# CoSApp - Collaborative System Approach
The primary goal of **CoSApp** is to help technical departments in the design of complex systems.
To do so, the framework allows the simulation of various systems representing the different
parts of the final product in a common environment. The consequences are the ability for each
subsystem team to carry out design study with a direct feedback of the impact of parameters at
the product level.
The main features are :
### Butterfly effect
Coupled your preferred simulation software with CoSApp to get immediate impact on main product
variables and iterates to converge on a better design.
### Design guidance
All systems can share design parameters associated with an acceptable range. You can take advantage
of those limited degrees of freedom without fear of breaking your neighbors' work.
### Margins & Uncertainties
All design parameters have an intrinsic dispersion. Knowing the range of fluctuations is crucial to
ensure the robustness of the design. CoSApp handles natively uncertain variables.
Have a look at the [introduction](https://cosapp.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorials/00-Introduction.html#).
This code is the property of Safran SA. It uses code coming from various open-source projects. See [LICENSE](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/blob/master/LICENSE.rst) file.
# Try it now!
Run a Jupyter Lab instance with binder to try out CoSApp features through examples.
# History
## 0.13.1 (2023-04-03)
### Bug fixes and code quality
* Update test baseline to pass in a Python 3.11 environment (MR [#200](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/200)).
* Creation of a dummy system factory, mostly for tests (MR [#201](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/201)).
* Improve clean/dirty mechanism (MR [#202](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/202)) and fix incorrect clean/dirty status with surrogate models (MR [#205](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/205)).
* Fix bug in function `cosapp.tools.display_doc` for classes with setup arguments (MR [#208](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/208)).
* Various code quality improvements (MRs [#211](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/211), [#212](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/212)).
### Documentation
Note: extensive use of self-documenting f-strings (introduced in Python 3.8) has made tutorials incompatible with Python 3.7.
* Updated tutorials (MRs [#203](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/203), [#206](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/206), [#207](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/207), [#210](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/210)).
* The image used in binder is now based on Python 3.10 (MR [#204](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/204)).
### Module parser
* New function `parse_module` in `cosapp.tools` collecting all system and port classes within a Python module. This parser, generating a JSON file containing the description of all CoSApp symbols, is primarily meant to be used for constructional GUI applications, developed separately (MRs [#192](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/192) & [#209](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/209)).
## 0.13.0 (2023-02-09)
### Python 3.10 support
The code is now tested for Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10.
Support of Python 3.7 is thus officially dropped, although no version-specific Python code was introduced in this version of CoSApp.
### New features & API changes
* Module `connectors` moved from `cosapp.core` to `cosapp.ports` (MR [#189](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/189)).
* New "direct" (with no unit conversion) connector classes `PlainConnector`, `CopyConnector` and `DeepCopyConnector`, in `cosapp.ports.connectors` (MR [#188](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/188)).
* New method `MathematicalProblem.is_empty()`, equivalent to `shape == (0, 0)` (MR [#186](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/186)).
* Improved VisJs graph rendering, by limiting node size for long system names (MR [#184](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/184)).
* New utility functions `get_state` and `set_state` in `cosapp.utils`, for quick system data recovery (MR [#193](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/193)):
from cosapp.utils import get_state, set_state
s = SomeSystem('s')
# ... many design steps, say
# Save state in local object
designed = get_state(s)
# Recover previous state
set_state(s, designed)
* Functions `radians`, `degrees` and `arctan2`/`atan2` have been added to the scope of `EvalString` objects, and can therefore be used in equations, *e.g.* (MR [#178](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/178)).
* Recorders can now record constant properties (MR [#181](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/181)).
* Deprecation of `System.get_unsolved_problem` in favour of new method `assembled_problem` (MR [#174](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/174)).
* Inner off-design problem of systems is now exposed as attribute `problem`, but only within the `transition` method (MR [#174](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/174)). This allows users to add or remove off-design constraints during event-driven transitions, while keeping this property inaccessible the rest of the time.
from cosapp.base import System
from math import sin, cos
class SomeSystem(System):
def setup(self):
self.add_inward('x', 0.0)
self.add_inward('y', 0.0)
self.add_outward('z', 0.0)
a = self.add_event('event_a', trigger='x > y')
b = self.add_event('event_b', trigger='x < y')
def compute(self):
self.z = cos(self.x) * sin(self.y)
def transition(self):
offdesign = self.problem
if self.event_a.present:
offdesign.add_equation('z == 0.5').add_unknown('x')
if self.event_b.present:
### Bug fixes and code quality
* Fix serialization bugs for systems with setup parameters (MR [#180](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/180)) and `None` variables (MR [#172](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/172)).
