# Production pipelines
## cpg_pipes python package
The `cpg_pipes` package provides Python functions that help to design a pipeline powered by [Hail Batch](https://hail.is/docs/batch/service.html).
### Installation
Requires Python 3.10
pip install cpg_pipes
### Motivation
A pipeline can be represented as a set of stages with dependency interrelationships (i.e. a directed acyclic graph of stages). Hail Batch has a concept of jobs that can depend on each other; however, a Hail Batch job corresponds to only one bash script that is run on a cloud VM, which doesn't always solve a higher-level task in the application domain. In contrast, a pipeline stage called "genotype" can include multiple jobs that generate intervals, partition input, run a genotyping tool on each partition in parallel, gather outputs, and perform some post-processing. A user might want to treat it as one "stage" that sits between an "alignment" stage and a "joint calling" stage.
At the CPG, we also want to permanently record outputs of some stages (e.g. individual CRAM and GVCF files, fingerprints, a joint-called matrix table). Specifically, we store those results on buckets according to the storage policy and add entries into the sample metadata database. When rerunning a pipeline, we want to explicitly control whether to reuse existing results. We also want to be able to start the pipeline from a specific stage, making the pipeline assume that all previous stages have finished successfully; or run the pipeline only up to a specific stage.
Motivated by that, we designed the `cpg_pipes` package. It implementes a concept of `Stage` that can act on a `Target`: e.g. a `Sample`, a `Project`, or a `Cohort`. For example, a stage that performs read alignment to produce a CRAM file would act on a sample, and a stage that performs joint-calling would act on an entire cohort.
Each stage declares paths to the outputs it would produce by implementing the abstract `expected_outputs()` method; and it also defines how jobs are added into Hail Batch using the `queue_jobs()` method.
Overall classes and object relationships look as follows:
### Building pipelines
To declare a stage, derive a class from `SampleStage`, `ProjectStage`, or `CohortStage`, implement the abstract methods, and wrap the class with a `@stage` decorator:
from cpg_pipes.pipeline import stage, StageInput, StageOutput, SampleStage
from cpg_pipes.targets import Sample
from cpg_pipes import Path, to_path
class Align(SampleStage):
"""Stage that runs read alignment"""
def expected_outputs(self, sample: Sample) -> Path:
"""Returning a path to a CRAM file that will be generated"""
return to_path('gs://cpg-thousand-genomes-test/cram/NA12878.cram')
def queue_jobs(self, sample: Sample, inputs: StageInput) -> StageOutput | None:
"""Defines how jobs are added into a batch object"""
cram_path = self.expected_outputs(sample)
# This Job just writes the sample name to a file:
j = self.pipe.b.new_job(f'Align {sample.id}')
# Just writing a sample name for a demonstration:
j.command(f'echo {sample.id} > {j.output}')
self.pipe.b.write_output(j.output, cram_path)
# Construct StageOutput object, where we pass a path to the results,
# and all added jobs:
return self.make_outputs(sample, data=cram_path, jobs=[j])
The `queue_jobs` method is expected to return an output of type `StageOutput`: you can call `self.make_outputs()` to construct that object.
Stages can depend on each other. Use the `required_stages` parameter to `@stage` to set dependencies, and use the `inputs` parameter in `queue_jobs` to get the output of a previous stage:
from cpg_pipes.pipeline import stage, StageInput, StageOutput, SampleStage
from cpg_pipes.targets import Sample
class ReadCramFile(SampleStage):
"""Stage that reads the CRAM file genereated by a Align stage"""
def queue_jobs(self, sample: Sample, inputs: StageInput) -> StageOutput | None:
# Read the `Align` stage outputs:
cram_path = inputs.as_path(sample, stage=Align)
return ...
Stage of differnet levels can depend on each other, and `cpg_pipes` will resolve that correctly. E.g. joint-calling taking GVCF outputs to produce a cohort-level VCF:
from cpg_pipes.pipeline import stage, StageInput, StageOutput, SampleStage,
from cpg_pipes.targets import Sample, Cohort
class HaplotypeCaller(SampleStage):
"""Stage that runs gatk Haplotype caller to generate a GVCF for a sample"""
def queue_jobs(self, sample: Sample, inputs: StageInput) -> StageOutput | None:
jobs = ...
return self.make_outputs(sample, data=self.expected_outputs(sample), jobs=jobs)
class JointCalling(CohortStage):
"""Stage that runs joint calling on GVCFs"""
def queue_jobs(self, cohort: Cohort, inputs: StageInput) -> StageOutput | None:
# Get outputs from previous stage. Because the HaplotypeCaller stage
# acts on a sample, we use a method `as_path_by_target` that returns
# a dictionary index by sample ID:
gvcf_by_sample_id = inputs.as_path_by_target(stage=HaplotypeCaller)
job = ...
