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# **CREST** - A Continuous REactive SysTems DSL
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(I know, I know, I'm really busy though...)
<-- Launch this repository and play with CREST directly in your browser!
## Introduction
CREST is a novel modelling language for the definition of Continuous-time, REactive SysTems.
It is a domain-specific language (DSL) targets small cyber-physical systems (CPS) such as home automation systems.
Specifically, it focusses on the flow and transfer of resources within a CPS.
While CREST is a graphical language and its systems can be visualised as CREST diagrams,
the main form of use is as internal DSL for the Python general purpose programming language.
## Try me !
CREST uses [Docker](https://www.docker.com/), [Jupyter](https://jupyter.org) notebooks and [Binder](https://mybinder.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to create, edit and simulate interactive models online.
You can try CREST yourself by clicking on [this link](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/crestdsl/CREST/master) (or on the "launch binder" badge above).
You will find several notebooks that will introduce CREST's
[Syntax & Semantics](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/crestdsl/CREST/master?filepath=Syntax-Semantics.ipynb) and [Simulation](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/stklik/CREST/master?filepath=Simulation.ipynb).
You can also just launch the docker container on binder (click the badge) and create a new notebook.
You can then create and simulate your own models.
## Installation
**Recommended:** Download/clone this repository and use the sources.
The easiest way is to use the latest version of CREST is to either launch it on Binder (see above),
or create a local Docker image (`scripts/docker-build.sh`) and then run it (`scripts/docker-run.sh`).
Alternatively you can use [`repo2docker`](https://github.com/jupyter/repo2docker).
**Local install:** You can also use CREST locally and install the dependencies manually. See the [Dockerfile](./Dockerfile) for information about the tools and libraries that are used. CREST also requires Microsoft's [Z3Prover](https://github.com/Z3Prover) to be installed (including the Python API).
**Soon:** A pip-install is in the pipelines but has been delayed due to publication season :-)
## Publications
Stefan Klikovits, Auélien Coet and Didier Buchs:
<b>ML4CREST: Machine Learning for CPS Models </b>.
2nd International Workshop on Model Driven Engineering for the Internet-of-Things (MDE4IOT), Copenhagen, 2018
title = {{ML4CREST}: Machine Learning for CPS Models},
author = {Stefan Klikovits and Aur\'{e}lien Coet and Didier Buchs},
booktitle = {2nd International Workshop on Model Driven Engineering for the Internet-of-Things (MDE4IOT), Copenhagen, Denmark, October 15, 2018. Proceedings},
year = {2018},
Stefan Klikovits, Alban Linard and Didier Buchs:
<b>CREST - A DSL for Reactive Cyber-Physical Systems</b>.
10th System Analysis and Modeling Conference (SAM) 2018
title = {{CREST} - A {DSL} for Reactive Cyber-Physical Systems},
author = {Stefan Klikovits and Alban Linard and Didier Buchs},
booktitle = {10th International System Analysis and Modeling Conference (SAM 2018), Copenhagen, Denmark, October 15-16, 2018. Proceedings},
year = {2018},
pages = {29-45},
isbn = {978-3-030-01041-6}
Stefan Klikovits, Alban Linard, and Didier Buchs:
<b>CREST Formalization</b>.
Technical Report. Software Modeling and Verification Group, University of Geneva. 2018
author = {Stefan Klikovits and Alban Linard and Didier Buchs},
title = {{CREST} Formalization},
institution = {Software Modeling and Verification Group, University of Geneva},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1284561},
year = {2018}
Stefan Klikovits, Alban Linard, Didier Buchs:
<b>CREST - A Continuous, REactive SysTems DSL</b>.
MODELS (Satellite Events) 2017: 286-291
author = {Stefan Klikovits and
Alban Linard and
Didier Buchs},
title = {{CREST} - {A} Continuous, REactive SysTems {DSL}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of {MODELS} 2017 Satellite Event: Workshops (ModComp,
MDEbug), Posters, Doctoral Symposium, Educator Symposium, {ACM} Student
Research Competition, and Tools and Demonstrations co-located with
{ACM/IEEE} 20th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering
Languages and Systems {(MODELS} 2017), Austin, TX, USA, September,
17, 2017.},
pages = {286--291},
year = {2017},
url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2019/gemoc\_2.pdf}
### Thanks
* to Prof. Didier Buchs and the University of Geneva or enabling me to do this research project
* to the [Jupyterhub](https://github.com/orgs/jupyterhub/people) and [Binder](https://mybinder.org) teams for providing their amazing service