an entire record, mofify it or just
create it (CRUD abilities).
Some features of `csv2oerp` include abilities of Python `csv` module to specify
input file configuration. It also include somme abilities of some third party
library according to your needs.
Quick start
.. code-block:: python
#!/usr/bin/env python
#.. your_script.py
from csv2oerp import Model, Field, Openerp, Session
# Configure OpenERP connection
oerp = Openerp(
host='', port=8069,
user='admin', pwd='admin', dbname='database',
# Create a new importation instance::
session = Session(
'file.csv', delimiter=';', quotechar='"', encoding='utf-8',
offset=1, limit=10)
# Define your mapping to link both csv and OpenERP::
# res.partner is unique by siren and will not be updated if exists
res_partner = Model('res.partner', fields=[
Field('name', columns=[1]),
Field('siren', columns=[2]),
Field('website', columns=[16]),
], update=False, search=['siren'])
# res.country is unique by code and name and will not be updated if exists
res_country = Model('res.country', fields=[
Field('code', columns=[13], default='FR'),
Field('name', columns=[13], default='FRANCE'),
], update=False, search=['code', 'name'])
# res.partner.address is unique by type and partner_id
res_partner_address = Model('res.partner.address', fields=[
# Simple fields, some with default value and some unique between records
Field('zip', columns=[9], default='35000'),
Field('city', columns=[10], default='RENNES'),
Field('phone', column=[14]),
Field('fax', columns=[15]),
Field('email', columns=[17], unique=True),
Field('cedex', columns=[68]),
# Mixing columns (by concatenation or selection)
Field('street', columns=[7, 6], method='selection'),
Field('street2', columns=[8, 5], method='concatenate'),
# Model's relations with res.partner which must exists
Field('country_id', relation=res_country),
Field('partner_id', relation=res_partner, required=True),
# Adding a custom value to a missing field in the `csv` file
Field('type', custom='delivery'),
], search=['type', 'partner_id'])
# Finally join objects to the session which starts the import process
# There is no particular needs to also inject res.partner model, as it's
# already contained as a relation of res.partner.address
session.bind(oerp, [res_partner_address, ])
# Optionaly: show statistics of records's activities during the importation process
Supported Desktop versions
All architectures.
Supported Python versions
`csv2oerp` support Python versions 2.6 and 2.7.
This software is made available under the LGPLv3 license.
Bugs or suggestions
Please, feel free to report bugs or suggestions in the `Bug Tracker