return self.make_outputs(cohort, data=self.expected_outputs(cohort), jobs=[job])
To submit the constructed pipeline to Hail Batch, create a pipeline with `create_pipeline`, and call `submit_batch()`. You need to pass a name, a description, a version of a run, the namespace according to the storage policies (`test` / `main` / `tmp`), and the `analysis_dataset` name that would be used to communicate with the sample metadata DB.
from cpg_pipes.pipeline import create_pipeline
from cpg_pipes import Namespace
pipeline = create_pipeline(
description='My pipeline',
### Input sources
Class `cpg_pipes.providers.InputProvider` provides an interface for an input data provider, with two implementations: `CsvInputProvider` and `SmdbInputProvider`. The former one allows you to specify inputs in a CSV file. E.g.:
$ cat inputs.tsv
from cpg_pipes.providers import InputProviderType
from cpg_pipes.pipeline import create_pipeline
pipeline = create_pipeline(
`SmdbInputProvider` allows to pull input data from the CPG [sample metadata database](https://github.com/populationgenomics/sample-metadata):
from cpg_pipes.providers import InputProviderType
from cpg_pipes.pipeline import create_pipeline
pipeline = create_pipeline(
The defailt input provider type is `InputProviderType.NONE`, which means that no samples and datasets are loaded, but you can add them manually into the automatically created `cohort` object:
>>> pipeline.cohort.get_datasets()
>>> for dataset in pipeline.cohort.get_datasets():
>>> samples = dataset.get_samples()
>>> print(samples[0])
Sample(id='CPG68197', external_id='HGDP00001', dataset=Dataset("hgdp"), meta={}, alignment_input=CramPath('gs://cpg-nagim-test/cram/HGDP00001.cram'), pedigree=None),
If a `Participant` entry is available, `sample.participant_id` will be populated. If a corresponding `Sequence` is available, `reads` metadata will be parsed and populated as `sample.alignment_input`, along with `sample.sequencing_type`. If corresponding `Analysis` entries exist, they will be populated as `sample.sanalysis_by_type`. If `Family` data is available, it will be parsed and populated as `sample.pedigree`.
### Storage policies
Outputs are written according to provided storage policy. Class `cpg_pipes.providers.StoragePolicy` provides an interface for abstract policy, with one implementation: `CpgStoragePolicy`, which implements the [CPG storage policy](https://github.com/populationgenomics/team-docs/tree/main/storage_policies). The default cloud storage provider is Google Cloud Storage, which can be overridden with `cloud` parameter to `create_pipeline` (or `--cloud <val>` in the command line).
### Bioinformatics jobs
The `cpg_pipes.jobs` module defines functions that create Hail Batch Jobs for different bioinformatics purposes: alignment, fastqc, deduplication, variant calling, VQSR, etc. E.g. to implement the joint calling stage above, you can use:
from cpg_pipes.pipeline import stage, SampleStage, CohortStage, StageInput, StageOutput
from cpg_pipes.targets import Sample, Cohort
from cpg_pipes.jobs import haplotype_caller, joint_genotyping
from cpg_pipes.filetypes import CramPath, GvcfPath
class HaplotypeCaller(SampleStage):
"""Stage that runs gatk HaplotypeCaller to produde a GVCF"""
def queue_jobs(self, sample: Sample, inputs: StageInput) -> StageOutput | None:
"""Call the function from the jobs module"""
cram_path = inputs.as_path(target=sample, stage=Align)
expected_path = self.expected_outputs(sample)
jobs = haplotype_caller.produce_gvcf(
return self.make_outputs(sample, data=expected_path, jobs=jobs)
class JointCalling(CohortStage):
"""Stage that runs joint calling on GVCFs"""
def queue_jobs(self, cohort: Cohort, inputs: StageInput) -> StageOutput | None:
"""Call the function from the jobs module"""
gvcf_by_sid = {
sample.id: GvcfPath(inputs.as_path(target=sample, stage=HaplotypeCaller))
for sample in cohort.get_samples()
jobs = joint_genotyping.make_joint_genotyping_jobs(
return self.make_outputs(cohort, data=self.expected_outputs(cohort), jobs=jobs)
Available jobs include alignment:
from cpg_pipes.jobs import align
sample = ...
j = align.align(
Getting intervals for sharding variant calling:
from cpg_pipes.jobs import split_intervals
j, intervals = split_intervals.get_intervals(b=..., scatter_count=20)
Generate somalier pedigree fingerprints:
from cpg_pipes.jobs import somalier
fingerprint_job, fingerprint_path = somalier.extact_job(
Infer pedigree relashionships and sex of samples in a dataset, and check with a probided PED file:
from cpg_pipes.jobs import somalier
dataset = ...
j, somalier_samples_path, somalier_pairs_path = somalier.ancestry(
VQSR (from a site-only VCF or a Hail matrix table):
from cpg_pipes.jobs import vqsr
cohort = ...
j = vqsr.make_vqsr_jobs(
There other jobs available - refer to the code examples.
