Coppyr (Copp-**er**) is a collecton of useful Python boilerplate that I find
myself reusing frequently between projects.
- subp_
- singleton_
- Singleton_
- Namespace_
- Context_
- lazyproperty_
- CoppyrError_
Convenience wrapper around ``subprocess.run`` that abstracts many of the
common options and features (such as ``subprocess.PIPE`` passing).
>>> from coppyr import subp
>>> retcode, stdout, stederr = subp.call("lsb_release -a")
>>> print retcode
>>> print stdout
['Distributor ID:\tUbuntu', 'Description:\tUbuntu 18.04.3 LTS',
'Release:\t18.04', 'Codename:\tbionic', '']
>>> print stderr
['No LSB modules are available.', '']
*Note*: ``STDOUT`` and ``STDERR`` are returned as ``List`` objects with each
line as a ``String``. This includes empty lines which become empty strings.
.. _Singleton:
Base object that implements the Singleton pattern pythonically. Future inits
of this object will return previously the first created object.
>>> from coppyr.types import Singleton
>>> first = Singleton()
>>> first
<singleton.Singleton object at 0x7fa72df4cd30>
>>> second = Singleton()
>>> second
<singleton.Singleton object at 0x7fa72df4cd30>
This object can be used as a base class or mixin to add Singleton behavior to
custom objects.
**Warning:** When inheriting from Singleton it is neccessary to override the
``_instance`` class attribute to ensure that you don't inadvertantly store your
subclass instance in the parent class variable
(``types.Singleton._instance``). For the same reason, you should also
override ``_init`` as well.
class MySingletonClass(Singleton):
_instance = None
_init = False
.. _Namespace:
Simple Singleton object that stores KV pairs.
>>> from coppyr.singleton import Namespace
>>> ns = Namespace()
>>> ns.foo = "bar"
>>> ns.foo
>>> ns2 = Namespace()
>>> ns2.foo
Returns ``None`` if the key is not in the namespace.
>>> ns.baz
**Warning:** Just like ``Singleton``, child objects should override the
class ``_instance`` and ``_init`` attributes.
__getattr__(self, attr)
When an attribute does not exist, a ``Namespace`` will return ``None``
instead of raising an ``AttributeError``.
This is intended as an interpreter local object that can store common state
between executing threads/coroutines. It's a convenient tool to provide
access to shared utilities such as logging, environment information, and
other shared utilities for an application.
>>> from coppyr import Context
>>> context = Context()
>>> context.action_id
>>> context.inc_action_id()
>>> context.action_id
This is a decorator that will turn a class method into a property that is
evaluated once. This is a useful performance optimization for class elements
that require computation but do not change overtime.
>>> from coppyr import lazyproperty
>>> class Foo:
... def __init__(self):
... self.a = 5
... self.b = 6
... @lazyproperty
... def c(self):
... return self.a + self.b
>>> x = Foo()
>>> x.c
>>> x.a = 6
>>> x.c
11 # c remains 11
Simple boilerplate for readable, consistent, custom error messages. Adds a
`dict` representation that can be used for easy(ish) conversion to JSON for
web use cases.
>>> from coppyr import CoppyrError
>>> class MyError(CoppyrError):
... description = "Doom 2: Hell on earth."
>>> err = MyError()
>>> raise err
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
__main__.MyError: Doom 2: Hell on earth.
>>> err
MyError(message=Doom 2: Hell on earth., payload={})
>>> err.to_dict()
{'error': 'MyError', 'message': 'Doom 2: Hell on earth.', 'payload': {}}