* Bug fix on event time calculation involving array transients (MR [#177](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/177)).
* Bug fix on possible name conflicts in connector storage (MR [#173](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/173)).
* Fix inconsistent behaviour of `System.add_child` when a `pulling` error is raised (MR [#197](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/197)).
* Various code quality improvements (MRs [#175](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/175), [#185](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/185), [#186](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/186), [#187](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/187), [#190](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/190), [#191](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/191), [#194](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/194)).
### Documentation
* Updated time driver tutorial (MR [#182](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/182)).
* Updated Tips & Tricks (MR [#196](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/196)).
* Other updates (MRs [#176](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/176), [#195](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/195), [#198](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/198)).
## 0.12.3 (2022-09-21)
### New features & API changes
* Improved user experience:
* Auto-completion for dynamically added attributes of systems (ports, subsystems, inwards, outwards, events...) and drivers (sub-drivers) (MRs [#164](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/164) and [#166](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/166));
* Improved representation of mathematical problems, in particular for loop equations and multi-point design problems (MRs [#159](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/159), [#160](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/160) and [#163](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/163)).
* New method `System.new_problem` to facilitate the creation of dynamic design methods, *e.g.* (MR [#162](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/162)).
### Documentation
* Updated tutorials (MRs [#169](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/169) and [#170](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/170)).
### Bug fixes and code quality
* Bug fix on unknown dealiasing (MR [#157](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/157)).
* Bug fix on port variable export (MR [#158](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/158)).
* Bug fix on system serialization (MR [#161](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/161)).
* Bug fix on subsystem read-only constants (MR [#167](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/167)).
* Various code quality improvements (MRs [#154](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/154), [#155](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/155), [#162](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/162), [#168](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/168)).
## 0.12.2 (2022-05-26)
### New features & API changes
* Automatic tolerance in `NonLinearSolver` (MRs [#148](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/148) and [#152](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/152)).
* `Optimizer.set_objective` is deprecated, in favour of `set_minimum` and `set_maximum` (MR [#150](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/150)).
* Loop residues are no longer normalized (MR [#151](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/151)).
* Improved type hints for ports, systems and drivers, in functions whose return type depends on arguments, such as `System.add_child`, `add_driver`, *etc.* (MR [#145](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/145)).
### Documentation
* Updated tutorials (MRs [#144](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/144), [#147](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/147) and [#154](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/154)).
### Bug fixes and code quality
* Fix inconsistent behaviour of recorders (MR [#143](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/143)).
* Fix bug on event initialization (MR [#146](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/146)).
* Fix bad markdown formatting of ports occurring in `jupyterlab` 3.4 (MR [#149](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/149)).
* Fix failed test caused by a regression in `pytest` 7.1 (MR [#142](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/142)).
## 0.12.1 (2022-02-25)
### New features & API changes
* Simplification of driver `Optimizer`:
* Suppression of sub-driver `runner` (MR [#136](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/136)). This change introduces new methods `set_objective`, `add_unknowns` and `add_constraints` in driver `Optimizer`.
* Optimization constraints are now declared with human-readable expressions in `Optimizer.add_constraints` (MR [#138](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/138)).
from cosapp.drivers import Optimizer
s = SomeSystem('s')
optim = s.add_driver(Optimizer('optim'))
optim.runner.add_unknown(['a', 'b', 'p_in.x'])
# Enter constraints as non-negative expressions:
"b - a", # b >= a
"a", # a >= 0
"1 - a", # a <= 1
inequality = False, # p_out.y == 0
optim.add_unknown(['a', 'b', 'p_in.x'])
"b >= a",
"0 <= a <= 1",
"p_out.y == 0",
* New, convenient iterators and setters for ports (MR [#137](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/137)):
from cosapp.base import Port, System
class XyzPort(Port):
def setup(self):
class SomeSystem(System):
def setup(self):
self.add_input(XyzPort, 'p_in')
self.add_output(XyzPort, 'p_out')
def compute(self):
self.p_out.set_from(self.p_in) # assign values from `p_in`
self.p_out.z = 0.0
s = SomeSystem('s')
# Multi-variable setter `set_values`
s.p_in.set_values(x=1, y=-0.5, z=0.1)
# Dict-like (key, value) iterator `items`:
for varname, value in s.p_out.items():
print(f"p_out.{varname} = {value})
### Documentation
* Updated tutorials on ports (MR [#139](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/139)) and on optimization (MR [#140](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/140)).