### Pipelines
There are full pipelines available in the `pipelines` folder, specifically:
- `pipelines/seqr_loader.py` takes CRAM/FASTQ, aligns and joint-genotypes, then annotates using Hail Query and creates an Elasticsearch index for Seqr.
- `pipelines/somalier.py` uses Somalier and an input PED file to check pedigree and sex of CRAMs or GVCFs,
- `pipelines/qc.py` takes CRAMs and runs CRAM QC and summarises it in a MultiQC report,
- `pipelines/cram_gvcf.py` takes CRAM/FASTQ, and runs alignment and genotyping for each sample,
- `pipelines/gatk_sv` orchestrates workflows of [GATK-SV](https://github.com/populationgenomics/gatk-sv).
### Click options
The `cpg_pipes/pipeline/cli_opts.py` module provides CLI options for Click that handles default parameters that can be used to customise a pipeline. The basic usage is as follows:
import click
from cpg_pipes.pipeline import create_pipeline, pipeline_entry_point
def main(**kwargs):
pipeline = create_pipeline(
description='My pipeline',
When calling such a pipelne script from the command-line, the options defined in `@pipeline_click_options` will be available and passed to the `create_pipeline` factory.
You can add more custom options like this:
import click
from cpg_pipes.pipeline import pipeline_entry_point, create_pipeline
def main(**kwargs):
custom_option = kwargs.pop('custom_option')
pipeline = create_pipeline(
description='My pipeline',
### Batch helpers
The `cpg_pipes.hb.batch` module provides a helper function `setup_batch` to set up Hail Batch in the CPG context:
from cpg_pipes.hb.batch import setup_batch
b = setup_batch('My batch')
It will create an instance of Batch that extends the standard Hail Batch, that records stats of added jobs and prints statistics before submission, highlighting labelled jobs, e.g.:
Will submit 186 jobs:
BWA: 3 for 3 samples
Somalier extract (CRAMs): 3 for 3 samples
HaplotypeCaller: 3 for 3 samples
ReblockGVCF: 3 for 3 samples
Somalier extract (GVCFs): 3 for 3 samples
Other jobs: 171
The Batch instance also constructs the job name if the names of a sample and a dataset are provided as attributes, e.g.:
>>> j = b.new_job('My job', dict(sample='CPG196535', dataset='fewgenomes'))
>>> print(j.name)
fewgenomes/CPG196535: My job
`cpg_pipes.hb.command` provides a helper to set up a command that can be used to add monitoring of disk space, or authenticate with GCP to make `gsutil` work:
from cpg_pipes.hb.command import wrap_command
b = ...
j = b.new_job('My job')
'sleep 600',
This will wrap the command as follows:
set -o pipefail
set -ex
gcloud -q auth activate-service-account --key-file=$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
(while true; do df -h; du -sh /io; du -sh /io/batch; sleep 600; done) &
sleep 600
df -h; du -sh /io; du -sh /io/batch
### Reusing existing results
By default, if expected result exist, empty jobs will be submitted suffixed with ` [reuse]`. You can disable that check with `--no-check-expected-outputs`.
You can also start from a specific stage with `--first-stage`, or finish on specific one with `--last-stage`.
You can use `@skip` decorator to force skipping a stage:
from cpg_pipes.pipeline import stage, skip, SampleStage
@skip(reason='Stage is not needed')
class MyStage1(SampleStage):
`assume_outputs_exist=True` would also tell the code that the expected results of that stage exist, and there is no need to check bucket objects for existence:
from cpg_pipes.pipeline import stage, skip, SampleStage
class MyStage2(SampleStage):
You can also force the pipeline to skip certain samples with `--skip-samples/-S`, or take only certain samples with `--only-samples/-s`, or force processing certain samples with `--force-samples`.
### Running pipelines
To start the `seqr_loader` pipeline on 2 datasets `acute-care` and `perth-neuro` in the test namespace, using `seqr` as analysis dataset, and write the Elasticsearch index for `perth-neuro`:
python pipelines/seqr_loader.py \
-n main \
--analysis-dataset seqr \
--dataset acute-care \
--dataset perth-neuro \
--skip-sample CPG11783 \
--skip-sample CPG13326 \
Alternatively, you can put the command line options into a config YAML file:
python pipelines/seqr_loader.py --config pipelines/configs/seqr.yml
Another useful pipeline is `pipelines/somalier.py` to verify inferred sample
relatedness and sex against a provided PED file(s):
python pipelines/somalier.py --config pipelines/configs/seqr.yml