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# Copinicoos
Copinicoos is a <a href="https://scihub.copernicus.eu/dhus/#/home">Copernicus</a> satellite image download manager.
Copinicoos can ...
1. Automate the download of all results in a search query.
2. Download in parallel processes, for faster downloads.
3. Manage polling for offline products.
4. Stop and resume downloads, anytime!
## Install
pip install copinicoos
## Usage
### Interactive Mode
To launch,
py -m copinicoos
And then follow on-screen prompt:
1. Enter Download Directory. Where products will be downloaded to. Entering nothing will default to current directory.
2. Enter number of Corpernicus accounts. Each account will initialise 2 parallel download processes.
3. Authenticate accounts by entering login credentials.
4. Enter query. This can be obtained from Copernicus Open Hub `Request Done: ( ... )`. Just copy that whole string.
5. Enter Polling Interval. Entering nothing will use default.
6. Enter offline product download retries. Entering nothing will use default.
#### Resume download
Again, launch
py -m copinicoos
And then follow on-screen prompt:
1. Enter download directory containing `copinicoos_logs`. Or, if current working directory has `copinicoos_logs`, entering nothing will resume download from current working directory's savepoint. Savepoints are stored inside `copinicoos_logs`.
2. Agree to resume download
3. Enter Polling Interval. Entering nothing will use default.
4. Enter offline product download retries. Entering nothing will use default.
### Argparse Mode
This mode is so that copinicoos can be called from a script.
All options:
py -m copinicoos <subcommand> -d <download-location> -r <offline-retries> -p <polling-interval>
- resume
- fresh
#### resume
py -m copinicoos resume
Resume download from savepoint in current working directory.
py -m copinicoos resume -d <download directory>
Resume download from savepoint in `<download directory>`.
#### fresh
py -m copinicoos fresh <query> <credentials>
Start a fresh download.
Input can be read from a text file by affixing `@` to file name eg.
py -m copinicoos fresh @query.txt @secrets.json
eg. Inside `query.txt`
( footprint:"Intersects(POLYGON((91.45532862800384 22.42016942838278,91.34620270146559 22.43895934481047,91.32598614177974 22.336847270362682,91.4350291249018 22.31804599405974,91.45532862800384 22.42016942838278)))" ) AND ( (platformname:Sentinel-1 AND producttype:GRD))
eg. Inside `secrets.json`
Note: `"` has to be escaped, ie `\"`, if parsing directly to the cmd.
#### For more details:
py -m copinicoos --help
## Logs
Logs can be found in a folder named `copinicoos_logs` in the same directory where products are downloaded to. Manually deleting `copinicoos_logs` will restart the download.
A summary of finished downloads can be found in `copinicoos_logs\WorkerManager.log`. Resume points are saved in `<InstanceName>_progress.txt`