# crunch-cube
Open Source Python implementation of the API for working with CrunchCubes
## Introduction
This package contains the implementation of the CrunchCube API. It is used to
extract useful information from CrunchCube responses (we'll refer to them as
_cubes_ in the subsequent text). _Cubes_ are obtained from the *Crunch.io*
platform, as JSON responses to the specific _queries_ created by the user.
These queries specify which data the user wants to extract from the Crunch.io
system. The most common usage is to obtain the following:
- Cross correlation between different variable
- Margins of the cross tab _cube_
- Proportions of the cross tab _cube_ (e.g. proportions of each single element to the entire sample size)
- Percentages
When the data is obtained from the Crunch.io platform, it needs to be
interpreted to the form that's convenient for a user. The actual shape of the
_cube_ JSON contains many internal details, which are not of essence to the
end-user (but are still necessary for proper _cube_ functionality).
The job of this library is to provide a convenient API that handles those
intricacies, and enables the user to quickly and easily obtain (extract) the
relevant data from the _cube_. Such data is best represented in a table-like
format. For this reason, the most of the API functions return some form of the
`ndarray` type, from the `numpy` package. Each function is explained in greater
detail, uner its own section, under the API subsection of this document.
## Installation
The `cr.cube` package can be installed by using the `pip install`:
pip install cr.cube
### For developers
For development mode, `cr.cube` needs to be installed from the local checkout
of the `crunch-cube` repository. It is strongly advised to use `virtualenv`.
Assuming you've created and activated a virtual environment `venv`, navigate
to the top-level folder of the repo, on the local file system, and run:
pip install -e .
python setup.py develop
### Running tests
To setup and run tests, you will need to install `cr.cube` as well as testing
dependencies. To do this, from the root directory, simply run:
pip install -e .[testing]
And then tests can be run using `py.test` in the root directory:
## Usage
After the `cr.cube` package has been successfully installed, the usage is as
simple as:
>>> from cr.cube.cube import Cube
>>> ### Obtain the crunch cube JSON payload using app.crunch.io, pycrunch, rcrunch or scrunch
>>> ### And store it in the 'cube_JSON_response' variable
>>> cube = Cube(cube_JSON_response)
>>> print(cube)
Cube(name='MyCube', dimension_types='CAT x CAT')
>>> cube.counts
np.array([[1169, 547],
[1473, 1261]])
## API
### `as_array`
Tabular, or matrix, representation of the _cube_. The detailed description can
be found
### `margin`
Calculates margins of the _cube_. The detailed description can be found
### `proportions`
Calculates proportions of single variable elements to the whole sample size.
The detailed description can be found
### `percentages`
Calculates percentages of single variable elements to the whole sample size.
The detailed description can be found
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[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/crunch-cube/badge/?version=latest)](http://crunch-cube.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)
## Changes
### 3.0.30
- Date format representation
- Fix payload order for insertions in weird order
### 3.0.29
- Bug fix for H&S overlaps for MR
### 3.0.28
- Bug fix hidden subvars in MR with insertions
### 3.0.27
- Implement overlaps for CAT H&S
### 3.0.26
- Fix bug when dimension's format is set to null in JSON
### 3.0.25
- Support date formatting on datetime dimension labels
### 3.0.24
- Drop support for diff subtotals in population measure
- Enable Cat insertions across Multiple Response
### 3.0.23
- Fix payload order using bogus ids
### 3.0.22
- Expose `columns_dimension_description` for _Slice
### 3.0.21
- Shim datetimes so that element transforms and sorting can refer to items in
both old format (position) and new format (label).
- Change how warnings are suppressed so that they are suppressed even when
### 3.0.20
- Shim subvariable "zz9" ids that are `fixed` in a sort-by-value transform
### 3.0.19
- Add `subtotals_with_payload_order` property in dimension
### 3.0.18
- Fix for transforms on scorecard dimensions
- Add `repr` to various sequence classes
### 3.0.17
- Fix valid count summary range
### 3.0.16
- Fix pairwise indices for overlaps, when hiding or reordering columns
For a complete list of changes see [history](https://github.com/Crunch-io/crunch-cube/blob/master/HISTORY.md).