### Bug fixes and code quality
* Fix bug in Jacobian computation for negative perturbations (MR [#129](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/129)).
* Fix bug in `RunOnce` and `RunSingleCase` recorders with `hold=False` (MR [#130](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/130)).
* Resolve input aliasing in time driver scenarios (MR [#135](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/135)).
* Fix bugs with events (MRs [#123](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/123), [#126](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/126), [#128](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/128)).
* Discard empty connectors, and send a warning (MR [#132](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/132)).
* Other code quality improvements (MRs [#127](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/127), [#131](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/131), [#133](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/133), [#134](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/134)).
## 0.12.0 (2022-01-17)
### New features
* Implementation of multimode systems and hybrid continuous/discrete time solver (MRs [#100](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/100), [#103](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/103), [#105](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/105)-[#108](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/108), [#110](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/110)-[#121](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/121)):
* Possibility to declare events and mode variables in systems.
* New method `System.transition` describing system transition upon the occurrence of events.
* Event detection in `ExplicitTimeDriver`.
* Possibility to specify a stop criterion in time simulation scenarios (MR [#107](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/107)).
### Documentation
* New tutorial on hybrid time simulations and multimode systems (MRs [#116](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/116) and [#120](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/120)).
* Updated build config file following up a bug fix in [github.com/readthedocs](https://github.com/readthedocs/readthedocs.org) (MR [#109](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/109)).
## 0.11.8 (2021-11-24)
### New features & API evolutions
* New module `cosapp.base` (MR [#96](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/96)) containing base classes for user-defined classes (in particular, `Port`, `System` and `Driver`). Also contains `BaseConnector`, base class for custom connectors (see "User-defined and peer-to-peer connectors" below), as well as CoSApp-specific exceptions `ScopeError`, `UnitError` and `ConnectorError`.
**Note:** `Port`, `System` and `Driver` can still be imported from `cosapp.ports`, `cosapp.systems` and `cosapp.drivers`, respectively.
* Public API `cosapp.base.SurrogateModel` to define custom surrogate models used in `System.make_surrogate` (MR [#97](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/97)).
Pre-defined models have been moved to module `cosapp.utils.surrogate_models`.
* System-to-system connections (MR [#94](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/94)).
class LegacyPortToPort(System):
def setup(self):
a = self.add_child(ModelA('a'))
b = self.add_child(ModelB('b'))
# Explicit port-to-port connections
self.connect(a.p_in, b.p_out)
self.connect(a.outwards, b.inwards, {'y': 'x'})
class Alternative(System):
"""Same as `LegacyPortToPort`, with alternative connection syntax"""
def setup(self):
a = self.add_child(ModelA('a'))
b = self.add_child(ModelB('b'))
# Alternative syntax: connect systems, with port or variable mapping
self.connect(a, b, {'p_in': 'p_out', 'y': 'x'})
* User-defined and peer-to-peer connectors (MR [#87](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/87) and MR [#98](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/98)).
import numpy
from copy import deepcopy
from cosapp.base import Port, System, BaseConnector
class DeepCopyConnector(BaseConnector):
"""User-defined deep-copy connector"""
def transfer(self) -> None:
source, sink = self.source, self.sink
for target, origin in self.mapping.items():
value = getattr(source, origin)
setattr(sink, target, deepcopy(value))
class CustomPort(Port):
def setup(self):
self.add_variable('x', 0.0)
self.add_variable('y', 1.0)
class Connector(BaseConnector):
"""Connector for peer-to-peer connections"""
def transfer(self) -> None:
source, sink = self.source, self.sink
sink.x = source.y
sink.y = -source.x
class MyModel(System):
def setup(self):
self.add_input(CustomPort, 'p_in')
self.add_output(CustomPort, 'p_out')
self.add_inward('entry', numpy.identity(3))
self.add_outward('exit', numpy.zeros_like(self.entry))
class Assembly(System):
def setup(self):
a = self.add_child(MyModel('a'))
b = self.add_child(MyModel('b'))
self.connect(a, b, {'exit', 'entry'}, cls=DeepCopyConnector)
self.connect(a.p_in, b.p_out) # will use CustomPort.Connector
### Documentation
* Updated tutorials (MR [#102](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/102)).
