# Crosscore
*Crosscore* is part of [Project Crossbow](https://bitbucket.org/claughton/crossbow). It
allows you to create an autoscaling pool of instances in the cloud that can then be used with [crossflow](https://bitbucket.org/claughton/crossflow) to execute computational workflows.
Currently *Crosscore* supports [Amazon Web Services](https://aws.amazon.com) and
[Google Cloud Platform](https://cloud.google.com).
## 1. Installation
### 1.1 Prerequisites
#### 1.1.1 Python Version
*Crosscore* requires Python 3.6 or higher. No version of Python 2 is supported.
#### 1.1.2 Cloud Provider Configuration
*Crosscore* supports both AWS and GCP. There are slightly different configuration processes depending on which you plan to use:
It is assumed that you have done what is required to give you programmatic access to your AWS account. This
will involve generating your *AWS AccessKey ID* and *Secret Access Key*, and installing them with `aws configure`.
In addition you need to make sure your account has the following permissions:
Amazon EC2FullAccess
You need to have downloaded a .json file with your service account credentials - see [here](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/creating-managing-service-account-keys) for details. Then you need to decide on an availability zone for your cluster -
bear in mind that this will affect the range of instance types (particularly GPU accelerators) you will be able to launch.
With these in hand, create two environment variables:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path to credentials file>
export GOOGLE_DEFAULT_AVAILABILITY_ZONE=<availability zone>
#### 1.1.3 Terraform
*Crosscore* uses [Terraform](https://www.terraform.io) to do the heavy lifting of cloud infrastructure
creation and management. Before you can use *Crosscore* you must install terraform accoring to their
instructions. Once you can run:
terraform -version
you have done enough.
#### 1.1.4 SSH
You will need an ssh public key (e.g., $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub). If you don't already have this, use `ssh-keygen` to make it, then set an environment variable to
its location:
export SSH_PUBLIC_KEY=<path to id_rsa.pub or equivalent>
### 1.2 Install the Crosscore Python Package
*Crosscore* is not currently in [pypi](https://pypi.org) so to install it use:
pip install git+https://bitbucket.org/claughton/crosscore.git
If all goes smoothly, you can then check the installation is OK by running `xcore -h`:
usage: xcore [-h] [-V] {status,start,restart,shutdown,daemon} ...
Crosscore: Cloud clusters for distributed computing.
positional arguments:
status status of crosscore cluster
start create cloud resources
restart recreate cloud resources
shutdown terminate and delete all resources
daemon control the xcore daemon
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
### 1.3 Configuration
Produce an initial default configuration for *xcore* using the command:
xcore-init <provider>
where <provider> is "aws" or "gcp".
This will run some checks that you have all the prerequisites, and create some configuration and template
files. These will be placed in $HOME/.xcore.
The process may take quite a time, as it involves terraform creating your base cloud infrastructure.
Once complete, check the default configuration in $HOME/.xcore/config.yaml. In particular you may want to change `image_name` - the name of the machine image
used to create the worker instances, and the associated `image_owner`. Most other "interesting" parameters such as worker instance type and the maximum number of workers that can be launched, can be changed interactively so do not need editing here now.
### 1.4 Start up
Once you are happy with the configuration, run `xcore start` to create the base cloud infrastructure and launch the **Crosscore** daemon. The base infrastructure consists of a small (default t2.small/f1-micro) instance that runs the scheduler, the daemon listens for job requests and autoscales the cluster as required.
## 2. Run a test job
Create a small **crossflow** workflow, e.g.:
from crossflow.kernels import SubprocessKernel
from crossflow.clients import Client
from crosscore import cluster
sleeper = SubprocessKernel('sleep {n}; echo {n}')
client = Client(address=cluster.get_url())
result = client.submit(sleeper, 10)
If you run this Python script interactively in one window, you can use
`xcore status` from another to follow the process of worker creation, the
job being run, and the worker being deleted after.
## 3. Shut down the cluster
If you are not going to use the cluster for a while, you can shut down the scheduler instance and stop the daemon:
xcore shutdown
When you want to use it again, you run `xcore restart`
## 4. Changing the instance type and cluster size
Within a script you can adjust the maximum number of instances that may be
launched, and their instance type, before you submit the job, e.g.:
# AWS example:
# GCP example:
# cluster.set_worker_type('n1-standard-4', accelerator_type='nvidia-tesla-t4')
client = Client(cluster.get_url())
## 5. Changing the machine image
The workflows you can run using **crossflow** depends on the software installed on your worker nodes. Though you may be able to do some provisioning
of these on the fly (i.e., within **crossflow** kernel definitions) most likely you will want to prepare machine images with your favourite
software stack pre-installed. Examples of how this can be done using [Packer](https://www.packer.io) are available in the `Packer` folder.
Note that if you change the machine image, you will need to restart **crosscore** (`crosscore shutdown; crosscore restart`).
## 6. Authors:
• Christian Suess
• Charlie Laughton charles.laughton@nottingham.ac.uk
## 7. Acknowlegements:
EPSRC Grant [EP/P011993/1](https://gow.epsrc.ukri.org/NGBOViewGrant.aspx?GrantRef=EP/P011993/1)