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Change history
1.0 (2009-10-22)
- Takes rss feeds and re-posts titles of articles to twitter feed and news
- Created recipe with ZopeSkel
[Peter Dyson]
Detailed Documentation
This is a full-blown functional test. The emphasis here is on testing what
the user may input and see, and the system is largely tested as a black box.
We use PloneTestCase to set up this test as well, so we have a full Plone site
to play with. We *can* inspect the state of the portal, e.g. using
self.portal and self.folder, but it is often frowned upon since you are not
treating the system as a black box. Also, if you, for example, log in or set
roles using calls like self.setRoles(), these are not reflected in the test
browser, which runs as a separate session.
Being a doctest, we can tell a story here.
First, we must perform some setup. We use the testbrowser that is shipped
with Five, as this provides proper Zope 2 integration. Most of the
documentation, though, is in the underlying zope.testbrower package.
>>> from Products.Five.testbrowser import Browser
>>> browser = Browser()
>>> portal_url = self.portal.absolute_url()
The following is useful when writing and debugging testbrowser tests. It lets
us see all error messages in the error_log.
>>> self.portal.error_log._ignored_exceptions = ()
With that in place, we can go to the portal front page and log in. We will
do this using the default user from PloneTestCase:
>>> from Products.PloneTestCase.setup import portal_owner, default_password
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
We have the login portlet, so let's use that.
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = portal_owner
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = default_password
>>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
Here, we set the value of the fields on the login form and then simulate a
submit click.
We then test that we are still on the portal front page:
>>> browser.url == portal_url
And we ensure that we get the friendly logged-in message:
>>> "You are now logged in" in browser.contents
-*- extra stuff goes here -*-
The postfeed content type
In this section we are tesing the postfeed content type by performing
basic operations like adding, updadating and deleting postfeed content
Adding a new postfeed content item
We use the 'Add new' menu to add a new content item.
>>> browser.getLink('Add new').click()
Then we select the type of item we want to add. In this case we select
'postfeed' and click the 'Add' button to get to the add form.
>>> browser.getControl('postfeed').click()
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.button.Add').click()
>>> 'postfeed' in browser.contents
Now we fill the form and submit it.
>>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = 'postfeed Sample'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
>>> 'Changes saved' in browser.contents
And we are done! We added a new 'postfeed' content item to the portal.
Updating an existing postfeed content item
Let's click on the 'edit' tab and update the object attribute values.
>>> browser.getLink('Edit').click()
>>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = 'New postfeed Sample'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
We check that the changes were applied.
>>> 'Changes saved' in browser.contents
>>> 'New postfeed Sample' in browser.contents
Removing a/an postfeed content item
If we go to the home page, we can see a tab with the 'New postfeed
Sample' title in the global navigation tabs.
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> 'New postfeed Sample' in browser.contents
Now we are going to delete the 'New postfeed Sample' object. First we
go to the contents tab and select the 'New postfeed Sample' for
>>> browser.getLink('Contents').click()
>>> browser.getControl('New postfeed Sample').click()
We click on the 'Delete' button.
>>> browser.getControl('Delete').click()
>>> 'Item(s) deleted' in browser.contents
So, if we go back to the home page, there is no longer a 'New postfeed
Sample' tab.
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> 'New postfeed Sample' in browser.contents
Adding a new postfeed content item as contributor
Not only site managers are allowed to add postfeed content items, but
also site contributors.
Let's logout and then login as 'contributor', a portal member that has the
contributor role assigned.
>>> browser.getLink('Log out').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = 'contributor'
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = default_password
>>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
We use the 'Add new' menu to add a new content item.
>>> browser.getLink('Add new').click()
We select 'postfeed' and click the 'Add' button to get to the add form.
>>> browser.getControl('postfeed').click()
>>> browser.getControl(name='form.button.Add').click()
>>> 'postfeed' in browser.contents
Now we fill the form and submit it.
>>> browser.getControl(name='title').value = 'postfeed Sample'
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
>>> 'Changes saved' in browser.contents
Done! We added a new postfeed content item logged in as contributor.
Finally, let's login back as manager.
>>> browser.getLink('Log out').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = portal_owner
>>> browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = default_password
>>> browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
>>> browser.open(portal_url)
Peter Dyson, Author