# crud_generator
This will generate a crud operations (crud.py) for your Database tables.
# How to Use:
# Step 1:
* from crud_generator import generate_crud
* generate_crud(tablename, attributes) is the function which will create crud_tablename.py file
* Table name and attributes/column name are the only two parameters to be passed.
* Eg: generate_crud("Employee","Name,Age,Employee_code,Salary")
* then this will automatically create py file.
# Step 2:
* functions created by the functions are
* def create_conn():
* this function is an empty function where you can create your connections. You can choose any DB, import library accordingly.
* Following is the code which you will get.
* def create_conn():
* pass
* #Enter your connection code
* #Example: for postgresql
* #conn = psycopg2.connect(database = "testdb", user = "postgres", password = "pass123", host = "", port = "5432")
* #then return conn
* def create_tablename(values):
* this function will perform insert operation in table.
* Here, you just need to pass values of the attributes
* Eg: create_Employee("""'Alex',26,'EMP_2760',29000""") #Name,Age,Employee_code,Salary
* You can see the sql query in CLI
* Ensure to pass values as raw input.
* def read_Employee(condition="1=1"):
* this function will perform read operation in table.
* Here, if you don't pass any parameters it will return all records or you can pass any condition.
* Eg: read_Employee("Salary=2900 and Employee_code=\'EMP_2760\'") # condition similary to that in where clause can be passed here.
* You can see the sql query in CLI
* def update_Employee(values,condition="1=1"):
* this function will perform update operation in table.
* Here, if you don't pass any condition it will perform update on all records or you can pass any condition.
* Here, you can pass values like "salary=30000", just like you pass in sql.
* Eg: update_Employee("Salary=30000","Name=\'Alex\'") # condition similary to that in where clause can be passed here and values like that in update statement.
* You can see the sql query in CLI
* def delete_Employee(condition="1=1"):
* this function will perform delete operation in table.
* Here, if you don't pass any parameters it will delete all records or you can pass any condition.
* Eg: delete_Employee("Salary=2900 and Employee_code=\'EMP_2760\'") # condition similary to that in where clause can be passed here.
* You can see the sql query in CLI