* Include latest API evolutions in tutorials on ports and systems.
* New tutorial on user-defined connectors.
* New section on user-defined surrogate models.
### Bug fixes and code quality
* Simplify loop resolution (MR [#77](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/77), [#101](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/101)).
* Improve connector transfer (MR [#99](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/99)).
* Update binder settings, to take advantage of prebuilt plotly extension for jupyter lab (MR [#95](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/95)).
* Other code quality improvements (MR [#76](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/76), [#82](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/82), [#90](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/90)).
## 0.11.7 (2021-09-21)
### New features
* Possibility to define unknowns and equations at solver level (MR [#65](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/65)).
Minor API evolution facilitating the definition of nonlinear problems and of multi-point design problems.
engine = Turbofan('engine')
solver = engine.add_driver(NonLinearSolver('solver'))
# Add design points:
takeoff = solver.add_child(RunSingleCase('takeoff'))
cruise = solver.add_child(RunSingleCase('cruise'))
# Unknowns defined at solver level regarded as *design* unknowns
solver.add_unknown(['fan.diameter', 'core.turbine.inlet.area'])
# Local off-design equations can be directly defined at case level
takeoff.add_equation('thrust == 1.2e5')
cruise.add_equation('Mach == 0.8')
* New recursive iterator `tree()` for systems and drivers, yielding all elements in a composite tree (MR [#68](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/68)).
head = CompositeSystem('head')
bottom_to_top = [s.name for s in head.tree()]
top_to_bottom = [s.name for s in head.tree(downwards=True)]
* Visitor pattern for composite collections of systems, drivers and ports (MR [#68](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/68)).
from cosapp.patterns.visitor import Visitor, send as send_visitor
class DataCollector(Visitor):
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
def visit_system(self, system):
key = system.full_name()
self.data.setdefault(key, {})
self.data[key]['children'] = [
child.name for child in system.children.values()
send_visitor(self, system.inputs.values())
def visit_port(self, port):
# specify what to do with a port
def visit_driver(self, driver):
# specify what to do with a driver
head = CompositeSystem('head')
collector = DataCollector()
send_visitor(collector, head.tree())
### Documentation
* New tutorials, and new "Tips & Tricks" notebook (MR [#71](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/71)).
### Bug fixes and code quality
* Improved tests on clean/dirty status (MR [#66](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/66)).
* Bug fix in tutorial notebook on validation (MR [#67](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/67)).
* Code quality improvements (MR [#69](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/69)).
* Make `System.exec_order` a view on `System.children` dictionary keys, rather than an independent attribute (MR [#70](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/70)). Execution order can still be specified, via a dedicated setter for `exec_order`.
* Fix solver bugs occurring when system structure changes (MR [#73](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/73)).
## 0.11.6 (2021-06-25)
### Bug fixes and code quality
* Resolve unknown aliasing for pulled input variables (MR [#58](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/58)).
* Resolve bugs and issues related to `add_target` (MR [#61](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/61)).
* Fix wrong comparison of Jacobian matrix `jac is None` after converting it as a `numpy` array (MR [#56](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/56)).
* Set transparent background in `PortMarkdownFormatter` (MR [#59](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/59)).
* Other code quality improvements (MR [#55](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/55), [#57](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/57), [#60](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/60)).
## 0.11.5 (2021-05-07)
### New features
* **New [binder container](https://mybinder.org/v2/gl/cosapp%2Fcosapp/master?urlpath=lab/tree/docs/tutorials)**,
allowing anyone to run interactively the tutorials used in the online documentation
(MR [#30](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/30) and [#36](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/36)).
* **Deferred equations to set targets:**
New method `add_target`, defining a deferred equation on on a target variable (MR [#48](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/48)).
In effect, `add_target` creates an equation whose right-hand side is evaluated dynamically prior to each execution of the nonlienar solver.
In the example below, the feature is illustrated in design mode. Outward `z` is a function of two independent variables `x` and `y`.
