# Create Full BOD Wrapper for Scripting
This Python package contains some functions to create a BOD wrapper after converting JSON data to XML
you can find the code to this file
### def createRoot(root):
the root parameter should be verb+noun like SyncItemMaster.
It creates the root of the BOD
<Syncemployee xmlns="http://schema.infor.com/InforOAGIS/2">
### def createApplArea(lid,compId):
It creates the ApplicationArea structure proving the LogicalID and ComponentID
### def createDataArea():
it creates just the DataArea tag
### def createVerb(verb,aev,locv,aexv):
it creates the Verb structure of the BOD providing the VERB = [Sync|Process|Acknowldge|....] plus the AccountingEntity, Location and Action = [Add|Change|Replace]
<ActionExpression actionCode="Add" />
### def renameTag(xml, oldtag,newtag):
Giving an XML, it replaces the oldtag within the XML with the newtag
From here:
<fullname>John Doe </fullname>
To here:
<fullname>John Doe </fullname>
### def createFullBOD(verb,noun,lid,erp,ae,loc,action,body):
- verb = Sync
- noun = employee
- lid = lid://infor.ln.1
- erp = erp
- ae = AE
- loc = 000
- action = Add
- body = see below
the body parameter should be the JSON data converted in XML
if we consider as JSON this array
"empnum": 1001,
"fullname": "John Doe ",
"dateofhire": "2009-08-28"
"empnum": 1002,
"fullname": "Jane Doe ",
"dateofhire": "2009-08-28"
"empnum": 1003,
"fullname": "Tim Bone ",
"dateofhire": "2014-01-01"
the converted XML will be like this
<fullname>John Doe </fullname>
<fullname>Jane Doe </fullname>
<fullname>Tim Bone </fullname>
if the JSON data has the format as above after the convert, you can invoke the function
createFullBOD('Sync','employee','lid://infor.ln.1','erp','AE','000','Add', body)
the result will be
<ActionExpression actionCode="Add" />
<fullname>John Doe </fullname>
<fullname>Jane Doe </fullname>
<fullname>Tim Bone </fullname>
Contact: <giampaolo.spagoni@infor.com>