# Covid Dashboard
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Automatic covid dashboard for displaying accurate, up to date covid data and news.
Documentation can be found [here](https://itselectroz.github.io/covid-dashboard-coursework).
This project is hosted on [GitHub](https://github.com/itselectroz/covid-dashboard-coursework)
## Table of Contents
- [Features](#features)
- [Installing](#installing)
- [Running](#running)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Config File](#config_file)
- [Logging](#logging)
- [Template](#template)
- [Core](#core)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Packaging](#packaging)
## Features
- Display up-to-date COVID-19 statistics
- Display both local and national articles
- Display recent news articles about the configured search terms
- Remove articles from being displayed, even after new ones are fetched
- Schedule one-time and repeating updates to fetch new statistics and news articles
- All configurable
## Installing
Installing the dashboard is simple.
Ensure pip is up to date
python -m pip install –upgrade pip
### Using pip
Simply run
pip install covid19-dashboard-pkg-hwhittle
### From Source
Install the required pip modules using the following command
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
## Running
Running the dashboard is easy. You have two options;
- Using the main module
- Flask's CLI
### Main Module
Assuming you have python and this module installed simply run in a directory with a `config.json` file in it
python -m covid19dashboard
### Flask CLI
First you need to export the necessary variables
#### CMD
`set FLASK_APP="covid19dashboard/__main__.py"`
#### Powershell
#### Bash
`export FLASK_APP="covid19dashboard/__main__.py"`
Then run the app using
flask run
This will start the interface at `` which can simply be navigated to with any web browser.
## Documentation
This project uses Sphinx's documentation generator!
The documentation can be accessed [here](https://itselectroz.github.io/covid-dashboard-coursework).
### Rebuilding Documentation
Firstly, delete the `html` and `doctrees` directories in `docs/`.
Secondly in the `docs` directory run:
make html
## Config File
This project has a configuration JSON file which can be used to customize the dashboard.
The default configuration is as follows:
"logging": {
"enabled": true,
"debug": false,
"path": "./logging/log",
"use_file": true,
"dump_debug_on_error": true,
"dump_debug_count": 10
"template": {
"title": "COVID-19 UK Dashboard",
"logo": "logo.webp",
"favicon": "favicon.webp"
"location": "Exeter",
"location_type": "ltla",
"nation_location": "England",
"search_terms": "Covid COVID-19 coronavirus",
"language_code": "en",
"news_api_key": "news-api-key",
"resource_path": "./resources/",
"static_path": "./static/",
"inital_national_data_filename": "nation_2021-10-28.csv"
### Logging
**enabled** : boolean
Whether or not the logging module is enabled.
This disables debug, info and error logs as well as file writes.
**debug** : boolean
This toggles whether or not to log debug messages to the console.
They will still be written to a file upon error.
**path** : string
The path to the log file. Can be relative or absolute.
**use_file** : boolean
Whether to write info and error logs to a file.
**dump_debug_on_error** : boolean
Whether to log the history of debug messages when an error log occurs.
The number of debug messages to log is configurable.
**dump_debug_count** : number
The number of debug messages to log.
### Template
**title** : string
The title to display at the top of the template page.
**logo** : string
The logo image path relative to `/static/images/` (where /static/ is the static directory)
**favicon** : string
The favicon image path relative to `/static/images/` (where /static/ is the static directory)
**news_article_count** : number
The number of news articles to show on the screen at any given time.
### Core
**location** : string
The location in which to query covid data for.
The valid values for this config option depends on the value of location_type.
**location_type** : string
The type of the location configuration option.
Valid options can be found [here](https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/developers-guide/main-api#params-filters) under the the areaType metric.
**nation_location** : string
The national location to use for national data.
Must be a valid nation in the UK.
**search_terms** : string
A list of search terms separated by space used to query for news articles.
The value `covid19 coronavirus` will be split into two queries, `covid19` and `coronavirus`.
There is no way to include a space in a query.
**language_code** : string
The 2-letter ISO-639-1 code of the language you want to get headlines for.
Possible options: `ar` `de` `en` `es` `fr` `he` `it` `nl` `no` `pt` `ru` `se` `ud` `zh`.
**news_api_key** : string
Your [news api key](https://newsapi.org/account).
**resource_path** : string
The path to your resources folder.
**static_path** : string
The path to your static folder.
This folder is used for all static content on the dashboard, such as images.
All file paths in the [template](#template) configuration section are relative to `static_path/images/`.
**inital_national_data_filename** : string
The path to the initial csv data file. This file is used to load initial data for the dashboard.
The path for this file is relative to `resource_path/`
## Testing
This project uses pytest for its testing.
All tests are inside the `/tests/` directory and have filenames according to the module it tests.
e.g. `test_config.py` for the `config` module.
### Running Tests
Running the tests is a simple task.
Firstly ensure the `pytest` module is installed.
pip install pytest
After this, ensure you are in the root directory before running
If this doesn't work try running `python -m pytest`
### Adding Tests
The tests for this project have a simple directory structure.
Each test is inside a `test_$MODULE.py` file inside the `tests` directory.
Each test inside those files is a function with the following naming convention.
def test_$FUNCTION_$FEATURE():
assert condition
An example of this would be `test_log_error_makes_file`. This test tests a function called `log_error` and ensures that it makes a file.
## Packaging
Packaging the project is simple using setuptools.
The file `setup.py` is the setuptools build script.
To package the application simply run
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
You can then find the packaged application in the `dist` directory.