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# copy2hash
## Copy or rename any file(s) to a _hash-secured_ filename via terminal
`copy2hash` copies or renames file(s) with regular titles to file(s) with a _hash-secured_ title by using the terminal or in `python`-framework. Having unique filenames is essential for the correct indexing of databases, especially if the data come from different pipelines. Also, it is important if the filename or/and directory contains _meta_-information, which extend the length of the valid file lengths.
Having _regular_-filename pairs such as `example.input` ⇄ `example.output` can brings very fast confusion and makes analysis of data very confusing. The secured hash algorithms (**SHA**) [1-5] in `copy2hash` provides a safe way to generate distinguishable filenames like:
`example.input` ⇄ `example.output` ⟶ `7e2229daab26b247b877565505b6aaf131014f2cb64e4c4ca796fbe0dc2fadc4.input` ⇄ `4bd077ed771af9ad97e3f2dc45583a14af014ebafb73a846f2436a168ae3eafa.output`
The following **SHA** algorithms [1-5] are available:
1. `sha1`
2. `sha224`
3. `sha256`
4. `sha384`
5. `sha512`
6. `blake2b`
7. `blake2s`
8. `md5`
9. `sha3_224`
10. `sha3_256`
11. `sha3_384`
12. `sha3_512`
13. `shake_128` with fixed `32` character length
14. `shake_256` with fixed `32` character length
and the copied or moved processed will be automatically logged as:
1. `*.csv`-file:
2. `*.json`-file
3. `*.pkl`-file
4. `*.txt`-file
5. `*.yaml`-file
6. `*.xml`-file
## Installation
`pip install copy2hash`
`pip install https://github.com/Anselmoo/copy2hash.git`
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install
## Requirments
1. Python3 >= 3.6
2. [dict2xml>=1.7.0](https://github.com/lucasicf/dict2xml)
3. [PyYAML>=5.3.1](https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml)
## Usage
╰─ copy2hash * -h
usage: copy2hash [-h] [-r [REPORT [REPORT ...]]] [-rn REPORT_NAME]
[-s [SHA [SHA ...]]] [-dir DIRECTORY] [-mv] [-fxt] [-sxt]
[-nfxt] [-ver] [-v]
[infile [infile ...]]
copy or rename any file(s) to a hash-secured filename via terminal
positional arguments:
infile file(s) to copy or to rename with regular filename to
secured hash filename
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r [REPORT [REPORT ...]], --report [REPORT [REPORT ...]]
define one or a series of file format(s) for the
rename-report(s) to retrace the copying or rename of
the file(s). The availabel file formats are:'csv',
'json', 'pkl', 'txt', 'yaml', 'xml', or own file-
extension as ASCII; default is 'json'
-rn REPORT_NAME, --report_name REPORT_NAME
define the report name for the copied or move file(s);
default is 'copy_report'
-s [SHA [SHA ...]], --sha [SHA [SHA ...]]
define one or a series of secure hash algorithms (sha)
for copying or rename of the file(s). The availabel
secure hash algorithms (sha) are: 'sha1', 'sha224',
'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512', 'blake2b', 'blake2s',
'md5', 'sha3_224', 'sha3_256', 'sha3_384', 'sha3_512',
'shake_128', 'shake_256'; default 'sha256'. The
'shake_128' and 'shake_256' are defined for 32
character length.
-dir DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
replace the standard directory ('./') by a specific
directory ('./path'). If the specific directory not
exist, the directory will be created. This can
required sudo rights.
