# cricapi
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The [cricapi](http://www.cricapi.com/), Free to use, super-high bandwidth, high performance Cricket API. Targeted at Developers and Cricket lovers.<br>
The endpoints exposed are as follows:
* `cricapi.cricket( )` provides live scrores of ongoing match
* `cricapi.matches( )` provides upcoming match fixtures
* `cricapi.matchCalender( )` provides international fixtures
* `cricapi.cricketScore( )` provides detailed score card of the match
* `cricapi.playerStats( )` provides players carrer info and stats
* `cricapi.fantasySummary( )` provides match info and stats
* `cricapi.fantasySquad( )` provides team players info
* `cricapi.playerFinder( )` provides players ids matching given name string
In order to use the above endpoints, u need to have an api_key which can use generated by signing into [cricpapi](http://www.cricapi.com). For testing purpose can use test_api_key `"TESTKEY0273"`
Usage of Cricapi:
``` {.sourceCode .python}
>>> import cricapi
>>> apikey = "TESTKEY0273"
>>> criapi = cricapi.Cricapi(apikey)
#### matches
>>> criapi.matches()
{u'matches': [{u'toss_winner_team': u'Australia Women', u'team-2': u'Pakistan Women' ...}
#### cricket
>>> criapi.cricket()
{u'v': u'1', u'cache': True, u'provider': {u'url': u'https://cricapi.com/', u'source': ...}
#### matchCalender
>>> criapi.matchCalender()
{u'v': u'1', u'cache': True, u'provider': {u'url': u'https://criapi.com/', u'source': ...}
#### cricketScore
>>> params = {'unique_id':1034809}
>>> criapi.cricketScore(params)
{u'v': u'1', u'ttl': 3, u'team-2': u'India', u'matchStarted': True, u'team-1': u'England', u'provider': {u'url':u'https://cricapi.com/', u'source': u'Various', u'pubDate': u'2018-10-23T06:58:07.090Z'}, u'creditsLeft': 206}
#### playerStats
>>> params = {'pid':35320}
>>> criapi.playerStats(params)
{u'profile': u"\n\nSachin Tendulkar has been the most complete batsman of his time, the most prolific runmaker of all time, and arguably the biggest cricket icon the game has ...}
#### fantasySquad
>>> params = {'unique_id':1034809}
>>> criapi.fantasySquad(params)
{u'v': u'1', u'cache': True, u'provider': {u'url': u'https://cricapi.com/', u'source': u'Various', u'pubDate': u'2018-10-23T07:16:02.191Z'}, u'squad': [{u'players': [{u'pid': ... }
#### fantasySummary
>>> params = {'unique_id':1034809}
>>> criapi.fantasySummary(params)
{u'type': u'Test', u'ttl': 7, u'provider': {u'url': u'https://cricapi.com/', u'source': u'Various', u'pubDate': u'2018-10-23T07:20:22.701Z'}, u'dateTimeGMT': u'2016-11-09T04:00:00.000Z', u'v': u'1', u'data': {u'toss_winner_tea ...}
#### playerFinder
>>> params = {'name':'sachin'}
>>> criapi.playerFinder(params)
{u'ttl': 164, u'provider': {u'url': u'https://cricapi.com/', u'source': u'Various', u'pubDate': u'2018-10-23T07:24:47.164Z'}, u'v': u'1', u'data': [{u'fullName': u'Sachin Rana', u'pid': 33757, u'name': u'Sachin Rana'}, {u'full ...}
Cricapi officially supports Python 2.7 & 3.4–3.7, and runs great on
To install Cricapi, simply use [pipenv](http://pipenv.org/) (or pip, of
``` {.sourceCode .bash}
$ pipenv install cricapi
Fantastic documentation is available at
How to Contribute
1. Check for open issues or open a fresh issue to start a discussion
around a feature idea or a bug. There is a [Contributor
tag for issues that should be ideal for people who are not very
familiar with the codebase yet.
2. Fork [the repository](https://github.com/karthikgangadhar/pycricapi) on
GitHub to start making your changes to the **master** branch (or
branch off of it).
3. Write a test which shows that the bug was fixed or that the feature
works as expected.
4. Send a pull request and bug the maintainer until it gets merged and
published. :) Make sure to add yourself to