When design method `'target_z'` is activated, the actual value of `z`, set interactively, is used as a target value, with unknown `y`:
class SystemWithTarget(System):
def setup(self):
self.add_inward('x', 1.0)
self.add_inward('y', 1.0)
self.add_outward('z', 1.0)
# Define design problem with a target on `z`
design = self.add_design_method('target_z')
def compute(self):
self.z = self.x * self.y**2
s = SystemWithTarget('s')
solver = s.add_driver(NonLinearSolver('solver', tol=1e-9))
# Activate design method 'target_z': outward `z` becomes a target
s.x = 0.5
s.y = 0.5
s.z = 2.0 # set target
assert s.y == pytest.approx(2) # solution of x * y**2 == 2
assert s.z == pytest.approx(2)
s.z = 4.0 # dynamically set new target
assert s.y == pytest.approx(np.sqrt(8)) # solution of x * y**2 == 4
assert s.z == pytest.approx(4)
Targets can be also be declared in off-design mode, by calling `self.add_target(...)` in `System.setup`.
### Documentation
* Updated tutorials on `System`, `Driver`, and design methods (MR [#41](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/41)).
* Typo fix and improvements in time driver tutorial (MR [#33](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/33))
### Bug fixes, minor improvements and code quality
* Report variable name in unit-related Connector warning message (MR [#32](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/32)).
* Automatically include field `time` in `DataFrame` recorders attached to a time driver (MR [#34](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/34)).
* Bug fix in `MonteCarlo` driver (MR [#37](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/37)).
* Replace `conda` by `mamba` in CI scripts (MR [#39](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/39)).
* Revamp markdown and JS rendering of systems and ports (MR [#40](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/40) and [#43](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/43), [#47](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/47) and [#51](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/51)).
* Fix bug in `rate` type inference (MR [#44](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/44)).
* Other code quality improvement (MR [#35](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/35), [#38](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/38), [#42](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/42), [#46](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/46), [#50](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/50), [#52](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/52), [#53](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/53)).
## 0.11.4 (2021-03-08)
### New features
* Recorders:
It is now possible to add evaluable expressions in recorders (MR [#27](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/27)):
point = PointMass('point')
driver = point.add_driver(RungeKutta(order=3, time_interval=(0, 2), dt=0.01))
recorder = driver.add_recorder(recorders.DataFrameRecorder(
includes=['x', 'a', 'norm(v)']), # norm(v) will be recorded in DataFrame
### Documentation
* New tutorial on `SystemSurrogate` (MR [#15](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/15)).
### Bug fixes, minor improvements and code quality
* Initialization bug in time simulations (MR [#23](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/23)).
* Bug in nonlinearity estimation in `NumericalSolver` (MR [#22](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/22)).
* Do not raise `ArithmeticError` when an unknown is declared several time (MR [#18](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/18)).
* Suppress deprecation warnings raised by `numpy` (MR [#20](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/20) and [#24](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/24)).
* Suppress undue warning raised by `numpy` in `NonLinearSolver` (MR [#19](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/19)).
* Fix incompatibility between `pandas` and `xlrd` (MR [#21](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/21)).
* Other code quality improvement (MR [#16](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/16), [#17](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/17), [#26](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/26), [#27](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/27)).
## 0.11.3 (2020-12-16)
### New features
* Surrogate models:
It is now possible to create a surrogate model at any system level with new method `System.make_surrogate` (MR [#3](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/3) and [#12](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/12)):
plane = Aeroplane('plane') # system with subsystems engine1 and engine2
# Say engine systems have one input parameter `fuel_rate`
# and possibly several outputs, and many sub-systems
# Create training schedule for input data
doe = pandas.DataFrame(
# loads of input data
columns=['fuel_rate', 'fan.diameter', ..] # input names
plane.engine1.make_surrogate(doe) # generates output data and train model
plane.run_once() # executes the surrogate model of `engine1` instead of original compute()
# dump model to file
# load model into `engine2`:
# deactivate surrogate model on demand
plane.engine1.active_surrogate = plane.engine2.active_surrogate = False
### Bug fixes, minor improvements and code quality
* Add several US-common unit conversions (MR [#2](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/2)).
* New method to export cosapp system structure into a dictionary (MR [#5](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/5))
* Make recorders capture port and system properties (MR [#8](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/8)).
* Fix Module/System naming bug: *'inwards' and 'outwards' are allowed as Module/System names* (MR [#9](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/9)).
* Broad code quality improvement (MR [#11](https://gitlab.com/cosapp/cosapp/-/merge_requests/11)).
* Replace `typing.NoReturn` by `None` when appropriate.
* Rewording pass, typo and error fixes in tutorial notebooks.
* Suppress a `DeprecationWarning` raised by `numpy` in class `Variable`.
* Reformat many strings as Python f-strings, for clarity.