-mv, --move moving the file(s) instead of copying the files with
regular filename to secure hash filename
-fxt, --file_extension
replaced the given file-extension by the abbreviations
of the used secure hash algorithms (sha)
-sxt, --file_suffix removed the given file-extension and add a suffix in
front of the file based on the abbreviations of the
used secure hash algorithms (sha). It is seperated by
colon like 'sha256-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427a
-nfxt, --no_file_extension
removed the any file-extension and just copy or move
the file(s) as sha renamed file(s)
-ver, --verbose enable the verbose mode
-v, --version displays the current version of cop2hash
## Other Examples
For keeping the regular file-extension, use:
`copy2hash * -r json csv yaml`
| _regular_-filename | | _sha256_-filename |
| ------------------ | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `example.out` | → | `c8e1f67ad67b8f456afe76b5eb5d6dd0a919b1537cd67b9419f86158e4d9c1b4.out` |
| `example.t` | → | `97c7bc3705df72f76cf3d3d55228751bc6895a488fb004b112914d4a05447c16.t` |
| `example.tx` | → | `11297eae82d7866c4dd42e79b8082a5256fa3d54e7e1bf60ab87747e9b664303.tx` |
| `example.txt` | → | `e7cb632359a2be17c1008b50f9ec85691cd5d66834d5fe8f63ef65ceb06682ee.txt` |
| `example_1.txt` | → | `85a6fae2fca1342a85222088ff0342cbea8222e4140aba96690691c9d58e5786.txt` |
| `example_2.txt` | → | `0329cb55ddfab933d9753686ddb193148003611df672a4a41aad014ead4767f9.txt` |
| `example_l.txt` | → | `eb4d990362cbf5cccd0b49374b71ca3f799c7262352c9fda7ba875ba034f7168.txt` |
Removing the regular file-extension and adding the SHA-key in front, use:
`copy2hash * -r json csv yaml -sxt`
| _regular_-filename | | _sha256_-filename |
| ------------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `example.out` | → | `sha256-c8e1f67ad67b8f456afe76b5eb5d6dd0a919b1537cd67b9419f86158e4d9c1b4` |
| `example.t` | → | `sha256-97c7bc3705df72f76cf3d3d55228751bc6895a488fb004b112914d4a05447c16` |
| `example.tx` | → | `sha256-11297eae82d7866c4dd42e79b8082a5256fa3d54e7e1bf60ab87747e9b664303` |
| `example.txt` | → | `sha256-e7cb632359a2be17c1008b50f9ec85691cd5d66834d5fe8f63ef65ceb06682ee` |
| `example_1.txt` | → | `sha256-85a6fae2fca1342a85222088ff0342cbea8222e4140aba96690691c9d58e5786` |
| `example_2.txt` | → | `sha256-0329cb55ddfab933d9753686ddb193148003611df672a4a41aad014ead4767f9` |
| `example_l.txt` | → | `sha256-eb4d990362cbf5cccd0b49374b71ca3f799c7262352c9fda7ba875ba034f7168` |
### More Examples
Generate a report in the `json`- and `yaml`-format:
`copy2hash example.input example.output -r json yaml`
"index": [0, 1],
"filename": ["example.input", "example.output"],
"mode": ["copy", "copy"],
"home_dir": [".", "."],
"copy_dir": [".", "."],
"sha256": [
- .
- .
- example.input
- example.output
- .
- .
- 0
- 1
- copy
- copy
- 7e2229daab26b247b877565505b6aaf131014f2cb64e4c4ca796fbe0dc2fadc4.input
- 4bd077ed771af9ad97e3f2dc45583a14af014ebafb73a846f2436a168ae3eafa.output
## Using as Built-in
from copy2hash import copy2hash
from pathlib import Path
args = {
"infile": list(Path("test").glob("example1.txt")),
"report": ["json"],
"report_name": "copy_report",
"sha": ["sha256"],
"directory": None,
"move": None,
"file_extension": False,
"file_suffix": False,
"no_file_extension": False,
"verbose": True,
"version": False,
## Author
- [Anselm Hahn](https://github.com/Anselmoo)
## Contributions
I'm happy to accept how to improve batchplot; please forward your [issues](https://github.com/Anselmoo/copy2hash/issues) or [pull requests](https://github.com/Anselmoo/copy2hash/pulls).
Keep in mind that [pull requests](https://github.com/Anselmoo/copy2hash/pulls) have to pass TravisCI in combination with [flake8](https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8), [black](https://github.com/psf/black), and [pydocstyle](https://github.com/PyCQA/pydocstyle).
## License
The source code of `copy2hash` is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/Anselmoo/copy2hash/blob/master/LICENSE).
## References
1. https://docs.python.org/3/library/hashlib.html
2. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1321.html
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NIST_hash_function_competition
4. https://131002.net/blake/
5. https://docs.python.org/3/library/hashlib.html#hashlib.blake2