* Symplify many occurrences of `str.join()` for just two elements.
Global rewording of tutorial notebooks, including a few error fixes.
## 0.11.2 (2020-09-28)
First open-source version.
No major code change; mostly updates of license files, URLs in docs, and CI scripts.
## 0.11.1 (2020-07-22)
### Features
* Add the possibility to set boundary condition of transient simulation from interpolate profile.
* Add the possibility to prescribe a maximum step for transient variables.
### Bugs and code quality
* Bug fix in `RunOnce` driver, preventing undue call to `run_once` method.
* Bug fix in AssignString: force copy for numpy arrays.
* New tutorial for advanced features of time simulations in CosApp.
## 0.11.0 (2020-05-12)
### Features
* Improve documentation at various places, add documentation about the cosapp packages structure and sequence diagram for transient simulation.
* Add a advanced logger feature for CoSApp simulations.
* Update FMU export to PythonFMU 0.6.0
* New method `System.add_property` allowing users to create read-only properties.
### Bugs and code quality
* Suppress deprecation warnings raised by external dependencies.
* Fix bug in AssignString with arrays, `AssignString` of the kind `'x = [0, 1, 2]'` won't change variable `x` into an array of integers, if `x` is declared as an array of floats.
* Fix `TimeStackUnknown` not able to stack transient variables defined on a children System or with partially pulled transient variable.
* Fix the bug related to the initialization of `rate` attributes in systems.
## 0.10.2 (2020-04-21)
### Features
* [BETA] Export CoSApp System as FMU
### Bugs and code quality
* Apply Broyden correction on Jacobian matrix for iteration without Jacobian update
* Support varying time step
* Fix time not being set before `setup_run` are called.
* Fix reference for residues in `IterativeConnector` (it equals 1. now)
* Drop pyhamcrest for pytest
## 0.10.1 (2020-01-15)
### Features
* Time varying boundary conditions are now possible:
system = MySystem('something') # system with transient variables x and v
driver = system.add_driver(RungeKutta(time_interval=(0, 2), dt=0.01, order=3))
init = {'x': 0.5, 'v': 0}, # initial conditions
values =
'omega': 0.7,
'F_ext': '0.6 * cos(omega * t)' # explicit time-dependency
### Bugs and code quality
* Fix various bug on the transient simulation front
* Correct implementation of step limitation in the Newton-Raphson solver
* Using a logger at `DEBUG` level will now display the call stack through the systems and drivers
* Rework of the Python evaluable string to be more efficient
## 0.10.0 (2019-10-23)
* Introduce continuous time simulations with dedicated time drivers (see `TimeDriver` notebook in tutorials).
* Suppress notion of (un)freeze; all variables are considered as known, unless explicitly declared as unknowns.
* Drivers no longer use ports.
* Connectors are now stored by parent system.
* Migrate to pytest.
### API Changes
* Ports:
* `add_variable("x", units="m", types=Number)` => `add_variable("x", unit="m", dtype=Number)`
* `freeze` => removed
* `unfreeze` => replaced by `add_unknown` in Systems and Drivers
* `connect_to` => replaced by `connect` at system level
* Systems:
* `time_ref` is no longer an argument of method `compute`:
`def compute(self, time_ref):` => `def compute(self):`
* Create a new connection between `a.in1` and `b.out`:
`self.a.in1.connect_to(self.b.out)` => `self.connect(self.a.in1, self.b.out)`
* `add_residues` => `add_equation`
* `set_numerical_default` => Pass keyword to `add_unknown`
* `add_inward("x", units="m", types=Number)` => `add_inward("x", unit="m", dtype=Number)`
* `add_outward("x", units="m", types=Number)` => `add_outward("x", unit="m", dtype=Number)`
* Drivers:
* `add_unknowns(maximal_absolute_step, maximal_relative_step, low_bound, high_bound)` => `add_unknown(max_abs_step, max_rel_step, lower_bound, upper_bound)`
* `add_equations` => `add_equation`
* Equations are now represented by a unique string, instead of two strings (left-hand-side, right-hand-side):
`add_equations("a", "b")` => `add_equation("a == b")`
`add_equations([("x", "2 * y + 1"), ("a", "b")])` => `add_equation(["x == 2 * y + 1", "a == b"])`
* For `NonLinearSolver`:
`fatol` and `xtol` => `tol`
`maxiter` => `max_iter`
* For `Optimizer`:
`ftol` => `tol`
`maxiter` => `max_iter`
## 0.9.6 (2019-10-10)
* More correction for VISjs viewer and System HTML representation
## 0.9.5 (2019-09-25)
* Correct D3 & VISjs Viewers
## 0.9.4 (2019-09-25)
* Introduce an optional environment variable `COSAPP_CONFIG_DIR`
## 0.9.3 (2019-07-25)
### API Changes
* MonteCarlo:
* `Montecarlo` => `MonteCarlo`
* `Montecarlo.add_input_vars` => `MonteCarlo.add_random_variable`
* `Montecarlo.add_response_vars` => `MonteCarlo.add_response`
* MonteCarlo has been improved by using Sobol random generator
* Viewers code on `System` is moved in a subpackage of `cosapp.tools`
* Residue reference is now calculated only once
* Various bug fix
## 0.9.2 (2019-07-01)
* In nonlinear solver, store LU factorization of the Jacobian matrix, rather than its inverse.
* Minor refactoring of the core source code, with no API changes
## 0.9.1 (2019-04-23)
* Create `Variable` class to manage variable attributes
* `watchdog` is now optional
* Configuration is now inside a folder `$HOME/.cosapp.d`
* API changes:
- `get_latest_solution` => `save_solution`
- `load_solver_solution` => `load_solution`
* Various bug fix
## 0.9.0 (2019-03-04)
This release introduces lots of API changes:
* Core ports and unit are available in `cosapp.ports`
* Core systems are available in `cosapp.systems`
* Core drivers are available in `cosapp.drivers`
* Core recorders are available in `cosapp.recorders`
* Core tools are available in `cosapp.tools`
* Core notebook tools are available in `cosapp.notebook` (! this is now a separated package)
* `data` have been renamed in `inwards` and `add_data` in `add_inward`
* `locals` have been renamed in `outwards` and `add_locals` in `add_outward`
* `BaseRecorder.record_iteration` renamed in `BaseRecorder.record_state`
- Huge code refractoring: cosapp is now a [Python namespace](https://packaging.python.org/guides/packaging-namespace-packages).
- `cosapp.notebook` has been moved to an independent package `cosapp_notebook`. But it is still accessible from `cosapp.notebook`.
- Introduce *Signal* / *Slot* pattern to connect to internal event (implementation from [signalslot](https://github.com/Numergy/signalslot), included in `cosapp.core.signal`)
* `Module.setup_ran`: Signal emitted after the `call_setup_run` execution
* `Module.computed`: Signal emitted after the full `compute` stack (i.e.: `_postcompute`)
* `Module.clean_ran`: Signal emitted after the `call_clean_run` execution
* `BaseRecorder.state_recorded`: Signale emitted after the `record_state` execution
## 0.8.0 (2018-10-26)
- Add Jacobian partial matrix update
- Add numerical features to variables to ease convergence control
- Add monitoring of solver residues
- Add restoration of solver result for initialization
- Rework residues and unknowns handling (remove virtual port and pulling port)
- Rework optimizer to be more homogeneous with non-linear solver
- Improve linear Monte Carlo computation time
- Improve data viewer for non-linear solver
- Create viewer for Monte Carlo
- Add dropdown widget for enum variables
## 0.7.0 (2018-09-17)
- Add helper functions to present solver evolutions
- Add new d3 visualization of systems
## 0.6.0 (2018-08-14)
- Implement clean-dirty policy
- Restore compatibility with Python 3.4
- Display influence matrix
## 0.5.0 (2018-07-20)
- Simplify drivers structure, all actions for a case are supported by a single class `RunSingleCase`
- Add support for vector variables; they can be partially (un)frozen and are handled correctly by the solver.
- Add `MonteCarlo` driver
- Add recording data capability
## 0.4.0 (2018-06-15)
- `System` and `Driver` have now a common ancestor `Module` => `Driver` variables are now stored as data or locals
- Add visualization of `System` connections based on N2 graph (syntax: `cosapp.viewmodel(mySystem)`)
## 0.3.0 (2018-04-05)
**API changes:** `System.add_driver` and `Driver.add_child` take now an instance of `Driver`
- Add external code caller System
- Add validation range attributes on variables
- Add variable visibility
- Add metamodel training and DoE generator
- Add helper function to list inputs and outputs variables of a `System`
## 0.2.0 (2018-03-01)
* Stabilization of the user API
## 0.1.0 (2018-01-02)
* First release.